OCI - New York Tracker

This is from New York's website and it essentially states that if we have an Indian passport with a "canceled due to to acquisition of US nationality" stamp, we don't have to get a surrender certificate. This now matches what SF consulate also states.

Q3 My Indian passport has already been cancelled by an Indian Mission but I was not issued a Surrender Certificate. Do I need to obtain one?

Even though your passport has a cancelled stamp, you need to formally renounce your citizenship as per the prescribed format and obtain a Surrender Certificate as a proof of having done so. However, if your passport was cancelled due to acquisition of foreign nationality and has an endorsement to this effect, no Surrender Certificate is required.

Hi Ginnu,
I sent my application for SC on May 14th and received by the consulate on May 17th.
I don’t think you should go by the date and it depends when they pick up or open the envelope. I think you should wait 3 days after Tuesday then we can make a guess when you get SC. FYI they have not sent so called Surrender CERTIFICATE they just stamped one copy of the Form (he submitted Notarized 3 Copies of Form) and put a canceled Red Stamp in the Indian passport and they also sent very small receipt of fees submitted $195($175+20). I think they have started opening SC surrender envelops and It seems many who submitted by mail may see some movement after Tuesday.
This is from New York's website and it essentially states that if we have an Indian passport with a "canceled due to to acquisition of US nationality" stamp, we don't have to get a surrender certificate. This now matches what SF consulate also states.

Q3 My Indian passport has already been cancelled by an Indian Mission but I was not issued a Surrender Certificate. Do I need to obtain one?

Even though your passport has a cancelled stamp, you need to formally renounce your citizenship as per the prescribed format and obtain a Surrender Certificate as a proof of having done so.
----- It means they are asking $175 and Form
However, if your passport was cancelled due to acquisition of foreign nationality and has an endorsement to this effect, no Surrender Certificate is required.

------Does it mean No Fees? why they cant write "if your passport was cancelled due to acquisition of foreign nationality and has an endorsement to this effect, no Surrender Certificate is required and NO FEES TO BE PAID"? or If Fees to be paid they need to make it clear.
Question for csekar

I had submitted both the OCI and SC around the same time as you.

I am currently out of town ...so I do not know if the SC and/or the (returned) OCI is in the mailbox.

I have a quick question -- did you include copies of your canceled Indian passports when you mailed the OCI package?

Sc & oci

I had sent OCI application on 4th may and i get it returned on May 29th, they sent check list to send all documents with Surrender certificate.

i also sent Notorized one cop of SC application with 195 fees on May 14th but no response yet.

waiting.....waiting...... and waiting....
I had sent OCI application on 4th may and i get it returned on May 29th, they sent check list to send all documents with Surrender certificate.
------- you sent OCI application witout SC form and Fees.i also sent Notorized one cop of SC application with 195 fees on May 14th but no response yet.
-----------------you sent SC applicatin later and not with OCI application and SC is handled by Anju Kumar and OCI by Pushpa Kumar.

waiting.....waiting...... and waiting....
Once you get SC then send OCI application.
I had submitted both the OCI and SC around the same time as you.
-----Do you mean OCI application and SC form sent in same envelope?
I am currently out of town ...so I do not know if the SC and/or the (returned) OCI is in the mailbox.

I have a quick question -- did you include copies of your canceled Indian passports when you mailed the OCI package?

It simply means that they need SC with OCI application or PIO application and with Visa applications and they will not process applications without SC. You have to wait for SC and when get SC then send OCI application with copy of SC. In second/third week of February they also sent many OCI applications back those who did not attach Copy of US driving license or Utility bill and those who sent OCI in First week of FEB without utility bill/DL copy were acknowledged and processed. Those who applied Visa through Travisa BEFORE May 17 and attached the Form for SC and paid extra fees of $175 and applications were submitted to Consulate on 18 May few got Visa but if one need to apply Visa through Travisa one first need to get SC from directly from Consulate then attach SC with Visa application that is submitted to Travisa. Many are facing problems and will not be able to get Visa and have to cancel tickets for India.

Thanks Ginnu.
I had submitted both the OCI and SC around the same time as you.

I am currently out of town ...so I do not know if the SC and/or the (returned) OCI is in the mailbox.

I have a quick question -- did you include copies of your canceled Indian passports when you mailed the OCI package?

NO.I sent OCI package on 5th May 2010. Then I applied SC on 14th May 2010. Still, I have not received cacelled passport with SC.
Thanks for your reply.

We had our Indian passports canceled before sending in the OCI app. I remember our canceled passports had language similar to Q3 in the SC FAQ, " ... passport was cancelled due to acquisition of foreign nationality".

