OCI - New York Tracker

VISA to OCI conversion at CGINY


Following is going to my situation during OCI process.

I and my wife have US passport and we also have Indian VISA for valid one year on it. Our 2 Kids have US passport and PIO cards. We have applied for OCI for all 4 members of my family at New York Indian consulate. On 25-JUL-2007 OCI application status is acknowledged.It appears to get actual OCI, we may need to wait till end of August-2007.

We plan to visit India next week using Indian VISA. My family may stay more than 6 months in India. I am planning to come back to USA at around 1st week of September-2007. I plan to bring their passport/PIO with me in USA.After my return I will collect OCI for all 4 of us. I won't be sending any passport/OCI by mail either way from India to USA or from USA to India


1) Can my family stay in India indefinitely on OCI that is issued at NY? but we entered on 1 year tourist visa, kids entered on PIO.
2) Initially do they need to register as they will stay more than 6 months?
3) Wife entering with one year VISA, leaving India with OCI after one and half year, is it Okay or not Okay?
4) Kids PIO will be returned to get OCI. Will there be any issue when they travel back to USA to newly issues OCI? Entering India with PIO and leave on OCI.
5) any other Indian immigration status issues

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After my return I will collect OCI for all 4 of us.

How do you plan to get OCI for your wife and kids after your return if they are still in India ? I am guessing it is one of two things -

1) request that the OCI be issued to your wife and kids in India (I guess that should be possible).
2) since you need to present the US passport to get the OCI stamp, bring their passports back with you when you return to the US (and mail them back with the OCI stamps).

I don't know if #2 is advisable. Generally it is not a good idea to mail passports across country borders (not sure if it is against the law).

I mailed my application along with my wife on June 4, 07 (Ref #USANI137xx407). NY office has cashed my check within few days. But on the enquiry form, my reference number doesn't show any details and says 'Application with this number not yet acknowledged'. Has anyone have similar experience. It is already 7 weeks and I am little concerned. Is there any other way of contacting CGINY? Thanks.
I don't know if #2 is advisable. Generally it is not a good idea to mail passports across country borders (not sure if it is against the law). -KM[/QUOTE said:
I plan to bring their passport/PIO with me in USA.After my return I will collect OCI for all 4 of us. I won't be sending any passport/OCI by mail either way from India to USA or from USA to India.

I plan to bring their passport/PIO with me in USA.After my return I will collect OCI for all 4 of us. I won't be sending any passport/OCI by mail either way from India to USA or from USA to India.

... and I am assuming you will be making a trip back to India (and taking their passports back to them) before they come back to the US ? I don't think it matters but you may want to think twice about leaving them behind in India (after all they are technically foreigners there) without their passports or visas in their possession.

Status Update - Finally they acknowledge it.

I checked it today

Date Mailed - 30-JUN-2007
Date Received at CGI NY - 03-JUL-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment - 27-JUL-2007
Registration Status - UnderProcess
Documents Printing Status - NOT PRINTED
Documents Despatched From Delhi On - NOT DISPATCHED
Documents Received at NEW YORK CGI - NOT YET
Status updated...on Sunday?

Date application sent: 23-JUN-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 20-JUL-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 24-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 29-JUL-2007

Documents Printing Status NOT PRINTED
Documents Despatched From Delhi On NOT DISPATCHED
Documents Received at NEW YORK CGI NOT YET
More update...

Date Application Sent 23 JUN 2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 20-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 29-JUL-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 24-JUL-2007
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 30-JUL-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi On 30-JUL-2007

Received at NY: Not yet
How to check?

Fellow OCI applicants:
I need some help. I mailed my application on June 4th and nothing has changed on my status. How do you findout if the application has been acknowledged or scanned or approved? I use my ref number in the OCI enquiry page. Is there something missing? Please respond and let me know the procedure to check. Thanks.

Sorry for the confusion. I was typing my reference number worng (somehow adding additional number). Anyway, it has been approved as of June 27th. Here are the details.

Application mailed: June 4, 07
Date of ack: June 20, 07
Photo/sig scanned: June 21, 07
Reg status granted: June 23, 07
Doc printed: June 23, 07
Docs dispatched from Delhi: June 23, 07
Docs received in NY: June 27, 07.

