Non RIR Discussion Only !

Please help to provide more detail about your RRI

PD: June 2003
Case: CA / EB2 / TR / DBEC
45-day letter: May 2006
Recruitment Instruction Received: 03/29/2007
Recruitment Report Received: 05/20/2007

Posted on AJB: 03/20/2007
Removed from AJB: 05/07/2007
Online Status: TR - In Process
What's your postion category posted on Ad? Did you work in IT area? Do you have resumes reponse when you got RRI? My RI received 3/05/2007 and still waiting for RRI? I don't know what's wrong? I will appreciate for your quick response.
Please help to provide more detail about your RRI

I am glad to announce that my TR-LC is certified today, as per online status in PDS. Now waiting starts to receive certified papers. For details see my signature.

I wish all remaining cases also get certiifed soon. Best Luck to all.Amdavad
Case # P-05173-8nnnn
PD : Oct, 2003
Never made to Regional
45 Day Letter Recd & Replied: 05/25/06
Job Posted on AJB: 03/07/07
RI Received: 03/09/07
Recruitment period: 03/19/07 to 04/18/07
Recruitment Report Instructions Received: 04/19/07
Recruitment Report Submitted: 05/08/07
Certified Status on PDS: 05/17/07
Online Status: Certified
My RRI received 3/5/07, but still waiting for RR, have you got any resumes when got RR? what's kind job posted on Ad? I don't know why you got RR right now but I still wait? Thanks!
Urgent Question?

My RRI received 3/5/2007, the recruitment period is 3/15/07-4/16/07, but still waiting for RR, my lawyer do not want to contact EBC, anyone know how can I get the EBC number and contact them directly? Thanks!
My RRI received 3/5/2007, the recruitment period is 3/15/07-4/16/07, but still waiting for RR, my lawyer do not want to contact EBC, anyone know how can I get the EBC number and contact them directly? Thanks!

I'm in the same boat as you are. My recruitment period was over by 04/20/07 but still have not received recruitment report. My lawyers are ignoring my emails to request status from DOL. Please let me know if you figure out a way to contact DOL.
you will have to ask your attorney or your employer to call EBC. In your case, you might want to do is to let the attorney understand your frustrating feelings and to talk to your HR to push them call.
BTW, for luy81, RRI stands for recruitment report instruction, and RI is recruitment instruction. Make sure you use precise words to let your attorney understand.

I'm in the same boat as you are. My recruitment period was over by 04/20/07 but still have not received recruitment report. My lawyers are ignoring my emails to request status from DOL. Please let me know if you figure out a way to contact DOL.
I haven't received RI yet but the attorney said he got NOF from DOL, the findings are about the bonda fide of the company and the experience requirments. Can this happen to a non-RIR case? After we send a rebuttal, will I go thourgh RI, RRI again? How lucky I am!
I haven't received RI yet but the attorney said he got NOF from DOL, the findings are about the bonda fide of the company and the experience requirments. Can this happen to a non-RIR case? After we send a rebuttal, will I go thourgh RI, RRI again? How lucky I am!

NOF can be sent on any case. Once DOL is satisfied with your rebuttal, next steps of RI, RRI will resume.
I'm in the same boat as you are. My recruitment period was over by 04/20/07 but still have not received recruitment report. My lawyers are ignoring my emails to request status from DOL. Please let me know if you figure out a way to contact DOL.

My recrutment ended on 4/11 and no RR as of yet. It's 6 week tomorrow and i am on IT.
Called PBEC and they say - RRI not received


I called the PBEC today and the lady on the phone asked what is the priority date. Once I gave the priority date, she mentioned she did not receive any report from us(and the company lawyer says - the fedex tracking shows it was received by them on 5th March 2007).

I followed up with the lawyer and he is trying to get in touch with the PBEC. Guys be pro-active and keep the lawyers on their toes.

Good Luck to all. Congrats to those who got their labor approved and moved to the next stage
Hey guys, I read somewhere on this forum that there's some sort of a deadline of June 30th for the next stage (i.e., I-140/485). I don't know all the details, can someone shed more light on it if you know?

I'm still waiting for the Recruitment Report to arrive and judging by how slow the DBEC is, there is no way I will be able to advance to the next stage before June 30th (well, provided I'm lucky to be certified). What will happen if a person misses that supposed deadline?
you will have to ask your attorney or your employer to call EBC. In your case, you might want to do is to let the attorney understand your frustrating feelings and to talk to your HR to push them call.
BTW, for luy81, RRI stands for recruitment report instruction, and RI is recruitment instruction. Make sure you use precise words to let your attorney understand.
I am sorry for misspelling. What's kind of job posted on Ad. Are you on IT area? Thanks!
Hey guys, I read somewhere on this forum that there's some sort of a deadline of June 30th for the next stage (i.e., I-140/485). I don't know all the details, can someone shed more light on it if you know?

I'm still waiting for the Recruitment Report to arrive and judging by how slow the DBEC is, there is no way I will be able to advance to the next stage before June 30th (well, provided I'm lucky to be certified). What will happen if a person misses that supposed deadline?

First of all, nobody knows these dates for sure yet. The bill is being discussed in the senate. It may not become a law. It may change before becoming a law, etc.

