November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

Guys post your updated status?

Any one who recvd pp yesterday or able to see track info??
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Date sent : Nov. 12th 2003

Stamped passports received today, 10th Feb. 2004.

I have a doubt.

In the passports of my spouse and kids against PN they have mentioned Corporate Consulting Inc.
though they have mentioned the name of my employer in my passport. Is it ok or do I have to apeak to somebody regarding this.

I have not tried to find the status till now. I was going through this thread to find out when to expect the passport ...
I called them today same repeated story,still processing oct visa .
i heard that if we call them every day they will delay our process
is that true.
Updated List

Name-------------->SL Recv ------------->DC Recv ----------> Status
MNo -----------------> 2nd Nov ------------> xxxxxxx -------> Feb 6 (en route fedex)
Nav -----------------> 3rd Nov ------------> 4th Dec --------> Passport received 2/6/2004 (fedex)
katman --------------> 3rd Nov ------------>xxxxxxxxx--------> Feb 6 (in print Q)
nsk77 ---------------> 4th Nov ------------> 24th Nov--------> 2/5/2004
Ramyamj -------------> 5th Nov -----------> 3rd Dec ---------> 2/6/2004 (in print Q)
aayukath ------------> 7th Nov ---------> xxxxxxxx---------> 2/5/2004 (en route fedex)
pashwin ------------> 10th Nov ----------> 25th Nov--------> 9 Feb (recd passport - visa issued)
vcgc------------------->12th nov------------->xxxxxxx-----------10thfeb
Ash04---------------> 19th Nov ------------>xxxxxxxxx---------> Feb 6 (en route fedex)
Shoba---------------> 26th Nov ------------->xxxxxxxxx--------> 6 Feb

Pending List:
Name-------------->SL Recv ------------->DC Recv ----------> Status

rajeshsfo -----------> 2nd Nov -----------> xxxxxxxx ------> Pending
arkm-----------------> 2nd Nov ------------->xxxxxxxx----------> Pending
farooq78 ------------> 4th Nov ------------> 8th Dec ---------> Pending
sk2002sk ------------> 4th Nov ----------> xxxxxxxx --------> Pending
arzootech -----------> 6th Nov ---------> xxxxxxxx---------> Pending
aakarsh--------------->7th Nov---------->8th dec---------->Pending
krs100200 -----------> 8th Nov -----------> xxxxxxxx--------> Pending
Parthasas-----------> 10th Nov ------------> 1 Dec ------------> Pending
nviren -------------> 10th Nov ----------> xxxxxxxx--------> Pending
partha -------------> 10th Nov -----------> xxxxxxxx--------> Pending
kunalb -------------> 10th Nov -----------> 3rd Dec--------> Pending
tha ----------------> 14th Nov -----------> xxxxxxxx--------> Pending
Profressional ------> 14th Nov -------------> xxxxxxxx -------> Pending
Nilesh Shah --------> 18th Nov ----------> 10th Dec--------> Pending
raju_dv ------------> 20th Nov ---------> xxxxxxxx--------> Pending
tj_jayson ----------> 26th Nov ---------> 12th Dec--------> Pendin
same old story

Just spoke to DC and there goes the story again.. "Cannot give you any updates"

Looks like the flurry of approvals has stalled abruptly. No exciting news yesterday and today?

How may more days of wait :(

Updated list, Guys, Please updated with the info - Single/Married

Name------->SL Recv ---->DC Recv --->--Single-----> Status
MNo -----> 2nd Nov -----> xxxxxxx --> --> Feb 6 (en route fedex)
Nav -----> 3rd Nov -----> 4th Dec --> --> Passport received 2/6/2004 (fedex)
katman --> 3rd Nov -----> xxxxxxx---> --> Feb 6 (in print Q)
nsk77 ---> 4th Nov -----> 24th Nov--> --> 2/5/2004
Ramyamj -> 5th Nov -----> 3rd Dec --> --> 2/6/2004 (in print Q)
aayukath-> 7th Nov -----> xxxxxxxx--> --> 2/5/2004 (en route fedex
pashwin -> 10th Nov ----> 25th Nov--> --> 9 Feb (recd passport - visa issued)
vcgc ----> 12th Nov ----> XXXXXXX---> M --> 10th-Feb
Ash04----> 19th Nov ----> xxxxxxxx--> --> Feb 6 (en route fedex)
Shoba----> 26th Nov ----> xxxxxxxxx-> --> 6 Feb

Pending List:
Name------->SL Recv ------>DC Recv -->Single--------> Status

rajeshsfo-> 2nd Nov ----> xxxxxxxx -> --> Pending
arkm------> 3nd Nov ----> xxxxxxxx--> S --> Pending
vj ------> 3nd Nov ----> xxxxxxxx--> --> Pending
farooq78 -> 4th Nov ----> 8th Dec --> --> Pending
sk2002sk -> 4th Nov ----> xxxxxxxx -> --> Pending
arzootech-> 6th Nov ----> xxxxxxxx--> --> Pending
aakarsh---> 7th Nov-----> xxxxxxxxx-> --> Pending
krs100200-> 8th Nov ----> xxxxxxxx--> --> Pending
Parthasas-> 10th Nov ---> 1 Dec ----> --> Pending
nviren ---> 10th Nov ---> xxxxxxxx--> --> Pending
partha ---> 10th Nov ---> xxxxxxxx--> --> Pending
kunalb ---> 10th Nov ---> 3rd Dec---> --> Pending
tha ------> 14th Nov ---> xxxxxxxx--> --> Pending
Profres---> 14th Nov ---> xxxxxxxx -> --> Pending
Nilesh ---> 18th Nov ---> 10th Dec--> --> Pending
raju_dv --> 20th Nov ---> xxxxxxxx--> --> Pending
tj_jayson-> 26th Nov ---> 12th Dec--> --> Pending

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To sk2002sk ------------>


Have you received your passport of get any info
that is it approved or not . My case is veru similar to you as
my visa stamp validation is feb 06 and my DC date is jan 01 2004.

