Only Those Transferred To Arlington!


Registered Users (C)
Checking up on all 485 cases transferred to arlington (april/may June 2000 timeframe).

My case was transferred on May 18th and still no interview letter.

PD Current
RD/ND Jan 2000
Country Canada

When will this horror end???
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My case Got transferred from vermont to baltimore and from baltimore to arlington. Arlington received my file on August 22.

TD to Baltimore:05/17/01
TD from Baltimore to Arlington : 08/22/01

I have no idea when they will schedule an interview.
Still waiting

My case was tranffered on May 18th.
485 ND Oct 99, almost two years.

Still waiting... for interview.

Updated List for Arlington Xfers

Hello Ace-

I am assuming that you case has been xfered to Arlington, VA. Here is the list of ppl whose cases have been xfered (including mine)


Last Approval

Fusheng Tsai - PD: 04/00, ND: 04/00 , FP: 11/00, Xfer: 5/01, ID and AD:08/13, Officer G (Family Based)

anxious - PD: 10/98, ND: 02/00, FP: 03/01, Xfer: 05/01 - WAITING
dhanush - PD: 10/98, ND: 10/99, FP: 03/01, Xfer: 05/18- WAITING
vdamineni - PD:_/_, ND: 03/00 , FP: 03/01, Xfer - 07/01- WAITING
GC4VP - PD: 01/97, ND: 06/00, FP: 11/00, Xfer: 07/01- WAITING
kobra - PD: 03/00, ND: _/_, FP: 11/00, RFE: 03/01, Xfer: 06/01 -WAITING
ashwariya - PD: _/_, ND: 10/00, FP: 03/01, Xfer 09/01 - WAITING
nov29 - PD: _/_, ND:11/01, FP:_/_, Xfer 09/01 - WAITING
ACE - PD: _/_, ND: 01/00, FP:_/_, Xfer 05/01 - WAITING
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Can you also add my details to list. Did anybody try to contact the arlington office. Did anybody go in person to find out how long its going to take? I am planning to go there next week to see which cases they are processing now.

I\'m planning to go on either Tues or Wed next week.

I\'ll post the details of my adventure next week.
No Point of going to Arlington Office

I went to Arlington office last week. they will not consider or reply unless your RD is past 20 months. ACE and DNIUSH can go to INS office since their case is pending for more than 20 months of their RD.
I\'ll keep you guys posted

I\'ll keep you guys posted. I doubt that I will get anything accomplished. We have all experienced the ignorance of the INS...ESPECIALLY Arlington.

Its just a waste of time

Hi Ashwariya,

I went to Arlington INS office twice. They just told me that I just have to wait. When I asked how long, replied me that they don\'t know.

Last month, I contacted congressman and got reply stating that Arlington INS office is conducting interviews for those who applied 485 in January, 1999 and it may take another 6 to 9 months to get my turn. So I have to wait another 6 months !

In my company, who applied their 485 in jan 2001 are getting approved.
I don\'t understand why this punishment for me and trasferees. The people who started their GC in two years back are getting approvals. I don\'t know when I am going to relieve from the clutches of INS.

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Hard Luck Dhanush, must have been frustrating experience for sure. We have been seeing approvals all around us, there was an approval today of even Jan 01 cases and here we are struck with lethargic Arlington INS office that seems to be worst of all.

Good Luck to all of us, not sure how much our patience is going to last.
Updated List for Arlington Xfers

anxious - PD:10/98, ND:02/00, FP:03/01, Xfer:05/01 - WAITING
ACE - PD:_/_, ND:01/00, FP:_/_, Xfer:05/01 - WAITING
rvaldez - PD:03/99, ND:01/00, FP:03/01, Xfer:05/01 - WAITING
dhanush - PD:10/98, ND:10/99, FP:03/01, Xfer:05/18- WAITING
kobra - PD:03/00, ND:_/_, FP:11/00, RFE:03/01, Xfer:06/01 - WAITING
vdamineni - PD:_/_, ND:03/00 , FP:03/01, Xfer:07/01- WAITING
GC4VP - PD:01/97, ND:06/00, FP:11/00, Xfer:07/01- WAITING
SuG - PD:_/_, ND:11/00, FP:_/_, Xfer:08/01 - WAITING
ashwariya - PD:_/_, ND:10/00, FP:03/01, Xfer:09/01 - WAITING
nov29 - PD: _/_, ND:11/00 , FP:_/_, Xfer 09/01 - WAITING
iexp - PD:10/98, ND:02/00, FP:_/_, Xfer:05/01 -WAITING

Ordered by Xfer date to Arlington, VA