I do not think this make any difference, however. I am expecting to find the returned OCI app in the mail, when I get back. Like so many others, we will resend app when we get the SC in the mail.
Fee required for SC, if filing within 90 days of naturalization

I'm a little confused with various articles on fee related to getting surrender certificate. I became US citizen through naturalization on May 20th 2010. If I submit my Indian passport next week (that is well within 90 day range), do I still need to pay $175?

(The article at indiawest.com states "One exception is for new U.S. citizens who can avoid the $175 fee by surrendering their passports within 90 days of being naturalized")

Can anyone clarify (based on their experience!), if I should still pay $175 if I apply within 90days?

Did anyone visit the CGI NY on 29th? How did it go??? No news at all.

My friend went yesterday. He reached around 9 AM and said that there was about 100 people in front of him and 300 behind him. The line almost reached 70th street. My friend mentioned that the Consul General Prabhu Dayal himself came out and requested that people who were not traveling within the next 2 weeks go home and apply by mail. He promised that if all documents are in order CGI-NY would turn around applications for Surrender Certificate within 7 business days.
I'm a little confused with various articles on fee related to getting surrender certificate.
-----They are confused and make others also confused and NYC Indian Consulate is at top in creating confusion they something today and change it next day.
I became US citizen through naturalization on May 20th 2010. If I submit my Indian passport next week (that is well within 90 day range), do I still need to pay $175?
------ they are interested on getting $175 +20 Mailing fees from you and you have to pay them if want SC. FYI they only stamp one of the Form copy that you submit them and that is your SC
(The article at indiawest.com states "One exception is for new U.S. citizens who can avoid the $175 fee by surrendering their passports within 90 days of being naturalized")
-----I don't belie in articles in these advertising papers. Reality at this time is that if you get US naturalization today then also you need to Get SC BEFORE you apply for OCI/PIO or Visa for India
Can anyone clarify (based on their experience!), if I should still pay $175 if I apply within 90days?
---------------you have to pay $175 +20 Mailing fees
I traveled to India on visa before my OCI was approved. Part of the process for visa application required surrendering Indian passport at CGNY, they stamped CANCELED DUE TO ACQUIRED CITIZENSHIP etc. I assume this mean I do not need to apply SC -- can someone in similar situation kindly confirm ? I have written to various people at CGNY - no response so far.
Visited NY on 29th May..... Got my SC and OCI.. :) :) :)


Did anyone visit the CGI NY on 29th? How did it go??? No news at all.

Yes PennUSC. I did go there on 29th and got my OCI.....

I reached there 9:15AM. There were so many people and i was standing in Madison Ave... :) while joining the line./..

By the time i reach the counters.. it is 3:15 PM.... Yeap it is 3:15PM.... literally...
it should have been much earlier.. but... few (about houndred) of our "GREAT INDIAN PEOPLE"..... joined the line in between and we got screwed up....

Finally,when i was there at the counter...just a step behind.. some consulate lady asked me to give way for a parent as their kid was giving trouble... so let them in...

In return i asked her for some favour... as
I sent my SC application through mail (USPS) on 19th May, i show her the "tracking" receipt and asked her to look into it. Initially, she said it might not be possible to locate the application in the big lot of applications.. i requrested her and told her that my OCI is received by CGI-NY and i need to travel in next couple of weeks.
She took my tracking receipt and told that, if she can not locate the application, she will provide for issueing my OCI... so nice of her :)
She went in, and returned in couple of minutes.... and SHE HAD MY SC APPLICATION IN HER HAND....
ALL SIGNED FINISHED....... :) :) :)
She gave it to me with a big smile and asked me to go to first floor... and get my OCI.
I thanked her and went to 1st floor and handed over my OCI received status page along with my USA Passport and showed my SC to the person there. He took my application and asked me come back after an hour and collect my OCI...
It is 3:30 PM and we are out and went to central park, had some "FOOD" relaxed for some time and came back to Consulate at 4:40PM.
Went in and waited for 10 minutes... Some other lady from OCI section came and enquired about ourselves as i said i am here to collect OCI and told her that i gave the application an hour back.
She looked into a big tray where there were few OCIs were there, she located our OCIs and gave them to us...
We are out by 5 PM.

Overallll there were hell a lot of people..... each at an average have 3 passports... so it is like at least couple of thousands of applications...


Good thing is CGI-NY processed all the applications and people were there in the line at 5PM. There were at least couple of hundreds. Consulate said they are going to process all the applications.

Yes PennUSC. I did go there on 29th and got my OCI.....

Thanks much for posting your experience rmiriyala and BITS_IIMB!
Congratulations rmiriyala...It must have been a big-long wait but the best thing is you got your OCI.

I was planning to go there too but my passports are already at the consulate to get OCI stamping (I have sent it a week ago). So I was not sure if they would be able to find my passport... and what if it was already in the mail. Now I feel I should have gone and given it a try.