OCI - New York Tracker

gvjagan: When you sent OCI apps for your family to CGINY, did you enclose just one single $ 20 check to cover return postage for all members? Or did you send separate checks for each person? Please let me know.


Only one return fee of $20 is needed for the entire family.
Picture Scanned - OCI moving faster!!!

Photo Scanned after 2 weeks of Acklowledgement. This is quick as compared to 3 weeks earlier... More details in my Signature below----
Yep, It is moving faster.

Package mailed to NY Consulate: 8/12/2008
Package received: 8/13/2008

Application acknowledged: 9/2/2008
Photo/signature scanned: 9/16/2008.
Thanks to everyone on this forum for sharing their info! It is very very helpful to all. It is my turn now to share my timeline for the benefit of others.

OCI Application delivered: 7/28/08
OCI Acknowledged on 8/11/08
OCI Photos Scanned on 8/26/2008
OCI Registration Status: Granted on 9/4/08
OCI Documents Rcvd at CGINY on 9/16/08
OCI Application delivered: 8/29/08
OCI Acknowledged on ??
OCI Photos Scanned on ??
OCI Registration Status: ??
OCI Documents Rcvd at CGINY ??

Did not send the $20 Check for the Return. wondering what would they do.
OCI Application delivered: 8/29/08
OCI Acknowledged on ??
OCI Photos Scanned on ??
OCI Registration Status: ??
OCI Documents Rcvd at CGINY ??

Did not send the $20 Check for the Return. wondering what would they do.

No harm done... you can send the $20 check when you send your passports after your OCI docs are received at the consulate.

08/23: Application mailed to NY Consulate via Priority mail
08/25: Package delivered
09/15: Acknowledged

Current Status: UnderProcess
Hi all,

I applied for my OCI in July, date of acknowledgement was July 31, 2008. Status granted was Aug 30,2008. But I keep checking my online status to see if documents have been mailed from Delhi to New York, it still says not printed and not dispatched.

Do you know why its taken so long for my OCI to be received at NY? Do you have any other way to get in touch with OCI folks? Should I be worried?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Hi all,

I applied for my OCI in July, date of acknowledgement was July 31, 2008. Status granted was Aug 30,2008. But I keep checking my online status to see if documents have been mailed from Delhi to New York, it still says not printed and not dispatched.

Do you know why its taken so long for my OCI to be received at NY? Do you have any other way to get in touch with OCI folks? Should I be worried?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Since the grant date has been posted, your application is OK and there is nothing to worry. Sometimes there is inexplicable gap of 2-4 weeks between various stages - you should be seeing print and dispatch in the next few days.
OCI Granted !!

Registration Status changed to "Granted" on 26-SEP-2008.

OCI Application delivered: 8/13/2008.
OCI Acknowledged: 9/2/2008
OCI Photos/Signature Scanned: 9/16/2008
OCI Registration Status: Granted on 9/26/2008
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Oci - nyc

Since the grant date has been posted, your application is OK and there is nothing to worry. Sometimes there is inexplicable gap of 2-4 weeks between various stages - you should be seeing print and dispatch in the next few days.


I have a same case. Applied in July and seeing Status Granted since Aug End but document Prining & Dispatched is still in 'NOT' status.

Here is my Time line

NY - Consulate
OCI Application Sent (Mailed) : 5-JUL-2008
OCI Online - Acknowledged : 26-Jul-2008
OCI Online - Photo Sig. Scanned : 14-Aug-2008
OCI Online Status - Granted : 27-Aug2008
Doc Printing/Dispatch : (NOT YET) as of 28rd Sep 2008.
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I wonder whats keeping them. In other cases, they have managed to send out the documents to NY the next day. I guess, its a waiting game.
Documents dispatched!

Documents dispatched to NY!

OCI Application delivered: 8/13/2008.
OCI Acknowledged: 9/2/2008
OCI Photos/Signature Scanned: 9/16/2008
OCI Registration Status: Granted on 9/26/2008
OCI Documents dispatched to CGINY: 10/01/2008
Documents received at NY Consulate

Documents received at NY Consulate. Boy, that was fast! I did not know they receive mail on week-ends.

OCI Application delivered: 8/13/2008.
OCI Acknowledged: 9/2/2008
OCI Photos/Signature Scanned: 9/16/2008
OCI Registration Status: Granted on 9/26/2008
OCI Documents dispatched to CGINY: 10/01/2008
OCI DOcuments received at CGINY: 10/05/2008
OCI Received at NY

My docs also received at NY on Sunday. They work on Sundays!!!:confused:

I'm going to send my PPs & $20 tomorrow to get my OCI.
OCI collected from NY
We decided to collect the OCI documents personally from NY as we were visiting that area.
The experience was very quick and pleasant.
We reached there at 9:15; the window opens at 9:30. There were maybe 15 people in all in the line. They have a separate window for OCI.
You must have your file number for them to pull your paperwork.
Handed the US Passport and the paper that had the file number and was told to come back between 12:30 and 1 pm.
Reached there at the designated time and collected the documents
Our app got acknowledged today...

OCI forms mailed : Sep 16 2008
Acknowledged : Oct 7 2008