New York SESA Tracker

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Update on doleta web site

Web site still has April 2001(updated Feb 2003). I gues we were expecting that because of non-professional cases. Any other updates.
Re: Update on doleta web site

Originally posted by dreamer_ny
Web site still has April 2001(updated Feb 2003). I gues we were expecting that because of non-professional cases. Any other updates.

NY DOL will work at least one year to complete April 01 cases.

Don't trust rumors.
Hi Guys,

I talked to a person in NY SWA office. I asked her what cases they are working on. She asked me what's my job title. I said computer programmer. She confirmed that they have started May 2001 RIR cases. It's not a rumor. I asked her how long it will take to my case (7/01). She has no idea.

Good luck to all!


Who is spreading the rumors here? These people confirmed the news after talking to the DOL...not just throwing their guesses....please be informative rather than being skeptical....
Hi Guys,

My LC is May/2/2001 EB2. According to my lawyer NY DOL still processing April 2001 Cases.

I believe I may be one of the immediate next in line if May 2001 processing has indeed started. But so far my lawyers have heard nothing from NY DOL.

Per NY DOL Phone/ Website they are still processing April 2001 Cases.

On the positive note they are working with US DOL to reduce the back log. This may be the reason why we saw some freak May 2001 approvals.

Lets not point fingers at each other about false information. I think we are all depending on the information provided by each other. And we do have to trust each other. But at the same time also consider the facts (cases in April / May 2001 which are not processsed yet).

Please provide the number you called to find out about May 2001 processing confirmation.

Hi, hemantkd,

I called NY SWA office today. I was told by a person they are processing May 2001 RIR cases. She asked me what type of job I do. I don't know why she asked that. I don't want to publish the phone number, I hope them working on our cases rather than answering our calls. I believe you will get you LC very soon, let us know when you get it. Good luck!


PS it's not hard to find out their phone number :)
Please note that NY DOL and NY SWA

are two different agencies. There may and should be a lag in terms of timeline between the two since one is the first process and the other is second.

Hi Newyork,

It's true from what I got to hear from the person I spoke to at Permanent Labor New York State Department of Labor Alien Employment Certification Office that they r processing May 1 2001 for RIR professionals. This was at 4.40 PM today
May 1 2001
Does not matter to me if someone disbelieves this. I do
:) :)
i think im the only one left from april, my p.d. was april 26th 2001, EB2, RIR, if someones got any idea why i havent recieved any reply, please post,thanks:confused:
I would advice you to call the Premanent Labor Office (212) 621-9374 and they would ask you the date of your case filing and when you say that it is April'26th, I am sure they would give you an update on your case..or guide in some direction.

Good Luck..
What's the strategy for NYDOL?

I know this might be a million dollar q but do we have any idea if NYDOL has 2 seperate resources working on RIR cases? If not then even if they are done with Professional cases they might put more resources in non professional cases to clean up the backlog.


I don't believe in miracles.

Especially when you work for government.

here is what i think ( does it really matter i i think ? don't think so... )

1. Whole country moved to the other but Apr month.
2. Phone system hasn't been updated - or maybe they don't have a reason why updated it? " we will process ... till the end of the year... "
3. NY and NJ are still APr.
4. No one posted information saying that "my case blah-blah in May was moved to State ".

Sum up:
I don't believe in miracles.

Relax and start thinking ( well smart people already did this long time ago ) about moving somewhere else
Are you still happy about May?

Here is what i got today ( Feb 21 03) from our corporate lawyer . I'm not posting whole email .

> There are only 30 days in the month of April. The Dept of labor is
> working on applications post marked by April 30th. The
> problem is that
> I have no way of knowing exactly how many applications were
> post marked
> tht day and how far down the list the Dept of Labor has processed for
> applications post marked that day. Unfortunately, we are reliant upon
> the Dept of Labor to provide information and that information has been
> limited.

If somebody can see any words about May please let me know ....

U don't need miracles to happen to get your labor cleared in NY

Hi New York,

Some more good news for us I did speak to NY-Dol (I did ask him if it was NY-DOL and RIR). They r processing May and few from April (have started MAY for sure) he said they had a huge back log for April 2001 and that was the delay. He told that I could expect Sep 2001 in 4 months time (If they don’t have any obstructions). I spoke to them this morning at 11.30 Am .
:) :)

I bet they will reach Sept 01 in "timely " 6 months or more.
Why wants to win a couple of bucks ( beers ) ?

who else can confirm this ?

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Your news is definitely an encouraging one......please keep on posting all the updates in this we know where we stand.....
Hi very_upset_guy,

I just wanted everyone to share the information I got (small ray of hope not proving someone is wrong and I am right). If I waited for 17 months I will wait for another 6 months(If It’s my bad luck ) . Thanks for the beer bet.
:) :)

hi, did u speak to state labor dept? & did they tell anything about them processing professional applications only for may? coz u see, im EB2, RIR sent in march 30th & P.D. of april 26th, & my labor hasnt gone to regional office yet, could u write me u'r opinion? lawyer says "nothing yet" only, thanks:confused:
I am positive I did ask for RIR & professional

Hi fathi,

I did speak to NY-DOL and when I asked the status of labor RIR the next question they ask is what do u work as (when u say software) professional.So I am positive I did ask for RIR & professional.
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