However, if it does become a law and if people's interpretation is correct (there's some confusion), those who have not filed I-140 by June 2007 (date of introduction of bill in the house), (some say it's May 21st 2007, the date of introduction in Senate) will lose their GC application and will have to start GC under a new merit based system, competing with people from all over the world.

Even those who have I-140's cleared will have to wait longer as total number of GC every year will be reduced from 140,000 to 90,000; so the retrogression will get (much) worse.

Law also restricts H1B renewal beyond 6 years. It also bars contracting on H1B visa. Means you can't have H1B visa for one company and work on premises of another company (as contractor). Majority of H1B's work like that.

I really hope that this draconian law goes down the drain but it looks very likely to pass. Lives of millions of people are about to be screwed.
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First of all, nobody knows these dates for sure yet. The bill is being discussed in the senate. It may not become a law. It may change before becoming a law, etc.

However, if it does become a law and if people's interpretation is correct (there's some confusion), those who have not filed I-140 by June 2007 (date of introduction of bill in the house), (some say it's May 21st 2007, the date of introduction in Senate) will lose their GC application and will have to start GC under a new merit based system, competing with people from all over the world.

Even those who have I-140's cleared will have to wait longer as total number of GC every year will be reduced from 140,000 to 90,000; so the retrogression will get (much) worse.

Law also restricts H1B renewal beyond 6 years. It also bars contracting on H1B visa. Means you can't have H1B visa for one company and work on premises of another company (as contractor). Majority of H1B's work like that.

I really hope that this draconian law goes down the drain but it looks very likely to pass. Lives of millions of people are about to be screwed.

This law does not sound at all like the CIR or the SKILL bill that was introduced last year. Is this completely new? I was under the impression that any immigration reform will if anything benefit us, but what a nightmare it's going to be if this new bill passes.
This law does not sound at all like the CIR or the SKILL bill that was introduced last year. Is this completely new? I was under the impression that any immigration reform will if anything benefit us, but what a nightmare it's going to be if this new bill passes.
Senators have come up with a completely new bill after days and nights of bargaining behind the closed doors.

It's a hastily written thousand page document. It a nutshell, it completely screws anybody who hasn't filed I-140 yet.

LC's are useless. Will need to file under the new system when it becomes available (2~4 years) and compete with everybody in the world. H1B will not be renewed beyond 6 years.

Once your six years expire (or the renewed h1b visa expires), just pack the bags, no other option available.
Chill Out

First of all, what happened yesterday in Senate was a vote to proceed with debate on Senate Bill S. 1348. Enacting onto law would take another 8 to 10 months. All the talk about filing I140 before a cutoff date is all just rumours.

The salient features of the bill are -

S. 1348 would increase resources for border and interior enforcement and increase the severity of the consequences for immigration violations or criminal activities. It would mandate all employers in the United States to participate in an electronic employment eligibility system within 18 months after enactment.

It would also provide for a mechanism to legalize currently undocumented workers through a proposed "Z" visa category. It increases the quota for the H-1B visas from 65,000 to 115,000 per year and have provisions to increase or decrease this quota depending on the demand of the market. There would be restrictions on the use of the H-1B visa, like, employers would be required to attest that the H-1B worker will not displace a U.S. worker six months before and six months after the filing of an H-1B petition. There would be additional recruitment requirements for H-1B visa. Employers with 50 or more workers would not be allowed to have more than 50% of their total workforce on the H-1B visa. H-1B visa holders would no longer be permitted to have "immigrant intent." A new point based system would replace existing Employment based immigration.

S. 1348 would also create a new "Y" visa class for temporary guest workers.

First of all, nobody knows these dates for sure yet. The bill is being discussed in the senate. It may not become a law. It may change before becoming a law, etc.

However, if it does become a law and if people's interpretation is correct (there's some confusion), those who have not filed I-140 by June 2007 (date of introduction of bill in the house), (some say it's May 21st 2007, the date of introduction in Senate) will lose their GC application and will have to start GC under a new merit based system, competing with people from all over the world.

Even those who have I-140's cleared will have to wait longer as total number of GC every year will be reduced from 140,000 to 90,000; so the retrogression will get (much) worse.

Law also restricts H1B renewal beyond 6 years. It also bars contracting on H1B visa. Means you can't have H1B visa for one company and work on premises of another company (as contractor). Majority of H1B's work like that.

I really hope that this draconian law goes down the drain but it looks very likely to pass. Lives of millions of people are about to be screwed.
First of all, what happened yesterday in Senate was a vote to proceed with debate on Senate Bill S. 1348. Enacting onto law would take another 8 to 10 months. All the talk about filing I140 before a cutoff date is all just rumours.

The cut-off date is not set for the date of enactment.

It's set to date of introduction of the bill.

Read it and get a clue.
The cut-off date is not set for the date of enactment.

It's set to date of introduction of the bill.

Read it and get a clue.

So if you have already filed for I-140, then you'r OK?
My EB2 non-rir labor from Feb 2004 is still stuck in BEC (we just put the paper ad). But if the number of GC are reduced, it might be cause even more retrogression. I hope my labor gets approved soon and I can apply for I-485 before the dates move back in the next couple of months (seems like a very small window of opportunity here)