Non RIR Discussion Only !

Nice to see RI

epidural said:
Waitingfor4+yrs you have to go thru this no matter what, unless recuritment was done for you before your case landed at BEC's. Thats why i said it is a better proposition to convert to RIR since you don't have to wait till they tell you what to do. I hope you were not under the impression that they will just approve your application like that without recruitment.
Finally one of us got RI.Good Luck. You deserve to get out of this mess.
man..i'm getting sick of this..

epidural said:
Waitingfor4+yrs you have to go thru this no matter what, unless recuritment was done for you before your case landed at BEC's. Thats why i said it is a better proposition to convert to RIR since you don't have to wait till they tell you what to do. I hope you were not under the impression that they will just approve your application like that without recruitment.

are you serious?... i was under the wrong impression after all eh?

i thought i was going to get approved regardless of this recruitment...

guess am not that lucky after all...

oh well..good luck on your next step buddy..
I know some people with remanded cases got LCs without any recruitment. From formal documents, it is true that you should do recruitment no matter what. But in fact, BEC do not always follow those. There is a possibility that you can get it approved without doing anything, just like RIR. Of course I won't consider myself to be that lucky.

Waitingfor4+yrs said:
are you serious?... i was under the wrong impression after all eh?

i thought i was going to get approved regardless of this recruitment...

guess am not that lucky after all...

oh well..good luck on your next step buddy..
Wait4LaborNJ said:
That's 30 Apr 2001. Are they out of April mess now?

I am sorry to say that they are still in the April. See my PD. I am so confused as to how they take the cases. Simpy mess. I hope to get smile on my face one of these days. :(
bpc2001 said:
I know some people with remanded cases got LCs without any recruitment. From formal documents, it is true that you should do recruitment no matter what. But in fact, BEC do not always follow those. There is a possibility that you can get it approved without doing anything, just like RIR. Of course I won't consider myself to be that lucky.
Remanded means RIR converted to NON-RIR. Their recruitment is already done. They just cannot approve a case without recruitment effort. There is a specific law which prohibits that otherwise they would have just cleared all the BEC mess just to do away with it. I hope i have made my point. No approvals without good faith efforts ( advt to recruit US citizens) to recruit willing people.
Waitingfor4+yrs said:
are you serious?... i was under the wrong impression after all eh?

i thought i was going to get approved regardless of this recruitment...

guess am not that lucky after all...

oh well..good luck on your next step buddy..
Thanks for your good wishes and sorry for disappointing you on your assumptions.
vexlak said:
I am sorry to say that they are still in the April. See my PD. I am so confused as to how they take the cases. Simpy mess. I hope to get smile on my face one of these days. :(
I hear you vexlak. Not that i am too thrilled about getting RI's but at least there some ray of hope at end of this very dark tunnel which i have wandering for close to 5 1/2 years now. This is are just the first baby steps, I sincerely hope all of us get out of this thing soon.
Is there any order in which they send RI's or post these ads?? How about cases that were shipped to the BECs much earlier than these in 2005 (e.g. my case D-05089-#####)? I do understand there is no FIFO, but for god sake people have been waiting for 5+ years.

And now my case status shows as "Withdrawn" in their system....a new mess created by the BECs lately.

P_TX said:
Hangin2001: Do you have a PERM case filed or approved ?

Hangin2001 said:
Is there any order in which they send RI's or post these ads?? How about cases that were shipped to the BECs much earlier than these in 2005 (e.g. my case D-05089-#####)? I do understand there is no FIFO, but for god sake people have been waiting for 5+ years.

And now my case status shows as "Withdrawn" in their system....a new mess created by the BECs lately.
Yes, I do have a PERM (and I-140) approved with a PD of Jan 2006. I understand that the "Withdrawn" case status is for people with multiple filings. However, like most people, my applications were filed for different positions within the same company. Hopefully, the BECs can rectify this "mis"communication between their two systems.

indianpresent said:
Hangin2001: Do you have a PERM case filed or approved ?
One can only guess they are before April 30, 2001. Your turn will be soon as long as those 245is are done.

Hangin2001 said:
Is there any order in which they send RI's or post these ads?? How about cases that were shipped to the BECs much earlier than these in 2005 (e.g. my case D-05089-#####)? I do understand there is no FIFO, but for god sake people have been waiting for 5+ years.

And now my case status shows as "Withdrawn" in their system....a new mess created by the BECs lately.
Does the case number have meaningfull format?

