November 2009 N-400 Tracker

Your GC would not be lost for being denied naturalization due to not meeting continuous residency requirement. If you spent the majority of your time in India without an approved N-470 or without maintaining a primary abode in US, you'll have a very hard -if not impossible- time proving that you didn't break continuous residency.
You can withdraw your application by sending a letter to USCIS.
Where did your wife live while you were in India?
Interviewed today (Miami - 03/04/2010) it took 5 minutes without a problem.
Reviewed my application, verified my address and phone number asked me 6 of the questions, asked me to read a simple sentence and write a simple sentence.
Signed a couple of forms including one that had the information that will appear on my Certificate.
IO told me that because my 5 year since residency was on the 10th of March she had to wait until then for approval but that I will get a letter in the mail shortly after the 10th.
She also told me that oath ceremony was on March 31st.
So just waiting for Ceremony letter.
My wife was also interviewed and it was exactly the same with a different IO.
Had my oath today - overall very good experience. More details at

I guess I am officially leaving the November 2009 N-400 tracker as my journey is complete! All the best to those still in the process.
Thanks to all who took the time to respond to my questions and helped me with my application process and interview preparation.

I have an appointment tomorrow to apply for my passport!
proud american

Became a proud US citizen today at Newark. My journey in US was for 14+ years. The N-400 was submitted in Nov 23, 2009 and culminated today.

The experience was very nice today and will update it shortly.

Thanks to the modertor, fellow bloggers, Rajiv K, for this wonderful support group.

So I passed today an interview. How long usually it will takes to get the oath letter?

Also what means marked "Not waiting for letter"? It is not a standard printed text but looks like xerox of a handwritten addition to the N-652.
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This morning, I passed my interview with flying colors! I’d say there were at least 100 people in the waiting area when I came. I checked in at 8:50am and my interview was scheduled for 9:25am. I walked into their office at 10:20am. My N-400 application was really straightforward and the whole process lasted 10 minutes. The IO (a nice lady), apologized for being behind schedule and asked me to give her my driver’s license, passport (I brought my new and the expired one), green card and my interview letter. She looked up my account in the computer and began with the civics and history portion of the interview. I answered six questions correctly and that was enough. She asked me to read and write a very simple sentence. We reviewed N-400 application to ensure everything was entered correctly and that nothing has changed since the time it was originally filed. I let her know that I had a 7 day trip to Mexico over New Year’s. She wrote down the dates and recalculated the total number of trips and days outside the U.S. I signed my two photographs and N-400 application. She said that this whole process is sometimes so quick and simple. She congratulated me and told me that I can go to the Oath Ceremony on March 23. I was pleasantly surprised that it was so soon. She asked me to wait in the waiting area until they complete my Oat Ceremony letter. I waited for another hour and 15 minutes, received my Oath Ceremony letter and was out of the building by 11:45am.

I’m very excited that I will be a fully-fledged U.S. citizen in only 12 days. :)

Good luck to all of you!
For those who have gone to the interview already. Were you asked to sign the back of your photos during the interview?
For those who have gone to the interview already. Were you asked to sign the back of your photos during the interview?

you sign both of them on the front during your interview, and one of them is part of your naturalization certificate.
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After about 40 minutes of listening to the judge, I and 68 other people officially became US citizens at 9.30am (CST) today. Applied for the passport & passport card an hour later and paid for expedited service so should hopefully be getting those before the middle of April. Thanks to everyone for the advice shared and posted here.
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My journey is finally over! This morning at 9:00am at the Chicago Field Office, I and other 119 people from 35 countries took the Oath of Allegiance to the United States and became U.S. citizens. Thank your for your support and help! I wish you the best of luck!
Time for me to leave the thread as well. I took the oath today at 11:17 AM and became a US citizen in a federal courthouse in upstate NY. It was a small ceremony with 29 people including myself from 19 different countries. The ceremony itself took about 45 minutes but the instruction (summary of what's going to happen at the ceremony, what happens after the oath, rights and obligations as a new citizen, etc) took about an hour. But the immigration personnel did a pretty good job guiding us through the whole thing so nobody would freak out.

As soon as I got back, I filled out a passport form and applied for expedited proceeding at a local USPS. I'd like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who's helped me through lots of different issues (REF updates, eczema FP issues, etc) I owe you guys and good luck with the rest of you who have applied and are waiting for ID/OD.

And last but never least, THANK YOU LORD!
(*blowing a kiss up in the sky*)
Congratulations to all those with oath dates or whop have recently completed their oaths. Just a heads up on passport processing times, I applied on the same day as my oath ceremony, not at the ceremony but back at the court house near my office. I applied for standard processing on February 26th, my application only just appeared last Tuesday on the passport application status website, it says it should be with me on or around next Monday March 29th. So I guess if you need you passport more quickly than 4 to 5 weeks you need to pay the extra $60 for an expedited application
So my passport arrived today, the mail man delivered to teh house next door, but my neighbor just brought it round to me. So I guess it's time for me to check out of this thread 579 posts after I started it!