NVC Fee Receipt

Wat was ur first message? when nvc created ur case
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My NVC case created date was 7/15
Till yesterday it kept saying pls allow 6-8 weeks for the lawyer to receive a notification.
My lawyer never received a notification for DS3032 and i called the operator and she told me that the attorney info is registered as the agent( G28must have been given already)
since the status changed today am expecting to receive the bill in the next couple of weeks

Status now

NVC has received the choice of agent Form DS3032 and the address information and will notify the instructions in the next few weeks.
Hi r sada,

I think for me i will get the Ds-3032 form.I will fill that form and send to NVC.then only my process starts.Message also says 6 to 8 weeks to reach the beneficary...

Sada ,when your case was created in NVC???
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7/15/2004 NVC - CD

for me before this stage the status message was saying.
6-8 weeks for the Lawyer to recv notification.

and now it says
NVC has recvd the DS-3032 form choice of agent,

But last week i had called them to check if the attornery is in their system and they said he has been entered along with case creation.

I checked with the operator there.They said one letter will go to my employer and one to my address.Hope i will get the get the DS-3032 ...
r_sada, appan,

My message has been changed. Now it says "NVC has recvd the DS-3032 form choice of agent".
I have the same exact message now hope to get the message your fee recpt has been generated soon
and then it will show up one fine day in the lawyers mail box.


How many days it takes for the lawyer to recieve the NVC Bill reciept after NVC has generated . My AVM message says Fee bill is generated on Aug 09

So when I can expect my lawyer to recieve the fee bill

Please guide
mine took 10 business days

sachingp said:

How many days it takes for the lawyer to recieve the NVC Bill reciept after NVC has generated . My AVM message says Fee bill is generated on Aug 09

So when I can expect my lawyer to recieve the fee bill

Please guide
Fee Bill Generated

My AVM changed to say the Fee bill has been generated on Aug 16th.
Im waiting for the lawyer to recv. Considering it was a monday. im expecting the fee recpt to reach my lawyer by next monday or tuesday

HI all,,

Any body in this group message( AVM )says that it will send to the beneficary???? My case was created on 07/22/2004.......

Cp gurus please reply....

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My Fee Bill was generated on 8/16. I am hoipng the lawyer will receive the fee bill by early next week.