Hi guys, I am new to this forum and not sure about the format of the case number D-05277-xxxxx . I know that if the case starts with D its dallas BEC and 05 stands for 2005. But what about 277 and the digits after that?
sept 2007

Waitingfor4+yrs said:
who here believes and honestly believes that this whole mess will be over at SEPTEMBER 2007?.... :rolleyes:

I believe that they will clear all cases by sept 2007 though there is no doubt that there will be some casualties (people whose cases withdrawn b/c of PERM filing). If you look at # of jobs being posted for TR and # of people being certified in case of RIR, the pace so far looks good.

Just my opinion not a legal advice.
Waitingfor4+yrs said:
who here believes and honestly believes that this whole mess will be over at SEPTEMBER 2007?.... :rolleyes:

With the new Democratic house elect, sometimes in early part of the year, they may approve the comprehensive immigration proposal already passed by senate and promised to be signed by Bush. As you may know it is unpopular item for some folks in the US; that is why they may do it fairly early to get over with it.
Considering that most of us are here for over five years, it would allow us to get a working permit for five years with the option to travel around. After that you will get green card (considering that you a good boy/girl). It will cost you some $$, but far less then your lawyer is. If this is not for your and you will elect to go with the LC, the above would virtually clear the backlog. So hold you horses and see what will happen. All media is already indicating the above. So I do believe that the back log will be eliminated by 9/07. :cool:
Waitingfor4+yrs said:
who here believes and honestly believes that this whole mess will be over at SEPTEMBER 2007?.... :rolleyes:

I've a feeling it will be a close call. Both the BECs are approving RIR cases with timeframe of 2004. In another 4 months or so, they would be completely done with RIR cases - yes, there would be a few people who would be stuck but it would be a small percentage only - some percentage would change NON-RIR to RIR and save the BECs time - and for NON-RIR , if they are able to send out RI by say May'07 for all, its very much possible.

Now, for some interesting stats - there are 149 pages of ads for NON-RIR cases and these ads are filed from 1st of Nov'06 onwards. Each page has 10 ads in it - so in total, there are 1490 ads put out for NON-RIR cases in the last 10 days. This seems to be very encouraging to me - OR - am I missing something here :)

Edited : 149 * 10 = 1490 and not 14900 as posted earlier :)
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one zero

You didn't miss anything but you added one extra zero :)

Dilbert_Cal said:
I've a feeling it will be a close call. Both the BECs are approving RIR cases with timeframe of 2004. In another 4 months or so, they would be completely done with RIR cases - yes, there would be a few people who would be stuck but it would be a small percentage only - some percentage would change NON-RIR to RIR and save the BECs time - and for NON-RIR , if they are able to send out RI by say May'07 for all, its very much possible.

Now, for some interesting stats - there are 149 pages of ads for NON-RIR cases and these ads are filed from 1st of Nov'06 onwards. Each page has 10 ads in it - so in total, there are 14900 ads put out for NON-RIR cases in the last 10 days. This seems to be very encouraging to me - OR - am I missing something here :)

11/10/2006: Update of Multiple Labor Certification Filings

We reported a few days ago that there had been incidents of withdrawal of BEC TR applications when the employer filed a PERM application for the same employee and even if the employer did not check in the PERM application that the employer wanted to retain the priority date of another pending TR application at the BEC.

We have a good news. AILA has just reported that the OFLC confirmed that it had happened not because of the policy but because of the computer glitch!! The OFLC intends to reinstate these withdrawal cases.
Sorry to crash your dream world....
there will be no such thing as automatic green card based on your time in the US.
I would even argue that guest worker program of which I think you are refering to will be scraped or drastically changed now that democrats are in power...
remember Unions have huge pull on the democrats and they will not allow the guest worker program to pass.
Also the general consensus now is that most americans dont want to give amnesty so its going to be interesting to see what they draft up....
so all the bills relating to immigration will be reintroduced but with major lets hope it has something good for us the legal immigrants

vexlak said:
With the new Democratic house elect, sometimes in early part of the year, they may approve the comprehensive immigration proposal already passed by senate and promised to be signed by Bush. As you may know it is unpopular item for some folks in the US; that is why they may do it fairly early to get over with it.
Considering that most of us are here for over five years, it would allow us to get a working permit for five years with the option to travel around. After that you will get green card (considering that you a good boy/girl). It will cost you some $$, but far less then your lawyer is. If this is not for your and you will elect to go with the LC, the above would virtually clear the backlog. So hold you horses and see what will happen. All media is already indicating the above. So I do believe that the back log will be eliminated by 9/07. :cool: