!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November Interview - New Delhi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks, i know that one, wanted to

confirm about the other one.
Is it 491-8374 or 419-8374.
interview dates are out!!

i just called and found out that i have been allocated a date of nov 22nd!

tutu and other people, call them at 419 8062 and find out your dates. i also confirmed that they sent my packet 4 to my portland address in US unlike chennai and mumbai consulates who only send out the packet 4 to an indian address.
CP Dates for Nov have been decided. :eek:)

Hi, Just spoke to the nice guy over at the N.Delhi Embassy. He told me my interview date in Nov., they havent been updated on the net yet though. You guys might want to call and ask about your cases.
Best of Luck to you all.
Congrats and Hope to meet you in Delhi

In fact my case was entered on 12th Sept so i\'ll call Delhi today to check if i\'m also lucky enough to get the Nov interview

Good to know that you got your interview dates.. Congrats again.. I could guess that the interview dates would be out in a day or two and that\'s what I had mentioned in my prev. msg. also... Good.. so that means that probably mine would\'ve also been allocated one.. WIll call up tonight and enquire.. Congrats again..
Got my Nov. interview date

I had sent my P3 on 9/5 which reached Delhi on 9/10, they entered in the system on 9/17. I talked to them 3 times without success. Last night I called for the 4th time. They gave me 29th Nov. as interview date. Booked my flight ticket for 15th Oct. Coming back to Chicago on 3rd Dec. Any Chicagoan around??
Got My Nov. Interview Date

Hi Guys..,
I talked to the Delhi consulate lady and she told me that my interview date is Nov. 20th 2001. P4 was generated on the 10th of Oct. and will be mailed in a couple of days.. She did verify my mailing address.. Keeping my fingers crossed... NEbody going from Dulles Intl. to Delhi.. or anybody else with Nov. 20th interview date.. Guys.. call up and get your interview dates from Delhi.. Best Of Luck to everybody
Got the Nov. Interview Date!!!!

I just called up the consulate and I got my date in November......As you said Tutu, Pkt. 4 was mailed on Oct. 10th...........I am planning to go from Chicago in second week of November.......
CP Gurus - I have one question........does one need to change the spouse name on the passport. My wife still has her maiden name on the passport, and I was wondering if it is necesary to change the name on the pasport before the GC interview...........Tutu/Others please reply.........Thx
No Title

My interview is on Nov 19th. I know there are 5/6 more people with the same interview date. I would like to exchange notes regarding preparation etc. Please let me know.
11/19 too


I am scheduled on 19th as well. Feel free to exchange notes. I am just about to begin preparation, book tickets...collect papers etc.
Change Of Name

What I think is that the name thing may or may not matter.. Actually there are postings on the web that say that the name was wrong on the forms and the lady at the consular post corrected it by herself.. So that means it does not play a great significance for the CP.. but yeah it might be of concern when they issue a visa for her.. In whichever case make sure that you carry your original MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE , photographs and invitation cards with you to the consular post.. Secondly, the best thing would be to go to the Indian embassy with your marriage certificate, yours and your wife\'s passport and get her name whatever you want it to.. This harldy takes 15 mins and $10.00 .. I\'m in Maryland and we went to Indian embassy in DC.. It just took us 15 mins to fill and submit our application and I picked up the passport at 4:00 p.m.. It is too cool a process.. What they actually do is that on one of the pages of her passport, they\'ll write her maiden name , name after marriage and your name saying that her prev. name has been changed to her new name after marriage with you.. and they\'ll put a stamp on it.. That\'s it.. So better hurry up and walkin to the Indian embassy tomorrow and have this thing done.. BEST OF LUCK..
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nov. 20th Interview List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Guys..,
Starting this thread to track everybody who\'s scheduled for Nov. 20th at Delhi.. Keep this moving..
CONGRATS TO ALL THE SUCCESSFUL CPers for getting the Interview date


It\'s really amazing that Delhi has improved a lot and become efficient they have broken a record by publishing the date on 11th WOW!!!!!!.
My date is on 16th Nov. All the best to everyone.
All the best wishes

My P3 was received on 24th Sep. US embassy told me last night to expect interview in start of December ... December guys are now my new best friends..