Oath question


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My wife and I supposed to take our oath in Brooklyn at 8:30 am. How long does the whole process take? I need to travel for business that day ...hence asking.
Irrespective of the location, oath rarely takes more than 2 hours. Usually you are done at the end of hour 1.
How long does the oath take.

In Boston it will depend on the number of people taking the oath. When I took my oath there were close to 400 people taking the oath, the entire process took about 3 hours. Get there early so you can get a seat in the front, that will shave some time at the end when they hand out the naturalization certificates.

In Boston it will depend on the number of people taking the oath. When I took my oath there were close to 400 people taking the oath, the entire process took about 3 hours. Get there early so you can get a seat in the front, that will shave some time at the end when they hand out the naturalization certificates.

Wow! San Jose (Campbell) must be really well organized. It took 1 hour with 440 people, and that's consistently been the case there. Plus, the entry line was about 5-10 minutes ... more if you arrived way early, but nothing big to complain about.
My oath experience lasted from 9:30 until just after 12:00. The oath ceremony itself (at a federal court house, not DO or same day oath) was a little over an hour, then they handed out nat certs. I was in the third row so that did not take long. What took a long time was the registration/check in process. They allowed 90 minutes (9:30 until 11:00) for about 70 people. This could have been done a lot faster but there was no rush. It just ended meaning a lot of waiting around.
My oath experience lasted from 9:30 until just after 12:00. The oath ceremony itself (at a federal court house, not DO or same day oath) was a little over an hour, then they handed out nat certs. I was in the third row so that did not take long. What took a long time was the registration/check in process. They allowed 90 minutes (9:30 until 11:00) for about 70 people. This could have been done a lot faster but there was no rush. It just ended meaning a lot of waiting around.

I took my oath in Brooklyn and it took about 4 hours (no exaggeration). My ceremony was scheduled for 8:30. By the time the actual oath, which took about 5 minutes, was conducted and the certificates were handed out, it was about 12:45.

what time was your oath? and what time did you reach Brookly fed crt? my oath is in the morning, so i am trying to figure out how early I should reach.