I will be mailing my passports and $20 cashiers' check tomorrow. I called and talked with Preethi at CGINY. She was very helpful and identified that there are too many numbers in my ref #.

Best wishes to all.
Hello OCI applicants:

I am anxiously awaiting receipt of the documents in NY and would like to know the protocol for sending in the passports for my family.

We already paid the Express mail fee in advance, and Preethy (in NY - who is terrific!) said that this is ok.

Do I mail the passports with our registration numbers? Is there anyway to go into NY and give them the passports and pick them up on the same day? One of my family members is going to India in 1.5 weeks and I don't want to take any chances. Please advise about picking up passport directly, or the protocol for sending the passports for return express mail.

Date Application Sent 02 JUN 2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 24-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 29-JUL-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 26-JUL-2007
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 30-JUL-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi On 30-JUL-2007
Received at NY: Not yet (but soon!)

I copy pasted this directly from consulate general of India, NY website

"You are kindly requested to either visit the Consulate personally (no need of all applicants to be present, one person can bring all passports) with your passport/s between 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM to collect the OCI Cards. (passports will be returned within three hours)

Or mail the passport so that we can issue the OCI card and OCI visa sticker (you will get your passport/s back within 10 working days)."

I think you should do this. No need to risk it when you are about to travel in a week.
Here is my status:

Date Application Sent 29-JUNE-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 25-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 01-AUG-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi NOT DISPATCHED
Received at NY: Not yet

I have to go to india in 10 days, not sure if I get my OCI or may be i have to take VISA.
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Here is my status:

Date Application Sent 29-JUNE-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 25-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 01-AUG-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi NOT DISPATCHED
Received at NY: Not yet

I have to go to india in 10 days, not sure if I get my OCI or may be i have to take VISA.

Hope you live somewhere close enough to NYC and that way you will be able to get your OCI in person if it is granted within the next week or so. You will have to make a trip there to get your visa anyway (you may not have the time to get it done by mail). Good luck !

My application was received by them yesterday. I thought the whole process took less than a month but from your timeline it seems it takes a month just to get the acknowledgement ! I will be in the same situation as you a few weeks for now because I have a trip to India planned for late August or early September.


Date Application Sent 29-JUNE-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 25-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 01-AUG-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi 01-AUG-2007
Received at NY: Not yet
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Docs Arrived...

Perhaps my last post in these forums....

App Sent 23-JUN-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 20-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 29-JUL-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 24-JUL-2007
Documents Printed On 30-JUL-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi On 30-JUL-2007
Documents Received at NEW YORK CGI On 06-AUG-2007
Will mail Passport tomorrow
Date Mailed 27-JUN-2007
Date Received at Embassy 02-JUL-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 25-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 29-JUL-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 27-JUL-2007
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 30-JUL-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi On 31-JUL-2007
Documents Received at NEW YORK CGI On 06-AUG-2007

Will mail passports tomorrow. I am very impressed with the Indian Emabassy in NY. Found the overall experience very swift (no pain) and thoroughly professional. 10 out of 10.

My other experiences:
US Green card process gets 2 out of 10,
Naturalization process gets 5 out of 10,
US Passport gets 8 out of 10.
FYI: The zip code for the New York consulate appears to have changed to 10065 from 10021. This might cause some delays in timely delivery of your mails to NYCGI.

Date Application Sent 29-JUNE-2007
Date Of Acknowledgment 25-JUL-2007
Registration Status Granted On 01-AUG-2007
Photo/Signature Scanned On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 01-AUG-2007
Documents Despatched From Delhi 01-AUG-2007
Received at NY: 07-AUG-2007

I went to NYC next day and was able to get things done with the help of PREETI. I really appreciate Preeti's help. If you have any issues try to talk to Preeti, she will help you.
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Acknowledged in 2 weeks !

That is pretty fast. My application was acknowledged today (08/14). It was received at CGI NY on 07/31. I have a trip planned to India in early September and I hope I get through the rest of the process by then.
