Only Those Transferred To Arlington!

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My PD is: 10/00
FP is : 03/01

I dont see any other transferees before May 2001, so does that mean there are no transferees before that?

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Thanks for your infomation SuG, I have updated the list... Yeah there are not many approvals I have seen before the date. Even I have been wondering the same..
Have get together and try to organize meeting with congressman

Guys instead of sitting on our bum and wait forever for Arlington office , lets try to raise our voice and talk to local congresssman.
Let us meet together this weekend ...We have to work together to get this thing done...other wise we will wait forever..
Any Movement with the interviews

Wondering what is happening at Arlington, have not seen any movement for anyone. What\'s going on.....

What is Arlington\'s official stance anyways?

Does anyone know what INS Arlington\'s official line is anyways? Is it 20 months since RD, 6 months from Tfr or something else, or is there even ANY criterion?

My case is RD Jan\'2000, Tfr 5/1/01 and I still haven\'t heard anything at all. I have finally contacted the congressman a couple of days back; lets see what they can find out.

And BTW, KOBRA, your mail is bouncing since you are apparently over your mail quota. Please let us know where we can contact you regarding your suggestion to follow up things with the local congressman.

PD 11/05/99, RD 02/05/01, ND 02/13/01, Live in Fairfax, VA

First time I am seeing this thread. I am shivering now....

EB2, India, PD 11/05/99, RD 02/05/01, ND 02/13/01, Live in Fairfax, VA

Guys, is there anyway I can stop my case getting transferred to Arlington INS. I don\'t want to be in the situation that you guys are in. It is so sad and it is discrimination. Just by living in VA area, we are paying the price. Had we live in different state, we could have not gone through this pain. I think time to meet the VA congressman or Senator.

We can meet them in group. Let me know your thoughts.
I went to Arlington office last week


I\'ve accomplished 2 things in the recent days. First, I went to the Arlington office last Wednesday hoping to get a sign of life out of my case. I must admit the clerk was very friendly this time around. She told me that there is nothing wrong with my application it is just in a "pending an interview" status. She believes I will receive my interview notice very very soon. She also told me that no interview notices have been mailed out since early September (assume what you will).

Second, I wrote and mailed a letter (and sent it email) to both Senator George Allen & John Warner. Although, I spoke specifically about my case, I made a plea on behalf of all us transferees. I did my best to explain the torment and injustice we are all going through, while the VSC is in the process of adjudicating Jan 2001 cases (this burns me!).

I\'ll let you guys know if I actually receive a reply
ACE, question for you

Did the INS Arlington people indicate at all when they plan to send out any more interview notices.

For what its worth, Congressman Davis\'s staff responded to my emailed message indicating that "it is taking 24-28 months for INS Arlington to schedule the interviews." I doubt if that is true, but then again I\'ll be hitting 24 months if I don\'t get a call in the next couple of months, so it might just be true :-(
INS Arlington

Two of my friends went through Arlington. Their cases were marriage-based and that\'s what that INS primarily does. Both told me they are adamant about 20 month tule - it is written on their notices and posted inside the building. They will not talk to you nor check into your case unless 20 months since RD has passed.

I think that your application stand in line together with all the marriage-based GCs with the same RD. My lawyer said there is no separate line. (I\'m worried I may join you soon so I did some research). That\'s why it takes so long.
Ivy2000, not sure about your theory!!

I am not quite sure if that theory is correct. There are now at least 3 of us who are clearly past the 20 month benchmark and there has been no action on our applications.

BTW, I wrote to the congressman with the 20-month "rule" indicating that I had already waited more than that. He responded saying that the 20-month thing is for people who file directly with INS Arlington. The transfer cases are treated differently and the processing takes 24-28 months (He didn\'t specify if that time was from the transfer date or the RD/ND, but I guess it is safe to believe that it can\'t be Transfer Date)

However, for the 3-4 cases that have been approved in the last 6 months or so, the average statistics were: 21 1/2 months from RD and about 6 months from Transfer Date.
No theory works


No theory works at INS offices not only Arlington, but all over USA. All you need is a luck. Long back, I started calculating statistics and found nothing works but luck.

I finished 24 months RD and 5 months TD, no news yet from Arlington INS. Please find above link that I posted earlier by Shrini100. His PD Feb 98, RD Oct\'99, TD: Jun 01, Interview Date July 16, 01(I spoke to him personally on phone that day) and started calculating my statistics. Lately, I realised that all I need is a luck.

ACE, do you remember whom do you talk to at Arlington INS office to find about your case. Did you go in regular channel like go early morning, stand in line, get token, and finally get a useless answer.

I dont know when this frustration will end for me and rest of transferees.

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After hearing all this....Only luck can set us free. Thanks for your posts.

Dhanush, could you please post details

your frustration with Arlington INS is even more understandable than ours is. Your case merits an interview right away, no matter what criteria they use. I don\'t know what else I can offer.

BTW, could you please post details of your prior visits to Arlington INS. I mean like when was the last time and what the heck did they say. Did you confront them with the 20 months thing? What exactly is their stance towards the 20-month waiting period. Do they even recognize that as something legit?


Answers I got from Arlington INS office.

Sep 1st week:
   Ins officer: You have to wait. I dont know how long. Fill this form to find the status. ( I filled the form, gave it back)
July 2nd week:
   Ins officer: Yes! we recieved your applicatin from Vermont. You have to wait. I don\'t know how long it takes, you have to wait.

In addition, I send a letter congressman, and got a reply stating that I have to wait 6-9 months to schedule my interview. My attorney also called to find the status, nothing heard from INS.


Dhanush, You are correct. I went through the usual channel..Began waiting in line behind the door from 5:00am, got a number, stood in line again, waited another couple of hours and then spoke to a clerk. I do not recall her name...sorry.

RVALDEZ, I did not ask when they were going to restart sending out interview notices again. I was just glad to hear that my case was in a "pending an interview" status and I should be receiving something soon.
ACE, what other statuses are out there

I mean like wasn\'t your case transferred to Arlington to hold the interview? So wouldn\'t your case status be "pending an interview" when Arlington receives it.

I hope for your sake that this status is representative of the fact that the interview is absolutely imminent but I am just having trouble reconciling this new INS vocabulary with the common sense vocabulary :)

Were you every told before that your application was in a different status?

I understand what you are saying, but the truth is, I do not know what to answer you. The clerk told me that my case was in a pending an interview status. I was just so happy that she didn\'t have a pissed-off attitude, I didn\'t what to jeopardize her demeanor by asking any follow up questions (I guess I\'m pathetic).

I am clinging on to hope that the status I received from this clerk was actually good news. I have nothing else to go on :)
Visited Arlington INS office

Hi all,

Yesterday, I spoke to congressman office staff, and told me that Arlington INS will take 20 to 24 months to schedule an interview. Staff repeatedly told me that it is NOT from your I485 date, it is from your Tansfer date. I also mentioned how some people got earlier appointments and told me that they dont know how it happened.

I also visited Arlington INS office, and they also told me that they are processing the cases that are transffered in March 1999.

Should I believe the time they mentioned both by congressman staff and INS staff?

Yesterday, INS happened to shoot a video coverage about their customer service at outside of Arlington INS office. The funny thing, you can not speak what you want, but you have to talk what in the cue (q-cards) cards about customer service. Isn\'t shame?
