New York SESA Tracker

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Was your non-RIR ?

mudra1234 said:
recived 45 day response letter

SWA-NY-PD: April 30, 2001
rcvd: 45 day ltr on April 15, 2005

don't lose hopes guys.

its happening.

any ideas how non-rir cases are goign to be handled????? I mena the advertisig process.

many thanks
It is a typo for you PD: April 30,2001 or you are on a non-rir case?????

mudra1234 said:
recived 45 day response letter

SWA-NY-PD: April 30, 2001
rcvd: 45 day ltr on April 15, 2005

don't lose hopes guys.

its happening.

any ideas how non-rir cases are goign to be handled????? I mena the advertisig process.

many thanks
Going Canada for stamping

I know this is little bit off the topic but I need opinions from those who recently tried. My case is simple, I have my approval in my hand and i just need to extend my stamp accordingly. No company transfers or other complications. Only exception is that my stamp expired last year.

Now I already know that most people get the stamp without any issues, but if I am denied then I have to go to India for the stamp. BIGGER problm is, and here I need your opinions, will I be stuck in India for couple of months as there is a long wait for Visa appointments?
dev10 said:
I know this is little bit off the topic but I need opinions from those who recently tried. My case is simple, I have my approval in my hand and i just need to extend my stamp accordingly. No company transfers or other complications. Only exception is that my stamp expired last year.

Now I already know that most people get the stamp without any issues, but if I am denied then I have to go to India for the stamp. BIGGER problm is, and here I need your opinions, will I be stuck in India for couple of months as there is a long wait for Visa appointments?

I was in the same situation.
Simple extension of H-1. Previous Visa expired last year.
I got the visa witout any hassle. Just take all your documents with you.
I went to Ottawa.
Good Luck.

04/21/2005: Reminder of DFLC Schedule of Shipment of Backlog Cases from States/Regions to Backlog Processing Center

The following was the DFLC schedules of shipment of backlog cases from the State offices and the Regional offices to the Backlog Processing Centers in Philadelphia and Dallas:
Phases SWA Receipt Date Shipment Due to BPC
1 Receipt Date till 12/31/2002 12/31/2004
2 01/2003 - 12/31/2004 03/31/2005
3 01/2005 - 03/27/2005 04/22/2005

According to these schedules, the entire backlog cases (non-PERM applications) which have been received at the State offices before the date of launch of the PERM Program, March 28, 2005, should have arrived at the two Backlog Processing Centers by tomorrow, April 22, 2005. Assuming that the shipments are completed as scheduled, the Backlog Processing Centers should face an enormous task of data entries and 45-day letter processing. Initially, the DFLC announced that the issuance of 45-day letters would be the first requisite step of processing the cases. Obviously, issuing 45 letters to the employers in excess of 300,000 in numbers would create a mountain of paper processing workloads.

There have been reports in the immigration lawyers community that some of the earliest priority date cases have been certified without issuing the 45-day letters.

We hope that the Backlog Processing Centers adopt more flexible policy of adjudicating cases without issuance of 45-day letters unless the facts dictate need for such inquiries. Such flexible policy will help the Backlog Processing Centers to accomplish the goal of processing and adjudicating the mountain of cases in a given period of time.

hi guys,
i just joined this forum on the advice of one of my friend.....looks great...sorry to ask you but what is this RIR and non-RIR case.
srikums said:

04/21/2005: Reminder of DFLC Schedule of Shipment of Backlog Cases from States/Regions to Backlog Processing Center

The following was the DFLC schedules of shipment of backlog cases from the State offices and the Regional offices to the Backlog Processing Centers in Philadelphia and Dallas:
Phases SWA Receipt Date Shipment Due to BPC
1 Receipt Date till 12/31/2002 12/31/2004
2 01/2003 - 12/31/2004 03/31/2005
3 01/2005 - 03/27/2005 04/22/2005

According to these schedules, the entire backlog cases (non-PERM applications) which have been received at the State offices before the date of launch of the PERM Program, March 28, 2005, should have arrived at the two Backlog Processing Centers by tomorrow, April 22, 2005. Assuming that the shipments are completed as scheduled, the Backlog Processing Centers should face an enormous task of data entries and 45-day letter processing. Initially, the DFLC announced that the issuance of 45-day letters would be the first requisite step of processing the cases. Obviously, issuing 45 letters to the employers in excess of 300,000 in numbers would create a mountain of paper processing workloads.

