Non RIR Discussion Only !

sachv_ said:
Sorry to crash your dream world....
there will be no such thing as automatic green card based on your time in the US.
I would even argue that guest worker program of which I think you are refering to will be scraped or drastically changed now that democrats are in power...
remember Unions have huge pull on the democrats and they will not allow the guest worker program to pass.
Also the general consensus now is that most americans dont want to give amnesty so its going to be interesting to see what they draft up....
so all the bills relating to immigration will be reintroduced but with major lets hope it has something good for us the legal immigrants

I have no dream. However, every time I realize that I am waiting for more then 5 years for something to happen it t be a nightmare.
Here are few items that may change your opinion:
1., there is no amnesty in works. The comprehensive immigration plan that passed the US Senate called for any immigrants (documented and not documented) that lived in the US for past five years to get a working permit for 5 (or 6) years. It also called for fine (illegal stay in the US is a civil offense punishable only by a financial fine). While a holder of that permit, you are allowed to travel in and out of the US. At the end of that period you will get a green card (assuming no crime, terrorism etc). Five years from then citizenship (11 years). It is also calling for increase in number of guest workers. (see
2., Unions are supporting this reform, mainly because they can increase their base. (see
3., Democrats are eager to keep the Hispanic base that helped them in the elections. Also there is millions of potential party loyalist in the future (Thanx for the GC).
4., The fence is approved, so the hurdle that kept the Republicans from approving the reform is being build (parts of it because of lack of $$).
5., Estimating 10mil illegals will pay around $3500 in fines and back taxes. That is around 35 Billion in cash (no mistake with zeros here) In addition major impact on travel industry (most of the folks like to go home for visit)
6., It will eliminate most of the immigration applications in the system. That includes Labor certification, Family reunions, etc. In other words, no 245i cases, no visa waiting times, PD will matter not.
In my humble opinions, good number of members of this forum will be benefited by such a reform.
Question about RIR conversion rule for remanded cases

Hi recently I heard from my legal assistant that even if the conversion request is submitted, the request will not be processed till the time it reaches the non-RIR case in TR queue.

but I remember the published regulation stated conversion request will be handled in FIFO fashion and cases converted will be processed based on PD.

can someone please clarify? if it is the former case, I don't see any big advantage from timing perspective. to my knowledge, most remended cases are certified without recruitment instruction anyway.

re : rir conversion

That's not correct. The rir conversion FAQ clearly stated that as soon as the cases are filed, BPC s will issue an acknowledgement as to whether the request to convert to rir is approved or not. If approved, the case will be immediately moved to the rir queue.

However, I have a conversion request pending from January 2006 and BPC has not communicated anything since then. It has been already a month since they came up with the rir conversion FAQ. I am wondering what they are doing about the FAQ that themselves came up with ? Or are they waiting for sufficieent number of conversion request to get filed after the FAQ to start any kind of processing ?

anstoss214 said:
Hi recently I heard from my legal assistant that even if the conversion request is submitted, the request will not be processed till the time it reaches the non-RIR case in TR queue.

but I remember the published regulation stated conversion request will be handled in FIFO fashion and cases converted will be processed based on PD.

can someone please clarify? if it is the former case, I don't see any big advantage from timing perspective. to my knowledge, most remended cases are certified without recruitment instruction anyway.

End of Tunnel???

PBEC posted a lot of high paying jobs on AJB today. Does that mean they've finished processing 245 cases? In the mearn time, DBEC seems to be stuck in the restaurant and construction business. Any prediction on when DBEC will be finished with 245 cases?
bluecrab said:
PBEC posted a lot of high paying jobs on AJB today. Does that mean they've finished processing 245 cases? In the mearn time, DBEC seems to be stuck in the restaurant and construction business. Any prediction on when DBEC will be finished with 245 cases?

I wish they are done with 245i cases; but don't seem to be. They are still posting those jobs along with skilled jobs as you mentioned. I am sure there were some LEGAL cases around April 2001 as well.

What happened to their claims about publishing dates for NON-RIRs? May be that will help us get more info on where they stand.
I dreamt

I had this yesterday, I open and I see a small counter updating itself crazily, showing number of cases being posted by PBEC. The counter did not stop the whole time I was dreaming. I was engrossed in the counter so much that I did not check whether my case got posted or not :(

-njoy DOL forced patience :)
RIR conversion regulation?

