OCI vs. PIO Comparison - Advantages and Disadvantages

OCI is a no-brainer any day.

(Sorry cannot post URLs yet)
According to this @MHA
OCI Miscellaneous Services for registered OCIs - Guidelines

4. Re-issuance of OCI registration certificate and visa is not mandatory, each
time a new passport is issued between 21-50 years of age. However, if the
applicant wishes to avail this service, he/she can apply for the same.
According to this

NOTE: OCI Card holders must carry the OCI Card as well as their nationality passport on which ‘U’ Visa has been affixed. In case the OCI Card holder has obtained new passport after expiry of the validity of the passport on which ‘U’ Visa had been affixed, he must carry both the old and the new passport along with the OCI Card for travel to India.
Thank you for the information.

BTW, what is a designated 'FRRO' in India? Is it a police station, post office??
--------------------Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai, Amritsar have separate FRRO offices. In other police SSP office has FFRO office. If you don’t know FRRO office then ask any police stations where registration is done for foreigners. Once go to FRRO office fill up form with Photographs and they will give you copy of registration and you need to show the copy of registration when depart India
Is there state/city wise list which tells me where I should get the registration done for my son (if the trip to India lasts more than 180 days)??
--------------If the child has Visa or PIO no registrartion is needed if child is under 16 years.
read the link and search for the answers
Are there any financial disadvantages or steps we need to take for OCI?
(I know we cannot buy agricultural land). What about money transfers, stock purchases/selling? Are these any different from being an NRI? What about Taxation?
Its amazing how unclear these things are..
this whole OCI thing is not well thought out. i still think the GoI should have simply done the following:


that way, they still get money for pio renewal every 15 years. or even make it 10 years like passport or GC. ;-)


How will this impact your benefits after retirement (for example Social Security)..... or 401K etc

Let me reword this question.

" say you retire after several years (after 65) and start getting the Social Security benefits..............but your kith and kin want you to stay with them in a farm land (probably in a village located back home outside USA).....and you get stuck there for about 2 years..........AND NOT ABLE TO VISIT US FOR 2 YEARS........ DO YOU LOOSE ANY BENEFITS "
(say Social security monthly benefits?)

Would that in any way deemed to be considered to relinquish your rights to any of the entitlements (whatsover) due to the reason that YOU GOT "OCI" instead of 'US CITIZEN without OCI" ?

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How will this impact your benefits after retirement (for example Social Security)..... or 401K etc

Let me reword this question.

" say you retire after several years (after 65) and start getting the Social Security benefits..............
----------------------you will get Social Security benefits if SSA has the funds that time.
but your kith and kin want you to stay with them in a farm land (probably in a village located back home outside USA)
----------------not a problem
.....and you get stuck there for about 2 years..........
--------------------not a problem you can spend rest of your life out of US.
(say Social security monthly benefits?)

Would that in any way deemed to be considered to relinquish your rights to any of the entitlements (whatsover) due to the reason that YOU GOT "OCI" instead of 'US CITIZEN without OCI" ?
----------------US CITIZENSHIP has nothing to do with if you get OCI or PIO and OCI is Not CITIZENSHIP of India it is only Visa for life to live or work in India.
Confusion is good

In a way the confusion about the letter "C" in OCI is good. Everybody (I meant the common man in India) thinks OCI is a dual citizenship and will get used to that as a fact. So when GoI actually brings dual citizenship there will not be much opposition to the scheme.
Advantages of OCI over PIO

From the latest OCI FAQ (dated 11th Jan 2010)

29. Can a person registered as an OCI be granted Indian citizenship?

. As per the provisions of section 5(1) (g) of the Citizenship Act,
1955, a person who is registered as an OCI for 5 years and is residing in
India for 1 year out of the above 5 years, is eligible to apply for Indian

39. What are the advantages of the OCI when compared to PIO
cardholders ?

(i) An OCI is entitled to life long visa with free travel to India
whereas for a PIO card holder, it is only valid for 15 years.

(ii) A PIO cardholder is required to register with local Police
authority for any stay exceeding 180 days in India on any single
visit whereas an OCI is exempted from registration with Police
authority for any length of stay in India.

(iii) An OCI gets a specific right to become an Indian Citizen as in
29, whereas the PIO card holder does not have this.
From the latest OCI FAQ (dated 11th Jan 2010)

29. Can a person registered as an OCI be granted Indian citizenship?

. As per the provisions of section 5(1) (g) of the Citizenship Act,
1955, a person who is registered as an OCI for 5 years and is residing in
India for 1 year out of the above 5 years, is eligible to apply for Indian

39. What are the advantages of the OCI when compared to PIO
cardholders ?

(i) An OCI is entitled to life long visa with free travel to India
whereas for a PIO card holder, it is only valid for 15 years.

(ii) A PIO cardholder is required to register with local Police
authority for any stay exceeding 180 days in India on any single
visit whereas an OCI is exempted from registration with Police
authority for any length of stay in India.

(iii) An OCI gets a specific right to become an Indian Citizen as in
29, whereas the PIO card holder does not have this.

Please post the link to OCI FAQ so that others can read full document or other question/Ans
This is old link they just changed the date on it. If PIO card holder wants to get OCI then one needs to pay $145 and not $25 as posted by them.
Is OCI needs to be renewied ?

Is the OCI needs to be renewied regularly or it is life time and one time process ?

Letter 'C' in OCI is not misnomer, because OC implies "Overseas Citizen" meaning citizen of other country. Therefore OCI means
Citizen of other country of Indian origin.
Is the OCI needs to be renewied regularly or it is life time and one time process ?

Letter 'C' in OCI is not misnomer, because OC implies "Overseas Citizen" meaning citizen of other country. Therefore OCI means
Citizen of other country of Indian origin.

Citizen of another country of India?

OCI - they expect you to transfer OCI visa from one passport to another if you are a child (less than 16) or a junior-senior (over 50).