November - Visa Revalidation Tracking

Money Orders Not yet Cashed

Here are my details:

Sent: Nov 5 2003
Received at St.Louis: Nov 6 2003.
Money Order cashed: Not yet
DC : Not yet received

Can you guys check your Money order/Cashier checks encashed dates.


Name-------------------SL Date------------------DC Date
sk2002sk------------------4th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
arzootech----------------06th Nov -----------------XXXXXXXX
pashwin------------------10th Nov--------------- 25th Nov
nviren-------------------10th Nov--------------- xxxxxxxx
partha-------------------10th Nov--------------- xxxxxxxx
Nilesh Shah--------------18th Nov --------------10th Dec
raju_dv------------------20th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
tj_jayson-----------------26th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
krs100200-----------------28th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
arzootech------------------6 Nov ------------------xxxxxxxxx
Corrected list

Name-------------------SL Date------------------DC Date
sk2002sk------------------4th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
arzootech----------------06th Nov -----------------XXXXXXXX
pashwin------------------10th Nov--------------- 25th Nov
nviren-------------------10th Nov--------------- xxxxxxxx
partha-------------------10th Nov--------------- xxxxxxxx
Nilesh Shah--------------18th Nov --------------10th Dec
raju_dv------------------20th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
tj_jayson-----------------26th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
krs100200-----------------28th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx

(arzootech was added twice to the list above, removed one entry)
Name-------------------SL Date------------------DC Date
nsk77 --------------------4thNov --------------- 24th Nov
sk2002sk------------------4th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
arzootech----------------06th Nov -----------------XXXXXXXX
pashwin------------------10th Nov--------------- 25th Nov
nviren-------------------10th Nov--------------- xxxxxxxx
partha-------------------10th Nov--------------- xxxxxxxx
Nilesh Shah--------------18th Nov --------------10th Dec
raju_dv------------------20th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
tj_jayson-----------------26th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
krs100200-----------------28th Nov ---------------xxxxxxxx
Reformatting (I have too much time)

Name ---------------- SL Date ---------------- DC Date
nsk77 ---------------- 4thNov ----------------- 24th Nov
sk2002sk ------------ 4th Nov ---------------- xxxxxxxx
arzootech ------------ 06th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
pashwin -------------- 10th Nov -------------- 25th Nov
nviren ---------------- 10th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx
partha ---------------- 10th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
Nilesh Shah ---------- 18th Nov -------------- 10th Dec
raju_dv --------------- 20th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
tj_jayson ------------- 26th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
krs100200 ------------ 8th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx
Don't know

Haven't been able to contact them... too long a wait. But am planning to do that in January sometime. I am assuming it has moved on to DC though - because it has been so for most of the people. Will post as soon as I call.

Iam in September thread.

Please note that if you are using couriers other than Fed-Ex such as Airborne, be aware that couriers like Airborne don't have a regular pickup at the Visa office. You have to call up Airborne to pickup your PP once it's ready.

Hope this helps someone!
Status Update

Name ---------------- SL Date ---------------- DC Date
nsk77 ---------------- 4thNov ----------------- 24th Nov
sk2002sk ------------ 4th Nov ---------------- xxxxxxxx
arzootech ------------ 06th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
pashwin -------------- 10th Nov -------------- 25th Nov
nviren ---------------- 10th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx
partha ---------------- 10th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
Nilesh Shah ---------- 18th Nov -------------- 10th Dec
raju_dv --------------- 20th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
tj_jayson ------------- 26th Nov -------------- 12th Dec
krs100200 ------------ 8th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx
Name ---------------- SL Date ---------------- DC Date
nsk77 ---------------- 4thNov ----------------- 24th Nov
sk2002sk ------------ 4th Nov ---------------- xxxxxxxx
arzootech ------------ 06th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
pashwin -------------- 10th Nov -------------- 25th Nov
nviren ---------------- 10th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx
partha ---------------- 10th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
Nilesh Shah ---------- 18th Nov -------------- 10th Dec
raju_dv --------------- 20th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
tj_jayson ------------- 26th Nov -------------- 12th Dec
krs100200 ------------ 8th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx

Any Updates?
SL Date: 23 Nov.
Returned: 02 Dec. (incorrect fee, stupid law firm, they should've known - I knew.)
Sent again: 03 Dec.

I want to travel in march, but looks like current time is 13-14 weeks from SL date.

Name ---------------- SL Date ---------------- DC Date
nsk77 ---------------- 4thNov ----------------- 24th Nov
sk2002sk ------------ 4th Nov ---------------- xxxxxxxx
arzootech ------------ 06th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
pashwin -------------- 10th Nov -------------- 25th Nov
nviren ---------------- 10th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx
partha ---------------- 10th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
kunalb ---------------- 10th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
Nilesh Shah ---------- 18th Nov -------------- 10th Dec
raju_dv --------------- 20th Nov -------------- xxxxxxxx
tj_jayson ------------- 26th Nov -------------- 12th Dec
krs100200 ------------ 8th Nov --------------- xxxxxxxx
. Newest DS-156 Needed for Visa Revalidation

The U.S. Department of State (DOS) Revalidation Unit recently informed the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) that they now require all visa applicants to use a new DS-156 form that generates a bar code. They will no longer accept older, non-bar coded versions. The proper DS-156 application form is available through the DOS WebSite. This change is only for persons seeking to revalidate their existing visas from within the U.S.

Regular MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers are likely familiar with our articles regarding revalidation of visas within the U.S. This process is available to a person with any of the following visa classifications already stamped in his/her passport: H, L, O, P, I, or E. A person seeking a new visa must have previously held a visa in the same category. Of course, the person must be eligible for the new visa. The revalidation process is only available to persons with existing visas that are either within 60 days of the expiration date of the visa stamp in the passport, or that have expired less than one year prior to the request for revalidation. Details regarding this process are available on the DOS Website by searching the term “revalidation.”
processing seems to be slightly delayed


Some people (from a company i work with) who had sent their PPs in the week of Oct 6, have received their stamped PPs this week.

In that sense, it seems to be taking around 13-14 weeks for stamping.

just a news tidbit.

Have a nice weekend guys & gals.
Info needed

HI Guys !!!can you guys tell me
To whom you paid the 150$
means payable to on what name is it INS or US citizenshiip and immigrations services or what ?? bit confused !!!!
and what mode ?money order or cashier check??
which one is good