OCI - Washington DC Tracker


Sorry to hear that. It's too late to intercept the UPS package. It's already been delivered per the UPS tracking status. I did the same. Went by their website instructions. Did you get all your certified checks back? Did they cash the $20 certified check to deliver it back to you?

Sorry to hear that. It's too late to intercept the UPS package. It's already been delivered per the UPS tracking status. I did the same. Went by their website instructions. Did you get all your certified checks back? Did they cash the $20 certified check to deliver it back to you?

Thanks. Sorry to hear that it was too late for you.

Got it all the MOs back ($275 + $20 for OCI, $175 + $20 for Ren. as submitted). Not knowing for sure what to do, I spent extra money to get separate MOs. Maybe they were going easy on the people that followed directions before they changed them ... just kidding :)

Now, I don't know if I should send $175 + $20 for Ren. fees. Not very clear on website still. I will send both just to be safe.
Thanks GS12. This has made me very nervous. I was planning to travel late Dec to India and now I'm not sure I should even book my ticket. What if I don't get the OCI back in time?
Thanks. Sorry to hear that it was too late for you.

Got it all the MOs back ($275 + $20 for OCI, $175 + $20 for Ren. as submitted). Not knowing for sure what to do, I spent extra money to get separate MOs. Maybe they were going easy on the people that followed directions before they changed them ... just kidding :)

Now, I don't know if I should send $175 + $20 for Ren. fees. Not very clear on website still. I will send both just to be safe.

This what it states:
"Persons of Indian origin who have already acquired foreign citizenship until 31 May 2010 will not be required to pay renunciation fees of USD 175.00, he/she will be required to pay Miscellaneous fees of USD 20.00 when getting the old Indian passport cancelled/surrendered.

In future those Indian citizens who acquire foreign citizenship on or after June 1 2010 will have to submit declaration of renunciation of their Indian citizenship and a fees of USD 175.00".

However, if you got your USC prior to May 31st and got PP after June 1 then you will need to send NC with the SC application.
One other thing everybody should note that PP and SC are handled by Ministry of External Affairs (Embassy) and OCI is handled by Ministry of Home. Not sure if that is what causing all this mis-interpretation of law.
This what it states:
"Persons of Indian origin who have already acquired foreign citizenship until 31 May 2010 will not be required to pay renunciation fees of USD 175.00, he/she will be required to pay Miscellaneous fees of USD 20.00 when getting the old Indian passport cancelled/surrendered.

In future those Indian citizens who acquire foreign citizenship on or after June 1 2010 will have to submit declaration of renunciation of their Indian citizenship and a fees of USD 175.00".

However, if you got your USC prior to May 31st and got PP after June 1 then you will need to send NC with the SC application.
One other thing everybody should note that PP and SC are handled by Ministry of External Affairs (Embassy) and OCI is handled by Ministry of Home. Not sure if that is what causing all this mis-interpretation of law.

Yeah, except under step B-1 on the site, it says:
"If application is sent by post the signature should be notarized and an additional check of USD 20/- may be sent for mailing charges."

That's why I was confused. What does it mean, "may be sent"? I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.

Good to know that two separate offices handle OCI and SC.

P.S. I got my US citizenship a few days after June 1. So I am forced to contribute to the money-making scheme. :( If I had known that before I became a US citizen ... never mind
Yeah, except under step B-1 on the site, it says:
"If application is sent by post the signature should be notarized and an additional check of USD 20/- may be sent for mailing charges."

That's why I was confused. What does it mean, "may be sent"? I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.

Good to know that two separate offices handle OCI and SC.

P.S. I got my US citizenship a few days after June 1. So I am forced to contribute to the money-making scheme. :( If I had known that before I became a US citizen ... never mind

That's right. They want $20 for SC processing and additional $20.00 to mail single sheet of paper. Wow. Now I get it how Indian Govt. is buying Gold for their reserve. Well it is still much cheaper than what we pay to US to get GC / NC and CC.
Guys better get the "Certificate of Citizenship" (N-600- $600 + each) for your minor kids. They may be asking for a copy as well. I can smell it's coming.
Thanks GS12. This has made me very nervous. I was planning to travel late Dec to India and now I'm not sure I should even book my ticket. What if I don't get the OCI back in time?

I am in the same boat as you about going to India. I HAVE TO travel to India in Dec. So I took the leap of faith and booked earlier this week ... then I got a surprise from UPS this morning. Now, it's getting $150 visa or paying $250 for ticket cancellation.

Given the things I have read on post, I am going to apply for visa if my SC takes more than 1 month (very likely). Yay, more unwarranted donation to the Indian government. At least it will bring peace of mind. Btw, as of June 1, we must now apply for Entry visa, not Tourist visa (for anyone of *or related to* Person of Indian Origin). Guess what, the entry visas cost more than tourist visa. Great way to rip-off the former Indian citizens.

