!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November Interview - New Delhi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody on 29th Nov. ?

Hi Guys,
From the Delhi Consulate web site I gathered that I have got my CP interview scheduled on 29th Nov. There are these 4 other case numbers in EB Category NWD1999750011,NWD2000612006,NWD2000743002 and NWD2001567003 who have got interveiw on the same day. Pls. respond me back if any of you have these case nos.
how many days in delhi

i am trying to figure out when i should book my tickets.
my date is nov 22.

what are all the things that we can only get done in delhi. i know about 2:
1. photos. i believe it will take 1 day.
2. medical. i believe dr. jain hands these out in a day.

so if i reach on 19th night, get all this done on 20th and keep 21 as safe day, am i ok?
tutu when are you planning to go?
Travel Plans

My date is on Nov. 20th but I\'ll be leaving on Oct 28th itself.. Just wanna be with my folks and celebrate the festivals together.. Hey.. how can your date be Nov. 22nd.. On the delhi website there\'s nobody scheduled for Nov. 22nd since it\'s a holiday for ThanksGiving.. Please check once again with the consulate.. BE QUICK on this..
             Secondly, I would suggest that you shouldn\'t keep your departure dates close to your interview.. If your Interview date is say 22nd Nov, then try to reach Delhi by 18th night, schedule an appointment with the doc. for 19th morning so that even if there\'s some delay (say by a day or two), you should still be safe.. Don\'t take any chances here.. I sould suggest that confirm the date again with the consulate and schedule the dates well in advance..
Change of Name

Hey Tutu,

What if in P3 forms, one has filled the wife name as was before marriage, and now at the last moment one try to get it changed, will it not create confusion at the time of Interview?

As per P3 supplment sheet " IF YOU ARE MARRIED, YOUR PASSPORT SHOULD BE AMENDED TO REFLECT YOUR MARRIAGE". What does this mean to someone who doesn\'t want to change her maiden name ? Does that mean that she should get her passport stamped at Consulate anyways with some kind of stamp on passport that she is married to ?

Your opinion please,

Can somebody help me...

Fact:1. my I-140 got approved on oct 10 ..

Fact:2. so far havent received the hard copy approval notice...

Fact:3. attorny says wait for 6-8 weeks. but she has supplied the forms of CP( its OF-230A ) and I have faxed that back to her. And I have allmost all the documents she mentioned via a checklist like
birth certificate etc ready.

Q 4. Can I expect January Interview in Delhi( I am from delhi region) or Bombay( my 1st H1 was stamped there.)

Q 5. Is there anything which I can request my attorny to do to speedup the process at this time..

Thanks much!!
Delhi CP

My package III reached the US consulate in Delhi on Oct 6. They had my name in the system when I called to check on Oct 12. I was wondering what are the chances of my getting an interview for december?
Is it possible and advisable to try to postpone it to January if it is difficult to get tickets in december as my travel agent suggests?
Any reponse will be highly appreciated.

Waiting For P4

Probably none of us out here in the US must\'ve received P4 so early.. Will have to wait for a couple of more days to get it. On 10/11/01 when I came to know about my interview date, I asked about P4 and the lady said that it\'ll be mailed in a day or two.. So let us hope that we receive it by end of this week or next..
Spouse Name change experience

I have a couple of questions which I would very appreciate an answer to. These concern spouse name change before the interview but after filing packet 3.

My interview date is scheduled in November.

- If I get my wife\'s name changed to the married name in the passport just before the interview given that in packet 3 her name was mentioned as her maiden name, would that cause any confustion/delay ?

- Does American consulate in India mandate that the spouse\'s passport should reflect the marriage in any way. Or in other words even if the spouse prefers to keep her maiden name, does consulate insist on getting her name changed on the passport.

- If I approach Indian consulate in new york to get my wife\'s name changed to the married on the passport. Would they issue her a brand new passport or would they make some kind of changes to her existing passport to reflect the name change.

Thanks in advance.
Tutu and others please respond.................

CP Gurus; A few questions:
1. I do not have a current H1 visa stamped on my passport (it expired some time back)but have the approval notice......since I am going for the CP interview in November I did not get my passport stamped......is there any cause for concern here?
2. If my spouse is working here in the US, then do I need to fill out an affidavit of support? If yes, then is it I864 or I34.....also does she need an employment letter from her employer?
3. Can we get vaccinations here in the US? If yes from where? Also do we need to fix up an appointment with the doctor in New Delhi beforehand.....I heard Dr. Jain (in an earlier post) completes the whole process in a day.......where can I get his contact details?
4. Is sailing permit also required? I will be geting the tax transcripts for both self and spouse but is sailing permit still required?
5. Finally do I need 2 notarized employment letter or just 1 will do from my employer?

