Non RIR Discussion Only !

onesource said:
After a long pursuit, my HR person got a reply from PBEC about my application via Email. Here is what it said:

The subject case has been received by the Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center and is currently awaiting further review by a Backlog Elimination Center analyst.

What does this mean? My case details are in the signature.


It means nothing more than the fact that your case is alive and still pending.
Jobs in AJB

Today tons of jobs are posted in AJB from PBEC.

When I search using the partial Company Job ID 'P-05' I get only two pages of search results. When I search using the 'P-051', I still get two pages of search results with some new jobs that were not listed in my first search.

It seems like when you search using partial Company ID you get only two pages of results max. So, I guess the wiser thing to do is to use the partial Job ID as close to your case ID as possible - as long as you get the results.

The overall good news is that PBEC is moving.
tb2904 said:
Today tons of jobs are posted in AJB from PBEC.

When I search using the partial Company Job ID 'P-05' I get only two pages of search results. When I search using the 'P-051', I still get two pages of search results with some new jobs that were not listed in my first search.

It seems like when you search using partial Company ID you get only two pages of results max. So, I guess the wiser thing to do is to use the partial Job ID as close to your case ID as possible - as long as you get the results.

The overall good news is that PBEC is moving.
These are not new jobs, these are the same ones that were posted earlier, but seem to have all been updated with date of 9/1/06. I've observing these postings for some time.
Any progresds on Non-RIR?

While preparing to write to anyone (state and local lawmakers, Chao, and head of the PBEC), I would like to know if there is any movement that you know about on the TR cases. I am sick of the wait and especially the fact that the RIR are being certified well into 03/04.
vexlak said:
While preparing to write to anyone (state and local lawmakers, Chao, and head of the PBEC), I would like to know if there is any movement that you know about on the TR cases. I am sick of the wait and especially the fact that the RIR are being certified well into 03/04.
There is no movement. The last news that was heard came from AILA (american immigration lawyers association); they were told in a liaison meeting with the DOL that the recruitment instructions would start going out around end-of-July. That hasn't happened. They were also told that the online case status system would be made available by July end. That hasn't happened either.

Please post who all you are planning to write to. We could probably build a good letter in this post and encourage eveybody to send it to the same set of people in the government.
let me tell you

onesource said:
After a long pursuit, my HR person got a reply from PBEC about my application via Email. Here is what it said:

The subject case has been received by the Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center and is currently awaiting further review by a Backlog Elimination Center analyst.

What does this mean? My case details are in the signature.


IT MEANS TO WAIT 9 MORE MONTHS...BECAUSE YOUR case it being analyst..meaning...they didn't bother to look at it yet..BUT its still there...

Honorable Secretary Elaine L. Chao
U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Waitingfor4+yrs said:
Honorable Secretary Elaine L. Chao
U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210


I am not positive that she even takes care of the letter or fax. She only has few years left in her office, and she would rather not focus in our cases. I would suggest in contacting the media, and publish the stories of how everyday is a worst day of our life who came to US of having great American dream. But it is up to you, I am not trying to slow you down, but again spending time in not getting a target is nothing.
labordrags said:
I am not positive that she even takes care of the letter or fax. She only has few years left in her office, and she would rather not focus in our cases. I would suggest in contacting the media, and publish the stories of how everyday is a worst day of our life who came to US of having great American dream. But it is up to you, I am not trying to slow you down, but again spending time in not getting a target is nothing.

I agree. Contacting the media is definitely better. Recently, CNBC took a case where anyones phone records can be bought in the market for few bucks..and they were after it until it became a debate in the Senate.. this is just an example. But remember you should be prepared to be in the limelight to give answers to the media. Contact CBS (60 minutes), Local Cable channels, CNBC etc...In some cases they follow it up with you and the authorities.
7 yr extn Screenshot

Recently I got screenshot from PBEC, this time more fields were having data including salary. Still prevail wages is empty.
Is there any trend for data entry or just randam.

PD: March 2003
45DL rec: 6 April 2006
45DL reply: 21 April 2006
Do not rely on this DB

lfgc said:
Thx buddy.
It helps...I know it doesn't speed up the work...but, can appreciate anything +ve.

I think it is only a test site. It will not provide you real status. Does any of you called 202-693-3010 number and ask them when they are going to start sending recruitment status?

I couldn't convince my attorney to call them. If any of you can do it, that will be a update for us. This status check site will give you only one status which is "In progress". Does this mean anything to you? Because all of us in this forum are waitting for recruitment status.
Still a test site

This still looks like a test site. My status showing up as closed. But my HR person just checked the status via email a few days back and it was in progress at that time.
Still a test site??

For my ETA case number it says "No records matched your query, please check the case number"
But I called 202 number and he says it is in queue.

Which one I should assume more accurate?
But what does In Process mean?

Mine says In Process. But what does it mean, no detials... I know it is in process, but with whome and what are they doing with it. Any time frame on when we can see any progress, or change would have been more helpful.
Exactly my Point

nkimmigration said:
Mine says In Process. But what does it mean, no detials... I know it is in process, but with whome and what are they doing with it. Any time frame on when we can see any progress, or change would have been more helpful.

This status site is only usefull to check if your status is certified. But people who are waitting for recruitment instruction their status will be either "In Process" or "No data found". We cannot expect our status "Certified" till our recruitment process is done. This site doesn't mean anything to me.

"IN PROCESS" mean what?
Does this 202 number still work ? I tried and my lawyer tried. It keeps on pushing you to a machine. We could not get a live person.

I remember I had gotten a live person couple of months and he had asked me to get my lawyer call them !

Any one know what's going on with non-rir remanded cases ?
How about rir-conversion cases filed early 2006 ? Anyone has any update on those ?