There have been reports in the immigration lawyers community that some of the earliest priority date cases have been certified without issuing the 45-day letters.

We hope that the Backlog Processing Centers adopt more flexible policy of adjudicating cases without issuance of 45-day letters unless the facts dictate need for such inquiries. Such flexible policy will help the Backlog Processing Centers to accomplish the goal of processing and adjudicating the mountain of cases in a given period of time.

This being said .... how comes the ppl from Sep / Oct / Nov 2001 still not heard anything ?

azadbharat said:
hi guys,
i just joined this forum on the advice of one of my friend.....looks great...sorry to ask you but what is this RIR and non-RIR case.

RIR = Reduction in Recruitment - the so called old fast track to Labor Cert

non- RIR = Traditional or Regular - this is where the SWA would do supervised recruiting as part of labor cert.
We gave "wait" quite bit of time, isn't ? I think in this world of microseconds, 3-4 years is humongous. There is no science or faith, its just lobbying that works in any democratic country. Media, congressman and lawyer rule this country, give it a try, shoot couple of letters/email and see how they could ignore half a million emails/mails. Without leting them know about our problems how your congressman knows whats hurting you. Immigration is very complex issue and nobody accept you understands the severity and effect it has on your life/family.

Get out of slave mentality, don't be lazy take action. Don't be encouraged by one or two approvals. I have seen many times when there is enough momentum to take some action, DOL will come up with some approvals and everybody goes into "faith" mode. Naysayers, please don't discourage and stay away from your personal agenda.

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but it seems like I am not geting the response that I had hoped for. Please comment, where I am wrong. I want help from someof you who are still not in "slave" mentality to spread the word. Keep adding new contact information and suggestions in the "sticky" thread.

Example where "taking action" works
Hi Everybody,
I just joined this forum yesterday.
My regular LC was filed on Sep.1999 and converted to RIR on Nov.2001.
I did not receive a 45-day letter from Philadelphia Backlog Processing Center.
I am very frustrated. I like to write letter to Senators, see if they can do something to speed up my LC process. I have no LC case number, I got my H1-B case # when I received my 7th year extention. Are they able to find my LC case base on this #? Any idea?
They are processing cases filed in April 2001 in NY or NJ (sending 45 letters) and they are short of staff in checking status. That's what I got from backlog center on Friday.
April 2001 Regular?

Dear bluebee:

Are they doing April 2001 Regular, non-RIR?
I thought they are going to have different que for regular vs. RIR.
Do you have any idea on this?


bluebee said:
They are processing cases filed in April 2001 in NY or NJ (sending 45 letters) and they are short of staff in checking status. That's what I got from backlog center on Friday.
After 45 days letter ?

Hi All,

Did anyone get their labor certification after getting the 45 days letter and did they even start processing applications in BEC?

My PD id Nov 14, 2001 and I received the 45 days letter about a month ago.

Rule No. 1

Guys, rule no. 1. for all communications in this group. Please indicate if yours is a RIR or Non-RIR app (and PD of course).
What are my chances

Hello Guys,
I wanted some opinion from you folks. My Labor application was filed under EB-3 category on RIR basis (PD March '03) with 1-year as the requisite experience. Even though I had 5 years of IT experience, my experience in the "Fincancial TechTools" field was only 1 year. This is starting to make me uncomfortable whether my Labor application will get approved at all. Currently, I am hanging by the 7th year H1B extension thread. My question and confusion is whether I should abandon all hope for this application and try to file through another employer with a more sumptuous experience line which I have today.
To add to that, the risk involved in PERM are forcing me to keep away from trying anything like that.

7th Year H1, Want to change the company

I dont know whether this is the correct forum for this...

I am on the 7th year on my H1-B. My present company has filed for my GC and on labor pending (Filed in Dec 2003). Another company from my home country, Sri Lanka, wants me to join them here in the USA. How do I handle this situation?

What other options do I have?
Can I get a L1 from my Sri Lankan Company to work here in the US?
Can I get a H1 from the SL company?
I don’t mind starting the GC process all over again.

Please help me. Thanks
45 day letters in NY 2002?

Has anyone from NY in 2002 received any 45 day letters ?? I dont see NY moving even in the BEC... ??
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