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OC DV lottery 2024

We don't have to guess derivative rates, we have data.

The derivative rate for Fiji is about 2.2 - meaning an average of 1.2 derivates for each case. Aus and Sydney are less, but the derivative rate can't account for the difference.
I wasn't guessing Fiji's derivative rate (2.2) for previous published years. My guess (probably 2 -3 for Fiji) was for the recent year's derivative count that's not been published in the states website yet, what with their unusually high issuance count >2.9k for one country, compared to the other two countries with figures in low hundreds

If I could hijack the topic of this conversation, I've got a question about the photo requirements for submission. Applicant photo meets the 2*2 size requirement so the states website accepts the photo in application without any error

but the eye height / head size doesn't meet the specifications i.e 50%- 69% max as specified in their site implying that the candidate's pic doesn't even go far enough to show the collar bone (stops just above the collar bone)

How specific are they about these dimensions - head, eye, etc? (only asking this because your recent two videos didn't mention this specific requirement so I'm guessing KCC/ USCIS isn't all that fussy about this?)

Is not meeting eye height, head size in pic grounds for not winning DV lottery / possible rejection of application, even if they win?
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