Nunc pro tunc interview

I've been waiting for her myself. I hope she's fine.
Dear Morning; My fears have materialized. I have told Anakara in andvance that she inform us of her fate. Now, two days passed, and no word from her yet. If she fine, and everything went well and she has not come farward with her experience, I think she should tell us in detail as to why she did not informed on time. On the other hand, If things turmed upside down and she was put on deporting proceedings, then she has good excuse to be quite. Your thoughts: :D :rolleyes: :cool: ;) :eek: :eek: :mad: :confused: :( :)
faysal don't worry she gonna be allright..
the fact that she gone back to her home country is not big deal for her anyway..remember the civil war in her country is way over and her former country do not exist any more ..matter fact she have new nationality.
just give her sametimes and you gonna heard the good news.
jubilee said:
faysal don't worry she gonna be allright..
the fact that she gone back to her home country is not big deal for her anyway..remember the civil war in her country is way over and her former country do not exist any more ..matter fact she have new nationality.
just give her sametimes and you gonna heard the good news.

Thanks Jubilee: the point is not that she is gonna run into trouble. It is the fact we desparately wanted to her from her. the fact it is taking long for her to post her experience is killing us. we are in like her we want hear what she has to tell. thanks!
Oh my God, guys.... sorry I didn't write, and I'm really sorry if I mislead you. My interview is actually next Tuesday, sorry. I had another interview last Tuesday, about something totally different, but perhaps equally important to me, so I never specified, or maybe got confused about which one was which.

Anyway, I am fine, nothing happened to me in terms of immigration. I have just been busy interviewing this week (trying to transfer my work in the juvenile section). Anyway, I will definitely let you guys know, Tuesday evening, about how it went in the interview (if I really do not end up in one of their detention centers). I know I haven't been posting lately, but my life has suddenly gotten even more active in 2006. Anything important that I have, I will keep you guys informed.
Thank you for keeping us posted. I'm glad thing are going well for you.
I just got this:

Current Status:

On February 9, 2006, we transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to an office in SAN FRANCISCO ASYLUM OFC. for processing. Our office in SAN FRANCISCO ASYLUM OFC. will send you a written decision as soon as processing is complete. You should receive a notice informing you that your case has been transferred to a local office. Please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283 to receive information about local office processing times.

:eek: :eek:
Do you know by any chance if they still are going to interview me after I submitted a medical statement and if I can take someone with me to the interview just to have a witness if something goes wrong? :eek:
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Checked processing time for I-485 at the local office. As of January 24, 2006 they were processing applications from April, 2005 and who knows when my application will reach the local office. The bottom line is I'm screwed big time!!! :mad: :mad:
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Hey Morning,

Your posts keep referring to the fact that you do not want to be interviewed. Not being nosy but if you want us to comment on that you need to give people more information about this. From your posts I gather that you are a highly intelligent and capable person. Why should they waive the interview requirement just for you?

Thanks and best of luck.

Morning said:
Thank you for keeping us posted. I'm glad thing are going well for you.
I just got this:

Current Status:

On February 9, 2006, we transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to an office in SAN FRANCISCO ASYLUM OFC. for processing. Our office in SAN FRANCISCO ASYLUM OFC. will send you a written decision as soon as processing is complete. You should receive a notice informing you that your case has been transferred to a local office. Please call the National Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283 to receive information about local office processing times.

:eek: :eek:
Do you know by any chance if they still are going to interview me after I submitted a medical statement and if I can take someone with me to the interview just to have a witness if something goes wrong? :eek:
Your posts keep referring to the fact that you do not want to be interviewed.
I rather cannot. I submitted a very explicit medical statement from my therapist regarding this. I have severe PTSD after the events in the COP and several traumatic events that happend to me here, in the US, which made it even worse. My initial asylum interview was a nightmare - I was retraumatized by being interrogated about the detalis of near death experience, which lays in the basis of my asylum claim. So, the very thought of going through something simillar scares the daylights out of me. I hope, I answered your question.
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Morning said:
Your posts keep referring to the fact that you do not want to be interviewed.
I rather cannot. I submitted a very explicit medical statement from my therapist regarding this. I have severe PTSD after the events in the COP and several traumatic events that happend to me here, in the US, which made it even worse. My initial asylum interview was a nightmare - I was retraumatized by being interrogated about the detalis of near death experience, which lays in the basis of my asylum claim. So, the very thought of going through something simillar scares the daylights out of me. I hope, I answered your question.

And you applied as a derivative rather than a principal?

They do not tend to talk about your persecutory experiences for a nunc pro tunc interview. But in any case I think they should waive it for you. Good luck.
I was a derivative on the initial I-589 and that's what causes my current problems. You appear to be very knowledgable about the process. Do you know if I can take someone with me for the interview if it still will be required - not to represent me, but merely for a moral support. The reason why I'm asking - I cannot stay in the same room one on one with someone I do not know. (It's a part of PTSD)
Morning said:
I was a derivative on the initial I-589 and that's what causes my current problems. You appear to be very knowledgable about the process. Do you know if I can take someone with me for the interview if it still will be required - not to represent me, but merely for a moral support. The reason why I'm asking - I cannot stay in the same room one on one with someone I do not know. (It's a part of PTSD)

The law allows you to have an attorney, translator or witness to be present in the room. But it does not specifically prohibit the presence of a "moral support" person. It just does not say anything about that. The office director probably has the discretion to allow that. You have a pretty darn good reason to make the request.

A way to get around this would be to request to be interviewed in your native language and then you can bring a close friend as your translator.

Did you make your interview waiver request to the service center or the asylum office?
I'm very greateful for your response. :)
"Witness" is fine with me as long as I'm gonna have someone, whom I know and whom I trust with me during the interview. I thought about a pretend interprter, but I have already indicated in the application that I'm fluent in English. So, that's not going to work. I will appreciate a lot if you tell me how to request interview waiver. Thank you. :)
He probably sent it to the service center along with his I-589 application. Anyways Morning, regardless of the decision they make on your waiver, I think you will have to still make an appearance before an officer. I was called about a month after I received that mesage from the NSC, so depending on the SF Asylum office' caseload, I am assuming that is roughly the time you are looking at.

Good luck!!!
Ms. Anakara:

Last Tuesday was really very long wait for I and Morning. I can't really explain what has happened to me. This time I ask to be very clear on what is going: Here is my understanding; This Tuesday, You have your interview. Please, regardless of what happens post your experience: Right away;;; :)
Ok guys,

The countdown has begun, 12 hours to my interview. Please say a prayer for me tonight, regardless of whom you are praying to!!!! I will probably be driving to Houston all night, and hopefully will not get sleepy behind the wheel.
Faysal, Morning and everyone, expect news from me by tomorrow evening when I return........
My prayers are with you! Fingers crossed etc :D Did they instruct you to bring any documents other than ID? I'll be expecting not just news, but good news. Hang in there and be brave - OK you are brave. :cool: Drive safely and the best of luck to you!
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All our prayers are with you. From my experience from other cases, you should be fine. It rarely happens for undefinite asylum to be overturned. The news you bring us tomorrow will be very positive, but please try to ask the officer how you will go about adjustment of status upon asylum approval. Chances are that he might not know but just ask and post the response. Good luck and prayers are with you. :) :) :)
Just checked the mail and foung the Transfer Notice, which explains what in the heck was the LUD on 02/10/06. At the mercy of SF AO again, almost a decade later. :mad: