Newark, NJ - N-400 Timeline

Thanks Anileth19 for your reply. Very sorry to know about interview.

I got my GC on 08/11/2004. My N-400 application received by 05/11/2009. Applied 3months before 5 years. But 92 days instead of 90 days. I hope interview officer don't take it seriously

In my case I counted 85 days (90 days rule) but according to IO when I sent (sign) application my spouse supposed to be citizen for 3 years not 3 years minus 85 days (90 day rule).
3 years ago when my spouse sent application she did it 5 years minus 92 days (90 day rule) and her application was sent back to us.

I am sure in your case everything will be ok because you are doing it on 5 years basis not marriage basis. Good luck
Wife's interview letter finally arrived for 8/6/09 interview. But, she is leaving for a vacation 2 weeks ahead of that and we are planning to change the Interview Date. Anybody has experience with that? Now, with my understanding that interview dates are set, the file is at local DO and I am planning to get an InfoPass appointment and talk to an officer with Travel details (Confirmed Tickets) and ask to schedule after the return. Will they accept to schdule after a particular date (as she is returning after 6 weeks)?
Same with me too, I have 1 week to get passport and Visa (assuming that I get approved and Oath on the same day) before my travel date. So, I am also planning to ask them to move the date...will they accept that as I am actually in the country on the scheduled interview date?

Please share your thoughts and experiences.
FP done

FP done today @ Elizabeth (1pm appointment). Arrived @ 1pm and it took about 1 hour and done with it by around 2:05pm.
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Thanks A****t19. It is bit scary. I didn't realize that I am applying 92 days before 5 years (31 days in May and July 31. I got FP notice strangely twice. Going for FP on May 16th, do you think During interview they may ask why I applied 92 days before?
Thanks A****t19. It is bit scary. I didn't realize that I am applying 92 days before 5 years (31 days in May and July 31. I got FP notice strangely twice. Going for FP on May 16th, do you think During interview they may ask why I applied 92 days before?

They may let you go since it is for you and you are not doing it on marriage basis. In my case it was for my spouse. If they ask you, why did you apply 92 days before, you can tell them you counted 3 months instead 90 days. I hope everything go well with you.
Thanks A****t19. It is bit scary. I didn't realize that I am applying 92 days before 5 years (31 days in May and July 31. I got FP notice strangely twice. Going for FP on May 16th, do you think During interview they may ask why I applied 92 days before?

It takes 2 days for the app to get there, so you may be fine. I need to file as well but backed off in the last minute when I realized it is 90 days and not 3 months.
Got Citizenship!


Me and my wife got our citizenship y'day(June 8th). Our interview was scheduled at 9 AM actual was around 10:30am and oath at 2:00 PM.

Here is my pleasant interview experience.

We reached Federal Building 15th floor at at 8:40am but they called me around 10:30am. IO, young asian american, never smiled, i was wondering initially i am going to have tough time.But before I could realize I am going through a interview, interview was over:), I think she hardly took around 10 to 15 minutes. In that time, she asked me to swear, and she reviewed my I-400, and she asked me questions on US History and Reading and Writing a sentence ….

While I was coming out, they called my wife, so we were lucky I could take care of the kids when my wife was in the interview, her interviewer took little bit more time, might be around 20 to 25 minutes, as there was some confusion around her middle name, and he suggested to remove it in the Naturalization certificate and she had no issues with that.

They didn’t even check the documents requested in ‘Yellow’ Letter.

Once Interview process was over, we were waiting for an hour approx, I think around 12 they called us to verify and sign the ‘Naturalization Certificate’ and asked us to come back at 1.30 PM for 2PM Oath. So we had good 1 ½ hours for Lunch at 3rd Floor Cafeteria.

I don’t even remember all of my six questions as interview process went very fast :), the one I remember is:
21. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
22. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?
27. In what month do we vote for President?
40. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States?
78. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.
Remaining question was simple too.

Oath was very simple, there were about 60 people approx. It was done pretty quickly.. just some formalities and at the end they gave the certificate. We were out by 2.40 PM at the parking lot at Court St.
Today I went to my local Social Security Office with my ‘Naturalization Certificate’ and have requested for a updated Social Security Card. Tomorrow I have a appointment for Passport application.

I don’t want to single out couple of people here, I have read almost a year worth of postings in this forum, you guys were really helpful, I really appreciate your help, will be very much willing to help you guys with any questions you may have.

Thanks again and good luck to everybody,
02/09/09: Mailed
02/10/09: Receipt Date
02/10/09: Priority Date
02/13/09: Checks Cahsed
02/13/09: Notice Date
2/25/2009: FP Notice Date
3/20/2009: FP Appointment(ELIZABETH,NJ) Scheduled and Completed
04/16/09 IL:
06/08/09 ID: Interview and Oath Date. Citizenship Approved.
xx/xx/09 PP: (applied)
xx/xx/09 PP: (received)
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I applied at the NY Consulate. You need to have an appointment over the phone and need to be travelling within 14 days.
FP Re-schedule

Hi all, does anyone know how long it usually takes to re-schedule FP in Elizabeth ASC? It has been more than two months since I mailed back a letter requesting a re-schedule and I have not heard anything back. Does it usually take this long and is it still possible to do walk-ins at this point? Thanks!
If you saved a photo copy of your first FP letter - you can try your luck - just bring it to ASC and explain your situation, they will probably let you have your biometrics done. The most important thing - is a bar code on the letter that they scan.
There was somebody on this forum who was in situation just like yours and used a photocopy of 1st FP letter to get his prints done, it worked for him.

Hi all, does anyone know how long it usually takes to re-schedule FP in Elizabeth ASC? It has been more than two months since I mailed back a letter requesting a re-schedule and I have not heard anything back. Does it usually take this long and is it still possible to do walk-ins at this point? Thanks!
I finished with my interview on June 9th at the Newark office. I want to thank everyone for posting their experiences. I had an arrest record that was very old ( disorderly conduct in NYC 10 + years ago) that I was worried about but the officer explained that they are interested in my record for the last five years unless it is serious charge then there is no time limit example if you were convicted of murder or any other felony no matter how long ago they will take that into consideration. Other than that I was not asked to provide any other documentation including tax info even though I had last 5 years transcript with me. The officer that interviewed me sounded very strict in his manner however after he finished his interview his demeanor changed and he was more friendly. during the interview the IO verifies your n-400 line by line and the civics questions were right out of the study guide word for word. the oath was done the same day. Now I am a proud United States citizen :)
hi folks,

i have my interview date on june 16th in nj.
i am thinking of shortening my last name (didn't fill it in the form).

1) can i request name change during the interview (any one done this before and does it extend the timeline). is it a simple process? do i need to take any documents or provide reasons, etc?

2) is oath and interview the same day in nj?

thanks much!