Non RIR Discussion Only !

rvinay said:
Yes I have received RI on 10/16/06. Job was posted on AJB on 10/11/06. I have instructions to complete the recruitment process in 30 days.
EB3-Non RIR/ 04/27/01. Hope this will help

Can you elaborate in detail on this? What are the instructions in detaile? What state are you in?
DOL lost my application

Wait4LaborNJ said:
Aren't we all?

Does anyone also have this experience. I submitted my LC in TR in July, 2002. I have not got 45 days letter yet. Recently it turns out that BEC never received my application. So, my 4.5 years waiting means nothing. I feel very angry and frustrating.
Can you please tell us what the instructions are?

Can we show recruitment from before the 30 days. What I am asking is if BEC send RI while we are doing the recruitment for the RIR conversion can we still use that for the BEC instructions?

rvinay said:
Yes I have received RI on 10/16/06. Job was posted on AJB on 10/11/06. I have instructions to complete the recruitment process in 30 days.
EB3-Non RIR/ 04/27/01. Hope this will help
waiting200X said:
Does anyone also have this experience. I submitted my LC in TR in July, 2002. I have not got 45 days letter yet. Recently it turns out that BEC never received my application. So, my 4.5 years waiting means nothing. I feel very angry and frustrating.

Didn't you get a letter from the FLC acknowledging that they recieved your application? I have mine. They told not to contact the FLC for the next 365 days. This was in September of 2001. Now it's more than 1825 days!!!
RI letter says I have to make 30 days recruitment effort starting oct.26. 06. I need to put an ad in newspaper of general circulation in the area of intended employment or an appropriate national general. Advertising should be for continous 3 days including a sunday. I am placing ads on oct. 29,30 and 31st. Upon completion of 30 days recruitment period, a Recruitment Report Instructions Letter will be issued. Any resumes recevied by BEC from qualified applicants in response to the ad will be forwarded to the attorney of record . Resumes will be mailed no later than two weeks after the end of 30 days recruitment period. In addition to placing a print ad, the employer is required to post a job notice at his place of business of at least 10 consective days within the 30 days recruitment period.
My details are EB-3/Non-RIR/PD 04/27/2001/State NJ
The recruitment effort has to be during the 30 days specifically mentioned in the letter. You cannot show previous efforts as per RI letter. Like mine is during Oct.26 to Nov.27, 06 as stated in the letter.
Thanks for the information.

rvinay said:
RI letter says I have to make 30 days recruitment effort starting oct.26. 06. I need to put an ad in newspaper of general circulation in the area of intended employment or an appropriate national general. Advertising should be for continous 3 days including a sunday. I am placing ads on oct. 29,30 and 31st. Upon completion of 30 days recruitment period, a Recruitment Report Instructions Letter will be issued. Any resumes recevied by BEC from qualified applicants in response to the ad will be forwarded to the attorney of record . Resumes will be mailed no later than two weeks after the end of 30 days recruitment period. In addition to placing a print ad, the employer is required to post a job notice at his place of business of at least 10 consective days within the 30 days recruitment period.
My details are EB-3/Non-RIR/PD 04/27/2001/State NJ
Thanks rvinay!

My employer is preparing for the recruitment. Hope BEC won't send instructions during this time. Or they should send before my employer starts this thing. I have no idea. Hope everything will fall in place at the right time.

rvinay said:
The recruitment effort has to be during the 30 days specifically mentioned in the letter. You cannot show previous efforts as per RI letter. Like mine is during Oct.26 to Nov.27, 06 as stated in the letter.
rvinay said:
RI letter says I have to make 30 days recruitment effort starting oct.26. 06. I need to put an ad in newspaper of general circulation in the area of intended employment or an appropriate national general. Advertising should be for continous 3 days including a sunday. I am placing ads on oct. 29,30 and 31st. Upon completion of 30 days recruitment period, a Recruitment Report Instructions Letter will be issued. Any resumes recevied by BEC from qualified applicants in response to the ad will be forwarded to the attorney of record . Resumes will be mailed no later than two weeks after the end of 30 days recruitment period. In addition to placing a print ad, the employer is required to post a job notice at his place of business of at least 10 consective days within the 30 days recruitment period.
My details are EB-3/Non-RIR/PD 04/27/2001/State NJ

Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO much for the information.
I am just interested to know if this will be also acceptable patern of recruitment they are looking for the conversion.
rvinay said:
RI letter says I have to make 30 days recruitment effort starting oct.26. 06. I need to put an ad in newspaper of general circulation in the area of intended employment or an appropriate national general. Advertising should be for continous 3 days including a sunday. I am placing ads on oct. 29,30 and 31st. Upon completion of 30 days recruitment period, a Recruitment Report Instructions Letter will be issued. Any resumes recevied by BEC from qualified applicants in response to the ad will be forwarded to the attorney of record . Resumes will be mailed no later than two weeks after the end of 30 days recruitment period. In addition to placing a print ad, the employer is required to post a job notice at his place of business of at least 10 consective days within the 30 days recruitment period.
My details are EB-3/Non-RIR/PD 04/27/2001/State NJ