Is there anyone know what is the requirments for RIR conversion? especially for the cases was RIR at the beginning and remanded to TR. Is there any link to BEC published rules?

Categories: TX-EB3 (RIR converted to Regular)
ETA #: D-05115-XXXXX
Case Status: IN PROCESS
Priority Date: 03/17/01
Remanded Date: 01/XX/04
245 (i)

I noticed one thing about the job ads for non-245i cases. Almost all (with few exceptions) seemed to meet the criteria for EB-2 eligibility. For example, most jobs either have Masters or B.S + XX years (it says 2-15) of experience requirement. Do you guys think they might have a different processing track for EB-2 cases or is it just a matter of coincidence. I know nothing is certain with BECs. Just brainstorming...

bluecrab said:
PBEC posted a lot of high paying jobs on AJB today. Does that mean they've finished processing 245 cases? In the mearn time, DBEC seems to be stuck in the restaurant and construction business. Any prediction on when DBEC will be finished with 245 cases?
How to see the 'counter'?

I went there and searched by 'teamexceed' and saw the total number of jobs. But could not figure out where is the counter that updates itself. Will appreciate if you would specify.

indianpresent said:
I had this yesterday, I open and I see a small counter updating itself crazily, showing number of cases being posted by PBEC. The counter did not stop the whole time I was dreaming. I was engrossed in the counter so much that I did not check whether my case got posted or not :(

-njoy DOL forced patience :)
Hi so_depressed: That was a dream, I saw yesterday :)).

so_depressed said:
I went there and searched by 'teamexceed' and saw the total number of jobs. But could not figure out where is the counter that updates itself. Will appreciate if you would specify.
Can anyone please tell me what documents are needed for RIR conversion?
Are resume's needed or should an explanation be enough with all the hardcopies of ads and job positngs.

thanks a lot.
dianasteve said:
Can anyone please tell me what documents are needed for RIR conversion?
Are resume's needed or should an explanation be enough with all the hardcopies of ads and job positngs.

thanks a lot.

Please go through this link DOL FAQ.
Trying to fight the Level 4 wage classification

I need some information urgently. My lawyer is trying to switch me over from TR case in BEC to RIR. When she sent out a prevailing wage request, the response came back that it is a level 4 which is at a much higher pay scale than we expected.

The lawyer is trying to fight it down to at least a level 3. Does anyone have any experience with doing this successfully?

It is a points based system. They have assigned one point because the position is a supervisor position. We are trying to knock it off so that it will bring it down to level 3 since I am not a supervisor. In the job description of form 750, the last line says that it involves providing technical supervision (the position is not a supervisor role. I provide technical expertise to others who belong to the same group and we all report to the same boss). How can we convince them of this point?

Lawyer has asked my boss to provide some more details on the job. I was looking for some info. from others who may have fought similar battles.
Laugh out loudly!

Actually your dream seems helped. Today DBEC posted ads like crazy. They've posted 446 ads today so far. That is pretty amazing. They might have hired people work extra hours to do the post because some ads are added in the past hour.

indianpresent said:
Hi so_depressed: That was a dream, I saw yesterday :)).
so_depressed said:
This is something posted a few times but I'll be happy to post one more time:

1. Go to
2. Put in '051*' in 'Enter Key workds' field;
3. Choose 'Entire United States' in 'Select a location'
4. Click 'search now'
5. Cilck the company 'Teamexceed', you'll see all ads from DBEC.

Oh ok so that is for 051*. Because I tried 052* yesterday and found only a few postings

When you click the company name 'Teamexceed' it shows you all posts from that company. 051* or 052* or whatever is just the key to get you to that company name. Please go through some posts and see their ETA numbers.

lengthyLabor said:
Oh ok so that is for 051*. Because I tried 052* yesterday and found only a few postings
God knows

You would have to ask whoever chose that name in DBEC. It's just undoubtedly clear it is DBEC because every ad they posted has the D-05... number.

arihant said:
Why are DBEC jobs under Teamexceed?