Newer cases being procesed quicker while older cases continue to age?


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The recent trend of application being processed in record time while older applications age is nothing new to the agency..looks at the previous recommendation from the Ombudsman to this regard:

CISO Recommendation AR 2007 – 02
The Ombudsman has observed that newer cases are processed more quickly while cases more than 6 months old are increasingly backlogged. The Ombudsman supports the USCIS drive to maximize case completions, but attention needs to be directed at clearing older cases.
The Ombudsman recommends that USCIS provide a clearer picture of the current backlog by providing information on the number of pending cases by form type with receipts that are: (1) less than 90 days; (2) less than 180 days; (3) less than 1 year; (4) less than 2 years; (5) less than 3 years; (6) less than 4 years; and (7) greater than 4 years.
USICS Response
USCIS began using “aging reports” during the backlog elimination period and continues to rely on aging reports for work prioritization and work distribution. Currently, aging reports are helping to identify and prioritize abeyance cases and to schedule interviews as needed. These aging reports are an integral part of the adjudication process.
USCIS agrees that it would be useful to track and report cases based on the actual processing age of each case rather than on statistical averages, and that continues to be a goal of the new case processing system being developed as part of the agency’s Transformation Initiative.
Hi Bobsmyth,
Although I am not an expert but I do see some trends and agree with your opinion. Nov-Dec 2007 filers are processed at the same time with Jan-Feb 2008 filers. Kinda making July-Oct 2007 in one lump ...

Another interesting facts I see so far are March-April 2008 filers.. whoaa... they are being processed even faster... I see distance between Fingerprinting dates and Interview Letter receiving date are shorter than ever for this batch. It ranges from literally only 10 days to less than a month. Variations among DOs still play a major part but I see even VSC New York April filer already got IL too.

I wonder whether USCIS has different agenda in doing such time-pattern...
Maybe uscis wants you to re-apply with new fees and get more $$$ if you reapply.
New apps processed faster.:(
It is unfair of the agency to ignore older cases. I hope this is happening in rare cases and not an actual agency policy.
Besides NYC, are there other DOs where this "phenomenon" is occurring?

I have seen FP to IL distance in a month or less occurs in DOs:
Jacksonville, Milwaukee, Chicago, Kansas City, Forth Smith, Mt. Laurel, NYC, Sacramento, Durham and Norfol so far...
Belongs to March and April 2008 PD (Mar-Apr Filers)
I have seen FP to IL distance in a month or less occurs in DOs:
Jacksonville, Milwaukee, Chicago, Kansas City, Forth Smith, Mt. Laurel, NYC, Sacramento, Durham and Norfol so far...
Belongs to March and April 2008 PD (Mar-Apr Filers)

Right, you can find timelines for most of those in the Q1 thread:

But the question is, how many of those are porcessing recent applications while ignoring the backlog? Some of them didn't have much of a backlog to begin with.
Right, you can find timelines for most of those in the Q1 thread:

But the question is, how many of those are porcessing recent applications while ignoring the backlog? Some of them didn't have much of a backlog to begin with.

I've seen some 2008 Newark applicants get ILs too, and Newark is the 5th most backlogged DO (35,000+).

Another question that remains to be answered is if all 2008 applicants are receiving ILs before the backlog applicants.
I've seen some 2008 Newark applicants get ILs too, and Newark is the 5th most backlogged DO (35,000+).

I haven't seen such reports for L.A. and Miami, however.

Another question that remains to be answered is if all 2008 applicants are receiving ILs before the backlog applicants.

Since we're only five months into 2008, it's too early to tell, but my impression is "yes", at least at certain DOs. Unless they're stuck in namecheck, I don't think any of the 2008 applicants at places like NYC should anticipate a very long timeline.
I haven't seen such reports for L.A. and Miami, however.

Neither have I. This is a good indicator that there's little centralized management in the USCIS, since DOs are making their own rules.

Since we're only five months into 2008, it's too early to tell, but my impression is "yes", at least at certain DOs. Unless they're stuck in namecheck, I don't think any of the 2008 applicants at places like NYC should anticipate a very long timeline.

Is it safe to say that if we withdrew and reapplied, our ILs would arrive in a month or two?
Neither have I. This is a good indicator that there's little centralized management in the USCIS, since DOs are making their own rules.

I think that's long been the case. They also have their own budgets; apparently that's what's behind some of the hiring discrepancies.

Is it safe to say that if we withdrew and reapplied, our ILs would arrive in a month or two?

Seems like a risky strategy. Even for the 2008 applicants, two months is a quick timeline; seems like many are getting IL in around 4 months. If I'd known in January or February what I know now, I definitely would have done it. But I think there is still a good chance that we will be processed by September.
Is it safe to say that if we withdrew and reapplied, our ILs would arrive in a month or two?

I would assume they would still have to consolidate your existing application with your new one, unless you first officially abandon your first one and then reapply.
Seems like a risky strategy. Even for the 2008 applicants, two months is a quick timeline; seems like many are getting IL in around 4 months. If I'd known in January or February what I know now, I definitely would have done it. But I think there is still a good chance that we will be processed by September.

I have to agree. I remember discussing this idea a month or two ago, when I still had faith in the lie known as InfoPass.:D

I think it's realistic to hope that we'll be processed by September, especially if the results of the class action suit are in our favor. Since the suit demands that the entire process (including oath) is completed by September 30, we should realistically be receiving ILs in June, with late August interviews and September oaths.
I would assume they would still have to consolidate your existing application with your new one, unless you first officially abandon your first one and then reapply.

This is true. Also, it may take them several months to officially process the withdrawal request.
That it is. Are you waiting it out, or will you consider filing a WOM eventually as well?

I haven't invested the time yet to look into filing WOM by myself yet, but as the one year anniversary of my PD comes around I will start to consider it more. For many of us, the next 3 months will be critical in what the USCIS does since that is when the bulk of applications from last year will have aged one year.