New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

Thanks Olia for your response regarding my query on timing. It seems that things get started a full 2 hours after you're asked to report.

My oath location is at the US District Court Southern District on 500 Pearl Street. I found this website:

which says "The ceremony begins approximately at 11:00 a.m. and others are invited into the courtroom to witness the petitioners swear the Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America." For those who actually took their oath at the same location, is this pretty accurate?

Hi mbetona, hi Jesshe,

Any news regarding your oath letter? I too was interviewed at Federal Plaza and was given "USCIS will send you a written decision about your application." (I think because recently I got laid off, prompting an adjustment to the application.) My interview date was Nov 29. I still don't have the oath letter.


Hi to Mbetona and nyc ues, No as I just checked my mail now, nothing, But I think is because holiday Christmas and New Year, some people take all week off together, I am going to give 3 more week then I will make info pass. I decide this time to give them little more time coz of the Holiday and Crazy weather. I will call them before I make a info pass which is around 3 weeks from now.

and Mbetona, I think u have no much to worry about since u case was proved. they delay coz of the holiday I think. I will let anyone else know if I have anything new.
Exactly one weeks after my last post , And just checked today's mail, Nothing yet. I made a infopass for 1/18 let's see what happens. any news with Mbetona and nyc ues ?
Sigh, I was going to give it 2 more week, but yes, I am tired of waiting....
Exactly one weeks after my last post , And just checked today's mail, Nothing yet. I made a infopass for 1/18 let's see what happens. any news with Mbetona and nyc ues ?
Sigh, I was going to give it 2 more week, but yes, I am tired of waiting....

Jesshe, no news so far for me.
Since your application time exceeds uscis posted time frame (by 2 months), I suggest you make a call to their 1800 customer service line. I'm pretty certain they will transfer you to somebody who can view your file. I tried but they didn't bite because my application is only 5 months old. Do that if you don't want to wait for infopass on Jan 18.

If they still don't transfer you, then I suggest you submit an e-Request at the uscis website. (They won't let me link the URL here, you'll find the "submit an eRequest for an N-400 or I-90" under "After I file" headline.

I don't know what kind of actual help they will grant, but if you are like me, any info is better than nothing. Good luck.

I just got home and received my oath letter. My oath will be on 1/12/11 at Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn. It will be finally over!!! yay!!!! I am extremely happy.
Hi mbetona, hi Jesshe,

Any news regarding your oath letter? I too was interviewed at Federal Plaza and was given "USCIS will send you a written decision about your application." (I think because recently I got laid off, prompting an adjustment to the application.) My interview date was Nov 29. I still don't have the oath letter.


@mbetona congratulations. Did u contact any congress man or senator about ur matter?

@NYC ues ,just two of us left ,yes mbetona had case approval at same day and both of us got we will notifit about decision, guess will have some supervisor who will check our case, at least I got somebody who wait with me. And talk about it. I guess I am "oldest case winner" u know 7 month already . Sigh.... We will see what does my info pass will say, I am getting really impatient here.
@mbetona congratulations. Did u contact any congress man or senator about ur matter?

@NYC ues ,just two of us left ,yes mbetona had case approval at same day and both of us got we will notifit about decision, guess will have some supervisor who will check our case, at least I got somebody who wait with me. And talk about it. I guess I am "oldest case winner" u know 7 month already . Sigh.... We will see what does my info pass will say, I am getting really impatient here.

Hi Jesshe,

I did not contact my congressman because the lady who handles immigration was on vacation until Jan 3 and I was spending the holidays in Canada. The funny thing though is that I flew back to NYC on Jan 3 evening and Immigration was so easy to go thru. they didn't even ask me to take fingerprints. the coincidence is that my oath letter was printed and mailed to me on Jan 3 as well. and I received it next day. I don't know if the IO at the airport saw on my record that my citizenship application was approved and that's why it was somewhat easier to back or if it was just a coincidence...

When is your infopass? if i were you i would try calling the 800 number and ask to speak with the next level representative. This person will ahve access to file and will tell you if your application was indeed approved or if still pending. I think its worth a try. I did it a few times just to insist if my oath date was already scheduled or not.

good luck.
Just received my oath letter.

I had an infopass today also. After an excruciating 2 hours of looking at my watch and listening to others sigh, a very professional and caring immigration officer called my number and immediately told me my oath letter was sent out two days ago, Jan 4. I told her I had not received it yet, and before I could muster up the courage to ask her to print out the letter for me since I'm here, she just walked away and came back with the letter for me.

I also just checked my mailbox: there lay the original oath letter just like the io had said.

I don't know how to create my timeline in my signature, so I'm creating one here in the body of the blog entry. I hope my timeline can help others gauge theirs.

07/29/2010 N-400 application sent
08/02/2010 Priority date
08/12/2010 Fingerprint notice sent
08/26/2010 Fingerprint appointment
10/05/2010 Yellow letter sent
10/22/2010 Interview letter sent
11/29/2010 Interview date at 26 Federal Plaza Manhattan: USCIS will send you a written decision
01/04/2011 Oath letter sent
01/06/2011 Oath letter received
01/21/2011 Oath date
Just received my oath letter.

I had an infopass today also. After an excruciating 2 hours of looking at my watch and listening to others sigh, a very professional and caring immigration officer called my number and immediately told me my oath letter was sent out two days ago, Jan 4. I told her I had not received it yet, and before I could muster up the courage to ask her to print out the letter for me since I'm here, she just walked away and came back with the letter for me.

I also just checked my mailbox: there lay the original oath letter just like the io had said.

I don't know how to create my timeline in my signature, so I'm creating one here in the body of the blog entry. I hope my timeline can help others gauge theirs.

07/29/2010 N-400 application sent
08/02/2010 Priority date
08/12/2010 Fingerprint notice sent
08/26/2010 Fingerprint appointment
10/05/2010 Yellow letter sent
10/22/2010 Interview letter sent
11/29/2010 Interview date at 26 Federal Plaza Manhattan: USCIS will send you a written decision
01/04/2011 Oath letter sent
01/06/2011 Oath letter received
01/21/2011 Oath date

Congrats!!!!! Is your at Cadman Plaza too?

I think Jesshe will probably be receiving hers soon too.
500 Pearl Street in Manhattan. I heard it's somewhere near Chinatown.

Jesshe, don't worry too much. I'm guessing you will get your letter before your infopass appointment on Jan 18. When I called the 800 number last week, they said the NYC district office was processing applications for June 5. I took this to mean the io's in NYC are still working on applications as old as yours. I could be wrong but I'm guessing you will receive your letter either this week or next. Please keep me posted on your status.
Thank You mbetona, and Congratulation on NYC_UES!
I guess I will have to wait alone this time ... Anyway, I am not super desperate yet, I did call 800 number twice, first time, they told me my application was approved same day and I was on the waiting list, 2nd time they told me my application was only subject to approved the interviews day and was approved after 1 month by a supervisor and is under waiting list.

So I am going to give more time, until my infopass day, btw mbetona , We have same congressman,I did contact the immigration lady. she say she will get back to me in 3-4 weeks since my waiting time is still in "reasonable" time, she suggest me to be calm and keep waiting.

Oh well, I Guess all I can do is keep waiting.....

Anyway, Congratulation to both of you and thank you both for help and sharing with me.
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jesshe, my sister is also still waiting, her ID was 12/8/2010, and infopass on 22nd, The officer wanted to review her trips (she took copies of her passports).... we're still waiting
Ok folks, my oath is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30am. But because of the snow storm we are expecting, I am wondering if the court house at cadman plaza will even be open. I intended on driving there but depending how bad is the snow, I won't venture out driving in crazy weather, but during the last storm, MTA was not running properly. I am hoping that the storm won't be as bad as the news are advertising.
But in any case, does any of you know what happens with your oath rescheduling if the courts won't open tomorrow?
Ok folks, my oath is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30am. But because of the snow storm we are expecting, I am wondering if the court house at cadman plaza will even be open. I intended on driving there but depending how bad is the snow, I won't venture out driving in crazy weather, but during the last storm, MTA was not running properly. I am hoping that the storm won't be as bad as the news are advertising.
But in any case, does any of you know what happens with your oath rescheduling if the courts won't open tomorrow?

I called the court and spoke with someone that told me they won't know if the court will be closed until tomorrow but she told me that during the last storm they closed. But she didn't tell me anything about the procedure for those scheduled for the oath tomorrow and how to reschedule if they in fact close down. :(

At this point I am praying for this snow storm to not be half as bad as the news are saying.
Received a letter in mail for OC for Jan. 21st (Very happy), now will have to keep fingers crossed as there's an oversees trip for 10 days between interview & oath.
Time line
08/18/2010 Priority date, N-400 application sent sevral days prior
09/01/2010 Fingerprint notice for late September - rescheduled via Inforpass
10/05/2010 Fingerprint appointment
11/08/2010 Interview letter received
12/08/2010 Interview date at 26 Federal Plaza Manhattan: USCIS will send you a written decision
01/12/2011 Oath letter received
01/21/2011 Oath date (in Federal Plaza)
I am finally a US Citizen. I took my oath yesterday. It was a long commute and a long waiting at the court house because there were almost 300 of us, but it was worth it. I left the court house and went straight to the post office to apply for my passport. :)
Hi everyone. I just found this forum and just wanted to post my experience here about applying for citizenship.

I had my interview done on 12/1/2010 and the agent who interviewed me gave me this paper. It said that I passed the test and she would recommend me for citizenship and she also wrote to wait for the oath ceremony in the mail.

So far the case has not been updated on the status page and I have not received any letters and I also called the 800# and they told me I have to wait at least 90 days so they can send a request to the local office which was in 26 Fed Plaza.

If I have to schedule a infopass, send a erequest or should I wait for the 90 days or just go ahead and schedule it?
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