All the best to you and pls let me know your outcome .

Updated list

Name------->SL Recv ---->DC Recv--->Single/Married-----> Status
MNo -----> 2nd Nov -----> xxxxxxx -->XXXX--> Feb 6 (en route fedex)
Nav -----> 3rd Nov -----> 4th Dec -->XXXX--> Passport received 2/6/2004 (fedex)
katman --> 3rd Nov -----> xxxxxxx--->XXXX--> Feb 6 (in print Q)
nsk77 ---> 4th Nov -----> 24th Nov-->XXXX--> 2/5/2004
Ramyamj -> 5th Nov -----> 3rd Dec -->XXXX--> 2/6/2004 (in print Q)
aayukath-> 7th Nov -----> xxxxxxxx-->XXXX--> 2/5/2004 (en route fedex
pashwin -> 10th Nov ----> 25th Nov-->XXXX--> 9 Feb (recd passport - visa issued)
vcgc ----> 12th Nov ----> XXXXXXX--->MARR--> 10th-Feb
Ash04----> 19th Nov ----> xxxxxxxx-->XXXX--> Feb 6 (en route fedex)
Shoba----> 26th Nov ----> xxxxxxxxx->XXXX--> 6 Feb
Sunnyr---> XXXXXXXX ----> 01st Jan ->XXXX--> 6 Feb

Pending List:
Name------->SL Recv ------>DC Recv->Single/Married-> Status


rajeshsfo->2nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx ---->XXXX----> Pending
arkm------>3nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->Sing----> Pending
vj ------>3nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
farooq78 ->4th Nov---->8th Dec ----->XXXX----> Pending
sk2002sk ->4th Nov---->xxxxxxxx ---->XXXX----> Pending
arzootech->6th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
aakarsh--->7th Nov---->xxxxxxxxx---->XXXX----> Pending
krs100200->8th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
Parthasas->10th Nov---->1 Dec ------->XXXX----> Pending
nviren --->10th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
partha --->10th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
kunalb --->10th Nov---->3rd Dec------>XXXX----> Pending
tha ------>14th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
Profres--->14th Nov---->xxxxxxxx ---->XXXX----> Pending
Nilesh --->18th Nov---->10th Dec----->XXXX----> Pending
raju_dv -->20th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
tj_jayson->26th Nov---->12th Dec----->XXXX----> Pending

I have not received my passport yet. You put me wrong in the list.My DC date is 1st jan but 06 feb is the date when my old stamp is 1 year old already !!

sorry for the confusion !

Updated list

Name------->SL Recv ---->DC Recv--->Single/Married-----> Status
MNo ----->2nd Nov----->xxxxxxx ------>XXXX-->6th-Feb (en route fedex)
Nav ----->3rd Nov----->4th Dec ------>XXXX-->6th-Feb (PP recei fedex)
katman -->3rd Nov----->xxxxxxx------->XXXX-->6th-Feb (in print Q)
nsk77 --->4th Nov----->24th Nov------>XXXX-->5th-Feb
Ramyamj ->5th Nov----->3rd Dec ------>XXXX-->6th-Feb (in print Q)
aayukath->7th Nov----->xxxxxxxx------>XXXX-->5th-Feb (en route fedex)
pashwin ->10th Nov---->25th Nov------>XXXX-->9th-Feb (PP recd)
vcgc ---->12th Nov---->XXXXXXX------->MARR-->10th-Feb
Ash04---->19th Nov---->xxxxxxxx------>XXXX-->6th-Feb (en route fedex)
Shoba---->26th Nov---->xxxxxxxxx----->XXXX-->6th-Feb
Sunnyr--->XXXXXXXX---->01st Jan ----->XXXX-->6th-Feb

Pending List:
Name------->SL Recv ------>DC Recv->Single/Married-> Status
rajeshsfo->2nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx ---->XXXX----> Pending
arkm------>3nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->Sing----> Pending
vj ------>3nd Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
farooq78 ->4th Nov---->8th Dec------>XXXX----> Pending
sk2002sk ->4th Nov---->xxxxxxxx ---->XXXX----> Pending
arzootech->6th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
aakarsh--->7th Nov---->8th Dec----->XXXX----> Pending
krs100200->8th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
Parthasas->10th Nov---->1 Dec ------->XXXX----> Pending
nviren --->10th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
partha --->10th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
kunalb --->10th Nov---->3rd Dec------>XXXX----> Pending
tha ------>14th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
Profres--->14th Nov---->xxxxxxxx ---->XXXX----> Pending
Nilesh --->18th Nov---->10th Dec----->XXXX----> Pending
raju_dv -->20th Nov---->xxxxxxxx----->XXXX----> Pending
tj_jayson->26th Nov---->12th Dec----->XXXX----> Pending
Iam not sure about DC dates.....but I got my passport yesterday with visa stamped on 02/05/2004. I mailed my documents to St Loius, MO on Nov 9th 2003.