It's worse for me because all my costs are multiplied by 4 ... parents, brother, and myself. I just want this nightmare to be over soon.
I think you forgot to include the "pain and suffering" that comes along with filing papers with Indian Govt. :) Sorry, this whole process is so screwed up that all I can do is laugh.
Guys better get the "Certificate of Citizenship" (N-600- $600 + each) for your minor kids. They may be asking for a copy as well. I can smell it's coming.

You are right, krajah, but that's a separate issue.

My problem is waste of time and money due to someone else's incompetency. My 1 month was just wasted. Now I have to send everything again because they can't make up their mind with the new rules.
I just want this nightmare to be over soon.
Actually, I want to help them streamline all their processes so that others don't have to go through all this trouble. Do you guys think they will hire me as a consultant? :)
Alright guys - on the STROKE of 5th week today, I received my indian passports back. I applied ONLY for Renunciation cert - and they refused - as I did not include copies of Nat Cert and US passport. So there you go - I am going to now apply with OCI application. I shall send the OCI and the renunciation in one packet - lets see how that goes.

Am ready again with the SC packets for me and partner. As I work close to D.C, planning to go there first thing monday morning - stand in the Q in that basement and see what they say - basically attempting to submit SC packets in person - and beg for expedited processing, as it has been returned once!
Actually, I want to help them streamline all their processes so that others don't have to go through all this trouble. Do you guys think they will hire me as a consultant? :)

May be we can start a Not for Profit Vol Org to help our own. Similar to one they have for US Immigration by Latino community.
GS12 - at least you are still retaining your sense of humor :) I almost booked my ticket yesterday. Thank God I didn't. Anyway, checked the fares and they have gone up by almost a $100 since last weekend.

linuxrox - good luck. let us know how it goes.
Naturalization certificate copy for surrender certificate

Hi guys,

I just got my US passport. Was thinking of filing for OCI and SC together. After reading the latest updates on this thread, I will file just for SC first.

I am yet to get back the naturalization certificate from the US Dept. of State. I did not make a copy before sending it with the US passport application. Now the question is:

Since the Washington Embassy website says that a copy of SC is needed only if Naturalization happened before May 31st 2010 and the US passport is dated on or after June1st. Do you guys think it is OK for me to send my SC application without waiting for the naturalization certificate to get back for DOS? Or wait till I get it back?

Thanks in advance,
linuxrox - I sent my OCI application with Indian Passport. Everything went right until I sent my US Passports. Now waiting for the US Passports and cancelled Indian passports. waiting since 1-Jun-10.

I do not know whether to go from here. waiting for our cancelled indian passports, OCI cards and US Passports back from the DC embassy since 6/1/10, almost 2 months. Received a mail back "we do not have your passport and we sent it by UPS to you as said earlier. We are trying to find out the tracking #". Checked in UPS site, no package pending to my Zipcode. Keep sending emails at this point. Any other suggestions, please?
I do not know whether to go from here. waiting for our cancelled indian passports, OCI cards and US Passports back from the DC embassy since 6/1/10, almost 2 months. Received a mail back "we do not have your passport and we sent it by UPS to you as said earlier. We are trying to find out the tracking #". Checked in UPS site, no package pending to my Zipcode. Keep sending emails at this point. Any other suggestions, please?

I am in the same situation like you -
I have sent my son's US passport and old PIO card for stamping (the last stage... **sigh**). They have received it on June 7th, but nothing after that.
Sent multiple emails to them, only to have the latest reply saying - "let me know when you get it". That was a week ago and I have no idea what that means. All communication lines have fallen silent since then. I am out of ideas.
Congratulations Chola.

6/14 went to Indian Consulate to get SC so that I could submit OCI application - was instructed to apply by mail, sending BOTH in SAME envelope.
6/18 mailed application for SC and OCI by USPS Priority Mail
6/21 package delivered to Consulate
7/21 OCI application acknowledged online.

Currently: "Under Process"
OCI done for me & my family. Got all the documents last week.
Thanks all for the support.

Congrats Chola! Enjoy your freedom from babus..
By the way, you did not have any trouble with your middle name issue, I assume? Your reply would give me some peace..
Congrats Chola! Enjoy your freedom from babus..
By the way, you did not have any trouble with your middle name issue, I assume? Your reply would give me some peace..

Congrats Chola

Does anyone know if the photos are scanned here in US or in India? Mine has been sitting in Scanned/Under Process status for 10 days now and it is not moving to printed or dispatched.

Any ideas? Wonder what these Bapus are worth for. Why don't get Travisa to do OCI also. They do a good job.
