OCI - Chicago Tracker

I have below things everywhere on my post.

OCI + Surrender Certificate Family Application
10/14/2010 - Application sent via USPS certified
11/16/2010 - Received SC by USPS express mail
11/27/2010 - Date Of Acknowledgment
12/01/2010 - Photo Scanned
12/04/2010 - Registration Status - Granted
12/08/2010 - PRINTED
12/14/2010 - Documents Dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office on

You got SC in one month and OCI in 2 months.Congrats.

he submitted his oci+sc on 10/14/2010 and got sc+ canceled indian PP on 11/16/2010.

I presume you are from Atlanta. Do not think your time line will be similar. I find lot of posts whether one could apply for OCI+SC together at Houston. No one is clear. Chicago is way ahead and more applicant friendly. I bet you wish you were here!!!!

Thanks. Yes it make sense to be in Chicago area. I applied together
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I applied Surrender Certificate + OCI together, I got my SC and Indian Passport back on 11/16 with canceled stamped on it. Do I need to send it back both of things SC+ Indian Passport to Chicago consulate at the time to collecting OCI. or just Indian Passport would be enough, as its showing Canceled on it?

any help?

No need to send originals. When i went personally to collect they did ask for canceled PP and want to be sure it is canceled. They checked and returned it. What they wanted is Online printout and US PP.

If you are sending by mail i would advice you to add a copies of SC and first 2 pages of canceled Indian PP ( pages with cancellation stamp) along with US PP + print out. Do not forget $20/-.
No need to send originals. When i went personally to collect they did ask for canceled PP and want to be sure it is canceled. They checked and returned it. What they wanted is Online printout and US PP.

If you are sending by mail i would advice you to add a copies of SC and first 2 pages of canceled Indian PP ( pages with cancellation stamp) along with US PP + print out. Do not forget $20/-.

Thanks madh4 - I already sent $20 when I applied it, Thanks for clearing this out.
Apparently the OCI enquiry site is broken. All enquires return the
"this number not yet acknowledged...." response !!! Dec 22nd 2010
please enter your us passport# with the application# to check the online status.
Apparently the OCI enquiry site is broken. All enquires return the
"this number not yet acknowledged...." response !!! Dec 22nd 2010

yes now we need to enter US passport number and OCI number to search. I think they implemented this new search in the morning.
My OCI has moved fast. See the date line below

application sent 09/15/2010
application recd 09/17/2010
Acknowledged 12/01/2010
photo scanned 12/03/2010
regn status 12/04/2010
docs printed 12/09/2010
sent from India 12/14/2010
recd chicago xxxxxxxxxx

hopefully by week end should reach the Consulate. Still debating whether to collect in person or not. If it going to snow like last 2 days no way i am driving to Chicago. 4-5 hour drive is too much.

ann12 - any updates on your case after it dispatched from India?
ann12 - any updates on your case after it dispatched from India?
No change from docs dispatched on 12/14/2010. I feel docs lying unopened in CGI, Chicago and hopefully staff would return from holidays today and update. If not today it will be in the new year only.
No change from docs dispatched on 12/14/2010. I feel docs lying unopened in CGI, Chicago and hopefully staff would return from holidays today and update. If not today it will be in the new year only.

let see else I will email them asking for updates on 12/30 as they said contact after 10 days from dispatch.

Thanks. I thought our package mailed together. no problem it will be good for new year.
OCI + Surrender Certificate Family Application
10/14/2010 - Application sent via USPS certified
11/16/2010 - Received SC by USPS express mail
11/27/2010 - Date Of Acknowledgment
12/01/2010 - Photo Scanned
12/04/2010 - Registration Status - Granted
12/08/2010 - PRINTED
12/14/2010 - Documents Dispatched to Concerned Mission/Office on
12/29/2010 - Documents Received at Chicago Consulate (India time)

Congrats. You have one more reason to celebrate the new year