OCI - New York Tracker

You're not alone!!! :=) On the same boat since early July. One difference is I had two voice mails from them (one month ago) regarding minor applicant.

I called every number listed here

A lady answered when I called Ambassador Prabhu Dayal's (Consul General) number (212) 774-0601
She said there is a huge back log, especially because the photo machine and website was down for three weeks.
She also said people from every department are helping the OCI department to process the applications.
Hope they get to ours soon.

My question is if there is a back log how are people who applied few weeks ago are getting acknowledged while who applied few months ago are still waiting?

Nice to see you again in the OCI forum.
I doesnt make sense - the difference in processing times.
Here is my timeline - I applied first week of Sept.

09/07 - OCI and SC recd at NY
09/20 - SC recd (approx)
09/24 - OCI acknowledged
10/19 - photo scanned
10/21 - Regn granted
10/29 - Docs printed
xx/xx - docs dispatched
xx/xx - docs recd at ny

Nice to see you again in the OCI forum.
I doesnt make sense - the difference in processing times.
Here is my timeline - I applied first week of Sept.

Hi abn400, good to hear from you.

My timeline should have looked like yours too :)

Good luck!
Does anyone know how long the NY consulate currently takes to stamp and send passport back by mail?

I have no choice but to mail my passports once the consulate receives my OCI documents and I am planning a trip to India in December.
Hi smdk,

I have the same experience; this lady at the CG's office is the only person who picks up the phone. But it is of no real use, since she doesn't directly deal with OCI and when I asked her to forward my call to the OCI dept., she promptly hung up. And yes, if the 'huge backlog' story is true (wonder why then the processing times for OCI on the CGNY website hasn't been updated), it doesn't quite explain the recent acknowledgements.
Just seen the light at the end of the OCI tunnel. My journey is almost over. My docs arrived at NY.
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Ours was finally acknowledged today (11/03).
Not sure if it helped but I kept sending emails every other day.
Exactly 2 months. They received the application on 09/02.
This was bothering me a lot.
Hopefully things will start moving from here.
Thanks for all your support.
My resubmitted OCI app reached CGINY on 11/8. I just got an email today (11/10) from them confirming that they have received my app and are processing it. The exact text is:


We have received your OCI application/s and documents which is under process. If we find any deficiency, we will contact you.

Since there are numerous applications, the processing may take some time - hence please bear with us.

Kindly check the OCI application website after four weeks for latest information on your application.

Best Wishes,

Falguni Kanani

Commerce & Economic Wing
Consulate General of India
3 East 64th Street
New York, NY 10065

Fax: 212-734-4890

Email: commerce@indiacgny.org, cginycommerce@gmail.com

Who knew there was a Commerce & Economic Wing?!! Well glad they are helping out with this whole thing ... probably means they have no other work but hey the OCI cell need all the help they can get and so I'm not complaining! :D
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I have re-submitted my application(original PIO card) on Oct 2nd and reached NYCGI by Oct 4th. I do see some of the application submitted around 10/14 got the Acknowledgment. I have not got any email from them. May be they have started EMAIL confirmation recently. I am bit worried. I have sent them a mail but no response like others.

If any one sailing the same boat, please let me know.
I have re-submitted my application(original PIO card) on Oct 2nd and reached NYCGI by Oct 4th. I do see some of the application submitted around 10/14 got the Acknowledgment. I have not got any email from them. May be they have started EMAIL confirmation recently. I am bit worried. I have sent them a mail but no response like others.

If any one sailing the same boat, please let me know.

It looks like they only started doing this in mid to late October. So that would explain why you did not receive an email. I can understand your worries. It took them five weeks to reject my earlier OCI app submission and during that whole time, I had no idea what was going on and left them emails which went unanswered. In the end, I wrote a forceful email and cc-ed the Consul General on it and got a phone call back the next day from a lady saying things were going to take time and she could not comment on my particular app and where it was. Coincidentally, then the next day I got my whole application back rejected.

All I can say is be patient and hope for the best. Funny thing is that with my second OCI submission this time, I have decided not to care too much about hearing from them until I do and then, they sent me an email within two days of receiving my OCI package. Go figure.
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Received my passports and OCI back from consulate and I am glad that all the 4 passport stamps and OCI are in order.

8/10 - Application Mailed
8/11 - Received at consulate
9/02 - Received call from consulate to send original PIO card
9/03 - Mailed PIO card
9/07 - PIO card received at consulate
9/13 - Status change to Under Process
10/13 - Status change to Granted
10/22 - Document Printed
10/27 - Document Dispatched
11/2 - Documents Received at CGI-NY
11/4 - Passportsmailed to consulate
11/5 - Passports received at consulate
11/12 - Stamped passports and OCI mailed from consulate
11/13 - Received stamped passports and OCI
Received my passports and OCI back from consulate and I am glad that all the 4 passport stamps and OCI are in order.

Congrats Sunny!
What all did you send?

1. Passports
2. Printed confirmation from website
3. Return USPS mailing slip?? what else?

OCI Journey Finally Ends !!!!

Went to the fish market (NY consulate) on 11/15/2010 in the morning, dropped off the passports at about 10:30, wandered in NY City until 4:00 PM and collected the stamped passports,OCI card at 5:00 PM. What a relief!
Good luck to all the folks who are in the process.
There is a seperate counter (No 4) only for OCI. I wnet on a Monday at about 10 AM. There were not many people (i was probably 7th/8th) but it took about 40-45 mins for me.

hi misc_chic

Is there a separate line for the oci (either for submitting or receiving).
Is it big?
