New York SESA Tracker

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ahelam: I am with you. expecting any words given by our Labor folks.

Guys, please update us as soon as you hear something to get some consolation.

Thank you
Originally posted by ahalem
Hi Guys,

I know I am repeating my self, but did any body contact the labor department lately , Please share your information with us ?

Also I know many cases in NJ and CA got moved from RIR to be None RIR , so do you know if they keep the same priority date in this case or its another 3 years of waiting ?


Hi, I talked to the immigration specialist in our company not long ago. According to them, there is no more RIR in NY. Almost all RIR cases are being rejected and converted to regular. The cases keep their original priority dates. Since currently the regular processing time is not very far behind the notorious RIR, it's not making a bad case worse.

I think there might be some exception, but given our company's good reputation and the experience of the immigration specialists, I think this represents the situation for most cases.

The biggest problem, I think, is not only how slow they process the cases, but the bad labor market.

Hope it helps!
Hi nylcvictim,

thanks for this information, do you know on which basis they are rejecting or converting the RIR to non RIR, what are the major reasons ?

just talked to the lawer...

according to him nothing has been changed in processing RIR cases in New York, he gets approvals as before. PERM will make it much faster...
Hi all,
I see that NY update date is still August on labor processing times while all others were last updated this month. Are they thinking to move it to May 2001 anyway? hold tight.....
I just saw a March 2003 newsletter in stating that NY SESA has divided LCs in categories - proffessional, household and others and that they started processing for proffessionals beyond APR 2001. I think that explains why some of us got approvals of May and June. Can anybody confirm if this is the truth?
NY SESA has stopped doing that. You can check previous posts of this thread to find out when they stopped.

Originally posted by Akhand
I just saw a March 2003 newsletter in stating that NY SESA has divided LCs in categories - proffessional, household and others and that they started processing for proffessionals beyond APR 2001. I think that explains why some of us got approvals of May and June. Can anybody confirm if this is the truth?
has anyone called NY state labor office to get any info about the april 30th processing?

I am still confident on my estimation of Oct 30th to complete the april 30th processing.

I called up NY office last week and they said it will take the end of the year but the problem is no one seems to be sure.
Thanks guys, for keeping checking the status.

araina, we really appreciate you doing it on a regular basis.

From , So funny:
Just when people may have thought they had memorized the names and acronyms of the various new governmental entities involved with immigration, there appears to be yet another change. The term "bureau" has been eliminated from the names of the various entities which, for reasons of their own, find it unsuitable. So now we have the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS or CIS), the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

In the case of the former BCIS, it appears that the "B" was dropped, but "US" for United States has now been added. We have heard that the former BCIS is being referred to as "CIS" more often than "USCIS," but the latter term has started appearing on official information received from them. This change does not seem to have any substantive affect, as on filing fee checks, for example. Filing fees will be accepted at this time whether checks are made out to USCIS, BCIS, or DHS.

We hope that the matter of entities and their names has been resolved, so that attention can be focused on reducing backlogs and other more significant matters that directly impact businesses, families, and individuals undergoing the immigration process
Re: Joke

Originally posted by ahalem
From , So funny:
Just when people may have thought they had memorized the names and acronyms of the various new governmental entities involved with immigration, there appears to be yet another change. The term "bureau" has been eliminated from the names of the various entities which, for reasons of their own, find it unsuitable. So now we have the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS or CIS), the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

In the case of the former BCIS, it appears that the "B" was dropped, but "US" for United States has now been added. We have heard that the former BCIS is being referred to as "CIS" more often than "USCIS," but the latter term has started appearing on official information received from them. This change does not seem to have any substantive affect, as on filing fee checks, for example. Filing fees will be accepted at this time whether checks are made out to USCIS, BCIS, or DHS.

We hope that the matter of entities and their names has been resolved, so that attention can be focused on reducing backlogs and other more significant matters that directly impact businesses, families, and individuals undergoing the immigration process

Indeed it is a joke... God knows how much time they would have spent deliberating these name changes.... I hope that with the removal of "bureau" from the names, the "bureau"cracy also goes away.

I feel like they are playing with lives and futures of ll of us 'legal' H1 holders, while they are busy playing these games...
processing june?


I just talked to my lawyer and she told me that NY is processing june 2001. when i asked her abt DOL website saying April '01 she said that for professionals they r processing June and for all others its April.

I hope she is right. She also said that she has rcvd some approvals/queries for june.

She has no idea abt how fast they r going.

Anyone heard like this?
Re: processing june?

Originally posted by dev10

I just talked to my lawyer and she told me that NY is processing june 2001. when i asked her abt DOL website saying April '01 she said that for professionals they r processing June and for all others its April.

I hope she is right. She also said that she has rcvd some approvals/queries for june.

She has no idea abt how fast they r going.

Anyone heard like this?

If you read some pages before this page (on this same thread), you will see that some of May/June cases did get approved. For last month or so, I haven't seen any more post-April approvals at all. We had heard the some cases were pulled as an experiment, and that's it.

If you could please, ask your lawyer when did she get the latest approvals from the month of June 2001. Maybe this is the good news everyone has been waiting for.
dev01 : May be you are new user to this forum but your info brings lot of joy to everyone here. Can you please post teh details? If possible, can you call your lawyer for the details and post here.

Unfortunately the lawyer is not much responsive. it took me about one week to get even this info. any way, i'll try to contact them again

the reason of sharing this with the group was to confirm if someone has heard something like that recently.

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