Newark local transfers

Go to Newark INS for stamping with the Welcome Notice. They may do the security check then.

More than approved????

Hi folks

I got a letter from INS today(Case Type:I181-Creation of Record of Lawful Permanent Residence, Notice Type:Welcome Notice).

It starts with the words \'Welcome to United States of America\' and says "We will soon mail you a new Permanent Resident Card. You should receive it within the next three weeks".

What does this mean? Do we not have to goto Newark INS for stamping now? Also, does this mean that we do not have to do the new security checks INS has implemented?

We had an interview on May 13 but we did not get stamped because the INS officer asked for a company acquire document(my company was acquired by another one). We send it the same day and I was awaiting to hear from INS and this is what we received today. Please give me your feedback folks.
Plastic Cards Received

I recieved my Plastic Card on Saturday, 6/8/02
My husband received his Plastic Card on Monday, 6/10/02

We aslo received "Welcome Notice"s from INS yesterday - Monday, 6/10/02

Thanks & Good Luck to you all
ypt and MSgetGC

The letter clearly states that they will mail me my card in three weeks and also, my lawyer said I do not need to goto Newark INS to get stamp.

So, I guess this is it.

The seemingly endless wait is over... It has been one hell of a long journey, but finally the destination is here. Although I have not been on this forum for as long as other people, I would like to thank all of you for answering all my questions and helping throughout.

Good luck to all of you waiting for your approval!!! It will end one day for you too... like it did for me!
Welcome Notice "s" received

RD: 07/01
ND: 08/01
FP: 12/01
Interview in Newark: 05/24/02
Passport Stamped: 05/24/02
First Welcome Notice: 06/13/02
Received two Welcome Notices again on : 06/15/02
No Cards received yet.
AVM says case approved on 06/12
Samku approved !!!

Interviwed on 5/20 at Newark. Approval was pending. Found out yesterday that I am approved and the card was ordered on Tue 6/4/02.
I received the card but...

my wife did not receive it yet. Is it common that both of we receive the cards on different dates?
We too received 2 Welcome notices each as alawbinding..... received.

Got stamped at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went for the interview at the Newark office, everything went pretty smooth, that is after the initial panic of our lawyers late arrival. There wasnt much the officer wanted to know, he himself said, that the people at Vermont were probably too lazy to go thru all the paperwork, and took our EADs and APs and stamped our passports along with our new address! SO, finally a BIG RELIEF! and I thank everyone on this board for their help and it has been a great source of information and support. All the best to everyone else awaiting their turn, and to everyone else who have already received theirs! GOD BLESS US ALL!!!!!!!
I think

it is not required to get it stamped. It means your case is approved and you will receive the card very soon. Anyway, if you want it stamped, you can always do that by going to Newark office.
Thanks Mikhail!

And Congratulations on your approval man! All the best to u and your family! will update on the 17th!
Thanks Mikhail!

And Congratulations on your approval man! All the best to u and your family! will update on the 17th!