Considering your PD date and proximity to NY where my case is filed, now I am really skeptical about the conversion. I was very enthusiastic and contacted my lawyer, who is preparing the ad etc. We were planning for a recruitment pattern over 2 month period, with 3 ads running mainly over the weekend in paper with high circulation. I realized that the recruitment would take 3 months, which I was happy with (yeah, really! :rolleyes: ). However, if they will not take the ads from before they take up your case, it would be waste of money and effort (my pure attorney has to work really hard you know :eek: ) because “hopefully” I may be close. Should however by you mentioned process be satisfactory for conversion, then I would do it after all. It is basically 1 month. Yet, so far illogic case processing was a trade mark for the BEC, I am dizzy and confused to take next step.
BTW, can you please post your partial P-xxxxx-xxxxx number? If you are not comfortable, please send me a private message.
Thank you again!
vexlak said:
Considering your PD date and proximity to NY where my case is filed, now I am really skeptical about the conversion. I was very enthusiastic and contacted my lawyer, who is preparing the ad etc. We were planning for a recruitment pattern over 2 month period, with 3 ads running mainly over the weekend in paper with high circulation. I realized that the recruitment would take 3 months, which I was happy with (yeah, really! :rolleyes: ). However, if they will not take the ads from before they take up your case, it would be waste of money and effort (my pure attorney has to work really hard you know :eek: ) because “hopefully” I may be close. Should however by you mentioned process be satisfactory for conversion, then I would do it after all. It is basically 1 month. Yet, so far illogic case processing was a trade mark for the BEC, I am dizzy and confused to take next step.
BTW, can you please post your partial P-xxxxx-xxxxx number? If you are not comfortable, please send me a private message.
Thank you again!
This is the big flaw with the RIR-conversion option! Basically, BEC is saying that go ahead and start the RIR-conversion efforts...put your money into it, but I can come in any time and tell you that I have started processing your application the traditional way, so I am going to ignore your RIR-conversion effort and investment. While there really isn't any technical harm in getting the RIR-conversion efforts voided in the middle, it is definitely time, money and efforts lost, not mentioning the increased frustration.

Instead, BEC should just have everybody indicate their willingness to go for RIR, and then just stop the TR process on such applications. But I guess BEC doesn't have too much internal control to implement that kind of coordination now. The randomness with the way they adjudicate applications has already shown us how little control there is.
tarikida said:
Since our applications have stuck in queue for more than 3-4 years, can we change the job requirements when we try to convert our application from TR to RIR
Say for example, your original job title in TR might be Specialist and requirement is 3+ years and when it is converted to RIR, can we change that to Analyst and MS or 5+ years experience

I know that if we wish to convert our TR application to PERM with out loosing priority date, application needs to be identical. There was no mention about that in TR to RIR conversion. I believe we should be able to do that. Otherwise what is the advantage of this as we could go through PERM and get approval much quicker.

This is the answer I received from HR person
As for your question about the EB2, I spoke with attorney and they do not believe that you can make changes to the minimum requirements of the position. Because of this, it would remain under EB3. They are still checking into, because the DOL has not released specific instructions on what kind of changes can be made to these petitions.
I am waiting for the next AILA-DOL representive meeting. Anyone knows when it is ? Generally at that time DOL gets a hint about the issues the mortal folks are facing with.

dianasteve said:
Didn't you get a letter from the FLC acknowledging that they recieved your application? I have mine. They told not to contact the FLC for the next 365 days. This was in September of 2001. Now it's more than 1825 days!!!

My previous attorney once contacted with state agency, it is said that all my company's applciation transfered to BEC. Now, since i did not receive 45 days letter, my new attorney made teh inqury for BEC, they said that they never received my application and we are in the process of resubmitting (keep the odl priority date). Then we plan to convert to RIR.
I re-submitted

Yes I was told to resubmit application few weeks ago, since DOL never received it . We have proof of waoting to hear back from them

waiting200X said:
My previous attorney once contacted with state agency, it is said that all my company's applciation transfered to BEC. Now, since i did not receive 45 days letter, my new attorney made teh inqury for BEC, they said that they never received my application and we are in the process of resubmitting (keep the odl priority date). Then we plan to convert to RIR.
Any idea how to search for Dallas BEC job advertisements in That will give an indication of how far the processing of 2001 cases have reached.

puskeygadha said:
Yes I was told to resubmit application few weeks ago, since DOL never received it . We have proof of waoting to hear back from them

Do you how long it wil take for bec TO RE OPEN OUR "disappear" case? I was worrying about the time and am afraid to wait for otehr couple of months to open it. thanks.
waiting200X said:
Do you how long it wil take for bec TO RE OPEN OUR "disappear" case? I was worrying about the time and am afraid to wait for otehr couple of months to open it. thanks.

My case was closed and then re-opened within a week.
Anyone heard anything after filing rir-conversion ?

Has anyone heard anything from BPC s after filing rir conversion ?
It has been three weeks since BPC posted the RIR conversion FAQ. As per the FAQ they are supposed to let the filer know whether the conversion request was accepted to move the case back to RIR queue.

Any idea when they will actually start picking up the pending rir-conversion cases ?