OCI - New York Tracker

Hi, I know this isn't the visa forum, but I could not find anyplace else to post this.

They tell you that same day visa pickup will only be for people with appointments from 9am - 11am.
------------------where did they tell? where they have posted? I think Visa is applied thrugh Travisa
I was just able to get the 11am one and i cannot afford to leave work and come again to pick up the passport with visa.
-----How did you got appointment 11AM? let us know the Procedure

Does anyone know if a person giving their SC packet ( notorized form+$20) at 11am (when i have appt) will be able to get visa the same day pickup?
-----In Emergency they should do that.
Post your VISA exp for others in detail.

I need help....

My got my US citizenship in Mar 10. My OCI was approved on 07-May-10 and was received in NY consulate on 27-May-10.

What are the steps that I need to get OCI? Should I apply for SC and pay $175 or $20?

Also, can I send all my US and Indian passport for OCI sticker with SC application also? or should I do SC first?
I need help....

My got my US citizenship in Mar 10. My OCI was approved on 07-May-10 and was received in NY consulate on 27-May-10.

What are the steps that I need to get OCI? Should I apply for SC and pay $175 or $20?

Also, can I send all my US and Indian passport for OCI sticker with SC application also? or should I do SC first?

If you got US citizen before 1st June 2010 then you don't have to pay SC fees i.e. $175.
You can find this information @ http://www.indiacgny.org/php/showHighLightDet.php?h_id=144&key=
Visited CGI NY today about changes in Renunciation Fees

Just came back from a visit to CGI-NY.

I had sent our completed Surrender Certificate/Renunciation form to CCGI-NY on 5/24 which was received by them on 5/25. I enclosed a CC for $ 720. Now that the fees have been reduced from $ 175 to $ 20, means that I was out of pocket by $ 620.

In the hall on the right in the Basement, they have set up an Information/Inquiry desk. I was asked to talk to her. She said that if the Surrender Certificate has been processed then no refund, though they have asked Delhi if something could be done about refunds. If they have not been processed, then the Consulate will contact us on phone to resubmit the application with reduced fees.

There was another gentleman who had driven down from Boston, who not only had paid the $ 175 but had also paid $ 250 as penalty. He was given the same response.

Interestingly, they kept announcing that if your passport has a cancelled stamp then there is no need to obtain a Surrender Certificate. That seemed to a total reversal of the stance of the last few weeks.

I am going to email Dr Anju Kumar on my case.
We have to do something......

This is totally ridiculous, unprofessional in saying that they will not refund people who have already been issued SC. Aren't these guys educated? Don't they ask questions when someone comes up with some fancy idea! Don't they take time to study the policy and figure out steps to implement the policy instead of keep changing the rules on a daily basis! Not only did they inconvenience us, they also put their staff in total confusion because of lack of clarity.

In my case, though I had a Cancelled passport, Anju said that I had to pay $175 to get SC to process my OCI. In the mean time, Pushpa Kumar sent the OCI package back, and had the audocity to ask for $5 for returning our applicaitons!! Now today, I do not see SC as one of the requirements for OCI. I lost 1 month in this chaos. I have sent the OCI package today with the SC once again spending another $17 by express mail. I got this feeling that they are going to come back with some other excuse and return my package, and asking me to send another $5 for the return mail costs!! And I will be spending another $17 in express mail. This is becoming like a game now!!!

By the way, the SC document does not say Surrender Certiifcate. It says acknowledgement for renunication or something like that!!!! Once again, the confusion.

Don't they just think before doing something that has a deep impact on the community?
New process - no SC ?

I am confused with the new posting below on the CGNY website .(So what's new ...right ?):)))
Does this mean , those who acquired citizenship before May 31 need not get a surrender certificate ? As I understand, the old process was for those applying for OCI , to get a "Cancellation" stamp on their Indian passport when getting the OCI . Is CGNY reverting to that old process ?

Fees for Obtaining Surrender / Renunciation Certificate
In supersession of the rules regarding Surrender/Renunciation Certificate the Government of India have decided as follow:-
Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) who have already acquired foreign citizenship voluntarily till May 31, 2010 shall cease to be Indian citizens upon their acquiring foreign citizenship. However, such persons are required to surrender their Indian passports, whether valid or expired, to the Indian Consulate so that the passport is not misused. Such persons are not required to pay any fee under the Citizenship Act. However, they will have to pay US$ 20/- for Surrender/Cancellation of the passports.
Those Indian citizens, who intend to acquire foreign citizenship on or after 1st June 2010 will have to submit a declaration of renunciation of their Indian citizenship with payment of US$ 175/- as per fee structure under Rule 23 of the Citizenship Rules, 2009.
Got back surrender certificate by mail!!

Just got a call from my wife that her Indian passport and surrender certificate was delivered today. I had sent it in on May 15th, recd by the consulate on May 17th. Of course, I had included the $175 fee which they happily accepted.
Re: Refund of extra monies for Surrender Certificate

Dear Ministry and Consulate officers,

I have acquired US citizenship on March 8, 2010. As such following the bedlam surrounding the "Surrender Certificate," I have paid $175 to obtain the same.

This new volte-face regarding the fee amount leaves many of us expatriates feeling cheated. It is not a trivial amount but $155 that was capriciously charged now on hind sight.

Similar to the fee reduction of the PIO card since its initial offering, I would strongly urge the ministry and/or the consulate to either refund the excess fees or have some sort of quid pro quo. These may be in the form of extending credit for other services or for services to family members or the most easiest:

Issue a credit to that amount for future services at the consulate

In any case, I believe the CGINY owes some sort of reparation for the excess fees that they have charged.


