!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November Interview - New Delhi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Auth. Letter

Hi.. I did fax an auth. letter to my bro. at Delhi and also asked him to take his passport + Driver\'s Lic. for a proof of identification.. They didn\'t create any problems..
Good Question

Hi mukesh..,
Good Question.. Never came to my mind.. I\'m also in the same situation.. But I think that it\'s OK as long as your name is included on hers and also that you guys have a valid marriage certificate.. Don\'t think that they\'ll create any problems in that..
Nov 19th

Fleet. others.. Iam also on 19th @ new delhi...
write me your email address @p_surjeet_s@hotmail.com and lets exchnage notes
Exchange Notes

All :

Those of you who have November 3rd Week Interview dates, lets exchange notes...
Please write to me at akapoor2@hotmail.com. You can also add this address to MSN.. I am usually connected.

Lets discuss the documents that you are taking and the status of your Packet4 and what you are doing regarding it if you have not recieved it ? I still have not recieved it (my interview date is Nov. 21). I am reaching Delhi on Nov 9th.
I believe after you get the packet 4 you are supposed to send a copy to the lawyer and then they would mail out some stuff to you to take for the interview. Am I correct in stating that ? I gave my Delhi adderss on file for Packet 4, and It is still not there.

Hope to hear from some of you soon.
@@@@@Received Packet 4 From New Delhi@@@@@

Hi Guys.,
I received my Packet4 yesterday. It bears a stamp of Virginia mailed on Oct. 24th and I rcvd it on Oct 25th \'coz I\'m in the neighbouring state Maryland.. People who haven\'t rcvd. it yet, should expect to rcv. it soon. My interview is on Nov. 20th and am leaving for India, New Delhi on Oct. 28th. Wish everybody the very best.
Packet4 Info.

U R correct.. It\'s mailed from India to some agency in Virginia from where it is further mailed to the candidates.. This agency (don\'t know the name) probably has the contract with INS and it does the distribution of Packet4.. So that\'s how it works.. Don\'t worry.. If you have a Nov. 2001 interview then you\'ll rcv. yours soon..
No Title

What are the contents of Packet IV. Any new documents which we have to take .

Thanks for replying
P4 Contents

1. Instructions to file for Immigration visa.
2. DS-230 Part1 and Part2 for me and my wife.. Total of 4 forms
3. I-9003 (on regular white paper) - 1 form only.. Probably they expect you to get a photocopy of the blank form and have it filled by your wife also.
Please note that they\'ve mentioned OF-230 Part 1 and 2 in the instruction booklet whereas P4 contains the DS forms. But don\'t worry as the consulate still does accept the OF forms also. They\'ll just ask you to bring the DS-230 forms filled up prior. That\'s all.. I had prepared a the fillable versions of the DS forms which you may find at
There\'s a separate post by me on this site for the fillable DS-230 forms.. Download the forms, fill \'em up , get a printout and take the same to the consulate. Don\'t worry, the information on DS 230 forms is the same as OF-230. So be cool..
No Title

Thanks!! I am leaving for India tonight.

Tutu, looks like you also have an interview on 20th Nov. Do you want to get in touch in Delhi and cross-check so that we can cross-check the document list. If you agree, please send me an email on mukeshgarg@rocketmail.com. Thanks
Affidavit Of Support Story

In my Packet4 they have not sent any affidavit of support. However, in the instruction documentation they\'ve mentioned about the I-134/I-864 and the order in which the papers for the family based affidavit of support i.e I-864 be arranged.
  By default, take it for granted that the I-134 IS DEFINITELY REQUIRED by the consulate in the employment based cases. So get the document I-134 notarized before leaving for the interview.

My interview is on 21 Nov

I plan to buy tickets tomorrow. Does anyone know how long does it take to get the medicals done?

I am finalizing my travel plan and collecting all the necessary documents.
Got my Packet IV


I got my Packet 4 on Friday in the US. I had asked these idiots to send it to my Delhi address.
Now I would have to arrange to get the Packet IV sent to me somehow. I am in France on a buissiness trip.

Wish you all the BEST in successful CP. Email me at akapoor2@hotmail.com if you want to exchange notes or information.