OCI - New York Tracker

Photos Scanned.


08/23: Application mailed to NY Consulate via Priority mail
08/25: Package delivered
09/15: Acknowledged
10/4: Photos Scanned.

Documents Printing Status - NOT PRINTED
Documents Despatched From Delhi - NOT DISPATCHED
How do you know that your photo is scanned and the date that scanned?? Will the status

Registration Status - UnderProcess

change to 'Photos Scanned'?
Registration Granted.


08/23: Application mailed to NY Consulate via Priority mail
08/25: Package delivered
09/15: Acknowledged
10/4: Photos Scanned.
10/10: Registration Granted.
10/10: Documents Printed.

Documents Despatched From Delhi - NOT DISPATCHED
Documents Received at CGINY - NOT YET
I have a question guys. As you can see my registration has been granted. Now I know I'll have to wait till the documents are received by CGINY. My question is, will CGINY mail me the registration granted info. Or as soon as I see the message on website that package is received by CGINY, I just mail them my both passports (Indian & US)? Do I need to send in anything other than two passports?
$20 DD/cashier cheque for mailing fee (if u had not paid it) + passports(US and India)

You should also include a cover letter listing the File/Acknowledgment #s for the applicant(s) and the address to which you want your passports and OCI booklets returned.
When I include $20 for return postage while sending my passport to CGINY, does anyone know which mail carrier they use to return the documents? - Is it USPS or Fedex/UPS etc?

Thanks to both of you. I guess I'll have to wait till the documents are received by CGINY! :)


08/23: Application mailed to NY Consulate via Priority mail
08/25: Package delivered
09/15: Acknowledged
10/4: Photos Scanned.
10/10: Registration Granted.
10/10: Documents Printed.
10/13: Documents Despatched From Delhi

Documents Received at CGINY - NOT YET
No Ack yet

Hi guys
I have sent my application to NYC consulate by regular mail on Sept 19th
my application has not been acknowledged yet
Any one in same situation.
Also I have made money order or $275 only not added $20 for returned mail.

Keep posted if some one has same time line.
OCI ,Status

dont worry abt it.i am in the same boat

OCI Application delivered: 8/29/08
OCI Acknowledged on 17th,sept.
OCI Photos Scanned on Oct 15th,2008
OCI Registration Status: Oct 15,2008
OCI DEspatched :Oct 16th,2008
OCI Documents Rcvd at CGINY ??
^ we have almost the same dates. CGINY just received my OCI documents from Delhi. Expect yours to arrive within a week.


08/23: Application mailed to NY Consulate via Priority mail
08/25: Package delivered
09/15: Acknowledged
10/04: Photos Scanned.
10/10: Registration Granted.
10/10: Documents Printed.
10/13: Documents Despatched From Delhi
10/18: Documents Received at CGINY
My documents were received at CGINY today

application mailed - 8/22/08
Acknowledged- 9/16/08
Photo/signature scanned - 10/08/08
Registration granted 10/11/08
docs printed 10/14/08
docs dispatched 10/15/08
docs recd at CGI NY 10/21/08
When I include $20 for return postage while sending my passport to CGINY, does anyone know which mail carrier they use to return the documents? - Is it USPS or Fedex/UPS etc?


Received my passports back today. They use USPS Express Mail.

Passports sent to NY CGI on 17-OCT-2008.
Passports/OCI booklet received on 24-OCT-2008.

Thanks for everyone's help on these forums during this process.
Our regstration was granted on 10/25 (India time I suppose).

OCI Application delivered: 9/10/08
OCI Acknowledged on 9/26/08
OCI Photos Scanned on 10/24/08
OCI Registration Status: Granted - 10/25/08
OCI Documents Dispatched: Not yet
OCI Documents Rcvd at CGINY: Not yet
Received passports back yesterday (10/25). Took exactly two months. Good luck to all those who are in process.
My documents arrived in New York today ... pretty quick dispatched on 10/27 arrived on 10/29. I will be going in personally and get my passport stamped ...

going2paris: Please let us know your experience at the NY Consulate. Esp what time you reached the consulate, if you had to take a prior appointment for this, and how long it took to get stuff done.

My case is same as Ashin2. Applied sometime in July and seeing Status Granted since Aug End but document Prining & Dispatched is still in 'NOT' status.

Does anyone know why is this much delay, Even people who applied after me got it. Whom should I need to contact regarding this, I'm very much worried.

NY - Consulate
OCI Application Sent (Mailed) : 30-JUL-2008
OCI Online - Acknowledged : 26-Jul-2008
OCI Online Status - Granted : 27-Aug2008
Doc Printing/Dispatch : (NOT YET) as of 31st OCT 2008.