OCI - Washington DC Tracker

Sam012007, GC2USC, Vigneshwar - Thank you for your advise. I was sending emails in email id ociwashington@indiagov.org. Is it the right email for them? Can anyone give me the phone# to contact them, please.

This is how the Washington DC Consulate works - My Interaction with them - Apparently if u send ur own Fed Ex label, it does not go well with them since they cannot make any money they would have, had u paid $20 in shipping (it doesnt cost them more than $5 to ship UPS).

-----Original Message-----
From: OCI E/I Washington [mailto:eek:ciwashington@indiagov.org]
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 09:46
Subject: RE: URGENT : OCI Stamping -


It was lying in the outbox of fedex since then. We have clearly spelt out that use UPS for mailing envelope. See our website.In case of UPS , the envelope would have reached you atleast 20 days back. We expect everyone to read the website before initiating application.

OCI Section
Embassy of India
2536 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington DC 20008


From: [mailto:]
Sent: Sat 4/24/2010 8:09 AM
To: OCI E/I Washington
Subject: Re: URGENT : OCI Stamping -

Now I can track the package which was shipped out yesterday. Can you pls explain what happened? Initially you had claimed it was shipped out on 7th April.


------Original Message------
From: OCI E/I Washington
Subject: RE: URGENT : OCI Stamping -
Sent: Apr 22, 2010 5:31 PM

yes we mailed it the same day. We use UPS. Therfore whenever fedex courier comes to deliver some letter, he takes the mailed envelope of fedex. Let me ask the local fedex person. Pl send tracking number of fedex envelope.

OCI Section
Embassy of India
2536 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington DC 20008


From: [mailto:]
Sent: Thu 4/22/2010 5:07 PM
To: OCI E/I Washington
Subject: RE: URGENT : OCI Stamping -


The passport was delivered to you on April 7th. Was it dispatched the
same day again to me?

Apr 7, 2010 10:01 AM Delivered WASHINGTON, DC


The return envelope has following tracking code - Which shows no
progress at all


I have not received my passport and my return envelope is still not
being tracked.

Please investigate and advise.



-----Original Message-----
From: OCI E/I Washington [mailto:eek:ciwashington@indiagov.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 16:54
Subject: RE: URGENT : OCI Stamping -

Office record shows your passport was dispatched in the self addressed
envelope attached with the application on April 7th.

OCI Section
Embassy of India
2536 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington DC 20008


From: [mailto:]
Sent: Thu 4/22/2010 2:44 PM
To: OCI E/I Washington
Cc: eam@mea.gov.in; diream@mea.gov.in; addlpseam@mea.gov.in;
jsds@moia.nic.in; dsds@moia.nic.in
Subject: URGENT : OCI Stamping -


Thanks for all your help. I have already pushed out my trip to Monday
(26th Apr) from tomorrow. I cannot postpone beyond that. Please let me
know if you were able to retrieve my passport. There has to be some way
out of this situation. Please let me know, what needs to be done to get
my passport back.



-----Original Message-----
From: OCI E/I Washington [mailto:eek:ciwashington@indiagov.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 10:29
Subject: RE: URGENT : OCI Stamping -


All information is posted on our website. We receive hundreds of
passports in the embassy on daily basis. The turnover time is about 20
working days. We will try to retrieve the passport and expedite it . It
will not help coming personally and we donot have counter service.
Please be patient.

OCI Section
Embassy of India
2536 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington DC 20008


From: [mailto:]
Sent: Wed 4/21/2010 9:28 AM
To: OCI E/I Washington; Embassy of India
Subject: URGENT : OCI Stamping -

Please let me know what my options are based on email below?



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:03
To: 'OCI E/I Washington'
Subject: RE: OCI Stamping -


Thanks for replying back. I understand that it takes upto 20 days, but I
have urgent need to travel by 23 April. I am humbly requesting you to
expedite the process if possible. If it cannot be done, please let me
know so that I can drive down to DC to retrieve my passport and get
Visa. Considering this situation,
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks for the updates on your steps. Couple of items I need your help with...

Did you save the application as PDF or print them directly to printer? If you printed on paper then typing answers to PART-B would have been a hassle...... wondering how you handled it..
I presume you signed both the copies in ink and did not make a copy of the first set.

Did you notarize all pages of the US passport copy or just the page with the name and details?


1- Printed them directly to Printer. Filled Part B Manually for the 1 liners. for other questions,
filled them out in MS Word and attached them. On the form I mentioned - see attached sheet.

2- US passport - Notarized 1st two and last two pages.
Sam012007, GC2USC, Vigneshwar - Thank you for your advise. I was sending emails in email id ociwashington@indiagov.org. Is it the right email for them? Can anyone give me the phone# to contact them, please.

That is the correct email address.

Try calling this number 202 939 9888 - it will give you different options and telephone numbers - try all the number options it gives.
1- Printed them directly to Printer. Filled Part B Manually for the 1 liners. for other questions,
filled them out in MS Word and attached them. On the form I mentioned - see attached sheet.

2- US passport - Notarized 1st two and last two pages.

Thanks for the response GC2USC. Appreciate it.
MS Word sounds like a good idea....
I re-entered everything and generated a new application and printed it directly to a printer....... Outcome is the same as what I had saved in PDF:):):) The "Login page" text is displayed on "Top Left" and the URL link is printed at the bottom left....