Arjun Dutta, Ph.D.

eam@mea.gov.in; mospk@mea.gov.in; ambassadoroffice@indiagov.org; dcmoff@indiagov.org; Dr. Anju Kumar <cpv@indiacgny.org>; Mr. P.K. Bajaj <hoc@indiacgny.org>
Cc: addlpseam@mea.gov.in; psmospk@mea.gov.in; dirfs@mea.gov.in; psfs@mea.gov.in; jscop@mea.gov.in; pankaj.saran@pmo.nic.in; jaideep.sarkar@pmo.nic.in; addlpseam@mea.gov.in; addlpseam@mea.gov.in; mospk@mea.gov.in
This is totally ridiculous, unprofessional in saying that they will not refund people who have already been issued SC. Aren't these guys educated? Don't they ask questions when someone comes up with some fancy idea! Don't they take time to study the policy and figure out steps to implement the policy instead of keep changing the rules on a daily basis! Not only did they inconvenience us, they also put their staff in total confusion because of lack of clarity.

In my case, though I had a Cancelled passport, Anju said that I had to pay $175 to get SC to process my OCI. In the mean time, Pushpa Kumar sent the OCI package back, and had the audocity to ask for $5 for returning our applicaitons!! Now today, I do not see SC as one of the requirements for OCI. I lost 1 month in this chaos. I have sent the OCI package today with the SC once again spending another $17 by express mail. I got this feeling that they are going to come back with some other excuse and return my package, and asking me to send another $5 for the return mail costs!! And I will be spending another $17 in express mail. This is becoming like a game now!!!

By the way, the SC document does not say Surrender Certiifcate. It says acknowledgement for renunication or something like that!!!! Once again, the confusion.

Don't they just think before doing something that has a deep impact on the community?

I have sent emails to as many people I could think of...

See anju kumar's reply:

As of now, the fee already charged as applicable on the day of service rendered is not being refunded. If there is any further development on this issue, we'll keep you informed through our website.
I have sent emails to as many people I could think of...

See anju kumar's reply:

As of now, the fee already charged as applicable on the day of service rendered is not being refunded. If there is any further development on this issue, we'll keep you informed through our website.

Is there an online petition that is being opened for requesting the refund of $155. If not, how do we go about starting one. Can someone familiar with the process of starting petition initiate if one is not there already and we can all sign the same.

Why should it be so difficult for them to refund the money ?

If the policy was in vogue for several months or year then the validity of prevaling fee on date of service hold good. But in this case, it was a clearly poorly laid out policy which had to be backed out in 3 weeks time. So there is no rationale for sucking us like this.
I have sent emails to as many people I could think of...

See anju kumar's reply:

As of now, the fee already charged as applicable on the day of service rendered is not being refunded. If there is any further development on this issue, we'll keep you informed through our website.

Ya right... they can do whatever they like.

Like placing a new policy "Retroactively" to charge $175 to pretty much everyone and send back the documents submitted before the new policy was placed, without a start date and now that we "the people" have paid them money and asking the refund due to their Policy change yesterday. She has guts to tell us that "The fee already charged as applicable on the day of service rendered is not being refunded"... how about placing this new policy change "Retroactively" as well? No they won't do that, cos they are going to have to refund millions of dollars to the people that they incorrectly charged in the first place. Com'on guys its all our hard earned money, and we deserve to get it back ... smelling a legal action here ... a big one ...

Thank you Dutta Saab for following it up.

God bless India and Indian Babus and Ms. Anju Kumar
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Ya right... they can do whatever they like.

Like placing a new policy "Retroactively" to charge $175 to pretty much everyone and send back the documents submitted before the new policy was placed, without a start date and now that we "the people" have paid them money and asking the refund due to their Policy change yesterday. She has guts to tell us that "The fee already charged as applicable on the day of service rendered is not being refunded"... how about placing this new policy change "Retroactively" as well? No they won't do that, cos they are going to have to refund millions of dollars to the people that they incorrectly charged in the first place. Com'on guys its all our hard earned money, and we deserve to get it back ... smelling a legal action here ... a big one ...

Thank you Dutta Saab for following it up.

God bless India and Indian Babus and Ms. Anju Kumar

Any folks here with contacts to attorneys specializing in class action suits ? Unless there is a collective representation , the whole thing may fizzle out.
Petition web-sites

The GOPIO's petition against "Retroactive Enforcement of New Rules for Surrender of Indian Passport" was hosted at petitiononline.com


There are other web-sites as well, e.g. gopetition.com/sitemap.php
I have sent emails to as many people I could think of...

See anju kumar's reply:

As of now, the fee already charged as applicable on the day of service rendered is not being refunded. If there is any further development on this issue, we'll keep you informed through our website.

Based on Anju kumar reply, they are calling day of service means only charging money from customer.because, after fifteen days and even today, we have not received SC with canceled passport. today is 2nd June 2010. as for as we concern we have not received SC. hence, her statement is not applicable, I think so. Am I right?
Based on Anju kumar reply, they are calling day of service means only charging money from customer.because, after fifteen days and even today, we have not received SC with canceled passport. today is 2nd June 2010. as for as we concern we have not received SC. hence, her statement is not applicable, I think so. Am I right?

yes, if you go to the consulate and your SC is not procesed, they will charge only $20
Got back surrender certificate by mail!!

Just got a call from my wife that her Indian passport and surrender certificate was delivered today. I had sent it in on May 15th, recd by the consulate on May 17th. Of course, I had included the $175 fee which they happily accepted.

I submitted my application by mail on May 14th received by the consulate on May 17th. I didn't receive my surrender certificate yet.