Pleae advise Tutu/CP Gurus. Also Tutu you are leaving US end of the month.....I am planning to leave Novemeber 1 st week........since our interview dates are close, do you want to exchange contact details (we can meet in Delhi too)......let me know.

Thanks a lot everybody..............
Preferred Doctor and Photographer in Delhi ?

Hi Guys,
Do you guys know of any preferred doctors and photographers in Delhi?
One consideration in choosing a doctor is one who either has an inhouse X-ray and lab, or sends you to one which is closeby rather than 10 miles away. Do you guys know of any such? A photographer close by would be an added advantage.

Actually what they want to write is that one of the pages should contain that you are married to your wife.. Just go to the Indian embassy/consulate and have this thing done.. Had your passport been issued before your marriage then your wife\'s name would\'ve been included in your passport as SPOUSE NAME and vice versa.. That\'s all.. For getting your wife\'s name to be stamped on your passport you will need to carry your marriage certificate and that\'s it.. Now here you may keep your wife\'s name as her maiden name or you may change it to the new name.. Now since you\'ve already send your P3 and are a bit apprehensive about changing names, so let it be her maiden name only.. but remember that after this all her identity will contain her maiden name only and she\'ll be known to everybody by that name.. Now you\'ve to decide what to do.. To play safe, just take your marriage cert. to Indian consulate/embassy and have your name included on her passport and her maiden name on yours.. That\'s it.. DECIDE before the time runs out..
Saling In The Same Boat As Yours..

1. No cause for concern / worry.. The only thing is that since you\'ll be travelling after your stamped H1 has expired, you should apply for a SCHENGEN transit visa at any U.K consulate or else the airlines may not let you board the flight.. The process is very simple and it costs approx $10.00 per transit visa.. Don\'t be afraid, it\'s pretty easy to obtain... If you want, I can mail you the form for schengen visa and you may fill it out for yourself and your wife.. Just send me an e-mail at sudpay@yahoo.com and I\'ll mail you the same.. I\'m in the same shoes as you but since my stamped H1 visa expires on Oct 30th so I\'m traveliing on Oct 28th to avoid the schengen visa.
2. I would suggest that you take an experience letter for her from her company.. No harm at all.. Secodnly, I864 is required for family based petitions whereas I-134 for employment based.. So you\'ll fill out an I-134 for her.. Her current visa status should not matter as it\'s your GC petition that she\'ll be entering on.. So she\'ll be on a dependent petition on you.. So you need to fill out an I-134 for her.. Just confirm it with your lawyer or some more people over the web.
3. Yeah.. you can get vaccination.. Some places it is free at public hospitals.. You should ask from the hospitals near you.. DON\'T FORGET TO TAKE A CERTIFICATE FOR THE SAME.
4. Yes, sailing permit is REQUIRED.. It is a must no matter how many people on this board say that it isn\'t.. So you better get it.. For that you should carry your air tickets for going and return also..
5. Just one notarized employment letter is enuf\' ..

I\'ll be in Delhi from Oct 30th till Nov. 4th.. and from 19th till 23rd.. If you want, you may contact me at 5264890 or 2167767.. Ask for Sudhanshu.. Have fun.. and best of luck for your interview... Hope we all reach safely and return too.. Best Of Luck..
i have nov 20 date

I just found out today that I have been allocated an interview on Nov 20th.
Tutu do you want to get in touch to checklist documents after we get packet 4? I will email you at the above address if it is fine with you.
Mail Me At sudpay@yahoo.com

Mail Me At sudpay@yahoo.com and we can exchange notes and discuss our game plan for 20th Nov.. Did U get your P4 documents till now or not ?? Has Delhi mailed you your P4 ?? Lets talk..
Police Clearence Certificate

Do we need a police clearence certificate from india, if i lived only in India and USA?
No Title

Yes, I think your interview should be in Dec, you can be near certain of that. I would not consider delaying things till Jan, given the uncertain environment - might as well pay a little extra and make it in Dec than wait until Jan.