Thanks again,
Same here. Whomever developed the app did not thought thru. If you print or pdf application for family, it will print with "Login page" as header and "Online OCI Registration form" as header in case of individual application. In addition Part B Yes/No questions differs too. They should outsource instead of NIC doing the development.
Sam012007 - I tried it. No packages in pending delivery for the zipcode. Thanks for the telephone # and advises. I am trying all the options.
Did you try putting something like below in the Subject?

EXTREMELY URGENT: OCI Stamping Passport not received for 2.5 months


Vigneshwar - Yes, I am sending email every day giving subjects like OCI - Day 47 after receiving our passports in Washington - STATUS Please.‏ Today I am sending it with 'EXTREMELY URGENT' as you suggested.
That is the correct email address.

Try calling this number 202 939 9888 - it will give you different options and telephone numbers - try all the number options it gives.

GC2USC - Thanks for the information. trying all the options.
Same here. Whomever developed the app did not thought thru. If you print or pdf application for family, it will print with "Login page" as header and "Online OCI Registration form" as header in case of individual application. In addition Part B Yes/No questions differs too. They should outsource instead of NIC doing the development.

Wow...... That is scary......
I have an unforgettable experience with the YES/NO batch of questions during N400.... Luckily there was an interview option to correct our mistakes, if any...... Not with our beloved consulate "Friends"........ If someone were to send their applications based on "Re-Print" option..... that question-16 is missing..... That is a critical question for approval of OCI...... If the OCI processing staff scourge through the application papers, there is every possibility of rejecting the entire packet....:confused::confused:

Also, when you "Re-print" the application, it puts NO to Question-13 "Whether PIO holder" if you answered NO during the online process..... whereas, it prints "yes/no [if yes, give details]" if you print it directly during application save process:confused::confused:

As per this "Cover letter" http://www.indianembassy.org/downlo...infolder=form_files/&filename=Form_Pdf_47.pdf, should we submit a copy of the Nat certificate?
It's strange to notice that there is no consistancy in processing time. Some were ack'd within a week and many are waiting for weeks.
I am ready to mail my OCI application this week to the DC Embassy. From what I have read on these forums, it appears that the DC Embassy does allow you to pick up (at the counter) both the OCI paperwork, stamped US passport (upon completion) as well as the cancelled Indian passport if you submit the renunciation of Indian citizenship forms along with the OCI application. Can anyone confirm this before I mail it out? I'd rather pick it up in person than have them mail it back to me.

I am submitting the following in duplicate (self-attested as well as notarized) as part of my OCI application:

Cover letter indicating the documents being submitted
2 completely filled-in OCI applications (Part A and B) with the photos pasted on both.
2 additional photos
Certified check ($275) for OCI
2 copies of Indian passport (first three pages and last 2 pages)
2 copies of Indian birth certificate
2 copies of US Passport (Identification page)
2 copies of Proof of residency in US (drivers license)
2 copies of Renunciation of Indian Citizenship Application
Original Indian passport for cancellation
2 copies of US Naturalization certificate
Certified check ($20) - Renunciation fee

As you can see I am playing it safe by including a little more than they have asked for. I also mentioned in the cover letter that I plan to collect the OCI documents, stamped US passport and cancelled Indian passport in person when they are ready and hence I am not including any mailing fees with the application.

Have I missed anything? Any advice from you veterans here? I appreciate all the guidance and encouragement you folks have given each other. Hopefully in time the process will be streamlined and improved and those who come after us will not have to go through such a cumbersome process.

Best wishes to all of you,

I don't think they accomodate any counter service for OCI. It's clearly mentioned on Embassy OCI web page. If you live nearby DC, you may give it a try.
Thanks krajah. I guess I have to submit TWO $20 checks additionally then? One of the OCI paperwork and one for the renunciation certificate? Or do they mail them together?

Thanks krajah. I guess I have to submit TWO $20 checks additionally then? One of the OCI paperwork and one for the renunciation certificate? Or do they mail them together?


Why 2 additional? One you already have in your list, you need one additional or you can combine along with $275 and make it $295.
Friends - I got the UPS package this morning with OCI on the passport and OCI book. Now I am waiting for the 4th application to get processed and I will be done.

Congrats dude....as SAM said celebrate your independence (one more time). Whose pending wife or kid?
Any idea on how long is the consulate taking now to return JUST the Surrender Certificate ?
Mine was received at the consulate with the Indian passports on June 17th - been more than 5 weeks now.
Anyone in the same boat - where they have sent JUST the SC ?
Congrats dude....as SAM said celebrate your independence (one more time). Whose pending wife or kid?

Thank you very much VM. What is the progress on your case? Eager to read your post with progress.
One of my kid's OCI is still pending.
Well... the application is finally on its way via UPS. Said a prayer :)

Decided not to take any chances and provided them with the mailing fee to mail back the OCI documents as well as the surrender cert/cancelled passport. Thanks to everyone who has shared their insights here.

Guys - I am really getting tense here - Is there anyone in my boat!
Anyone who has applied ONLY for SC to Washington DC Consulate ?
Sent it on June 16, Went there to Downtown DC consulate July 14th (was told there are several in the Queue, so please dont bother to inquire).
When colleague went there to pick up her passport, in that window she heard them say that even for those who submitted in consulate, do not come for atleast 4 weeks.
Need some info !!!