New Jersey SESA Tracker

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how long does it take for labor to get certified, once it moves to NY DOL?
what are the cases of rejection?

Would appreciate a reply.


It depends, some people are getting with in 2 weeks if no problems.
By the way, is your lc moved to federal ? if it is, why don't you update xcel sheet with your stuff ?

i would greatly appreciate any info on the following which i had earlier posted.

my labor application has be received by DOL on aug-18-2001.

1. lawyer is saying now that NJ SWA has issued an assessment notice for the application. what does this mean ?

2. is there any way i can check the status of labor certification progress with the DOL. my lawyer says they dont have any EAC no etc for the application.

Labor Cleared!

I would like to inform that my labor has been certified. I just got the information from my lawyer.

Applied: Jun 15, 2001
Moved to Federal: May 8th, 2003
Certified: June 15th, 2003
Certification Received: July 7th, 2003

All the best for all of you!
Is RIR a problem these Days

Hi Guys:

I have applied for my labor certification on July 2001 in the RIR category.

Now that DOL is working with my Lawyer on my case, My Lawyer says that DOL is messing up with all applications from my employer and so he wants me to apply for Labor Certification from scratch under the non-RIR category. The reason he gives is that there is a 70 % chance that my application will be rejected due to the changing Employment condition in the US.

Can you guys help me - I am in a fix as to what can be done and how to address this mess.

Thanks guys.
Re: Is RIR a problem these Days

Hi monishsd,
I will say take a chance, as you know applying now in non RIR again means 2 years from now, and applying with the same emloyer is one and same thing.

Best of luck
Re: Is RIR a problem these Days

thanks for replying ..... few doubts:

Is there anyway I can reapply in the non-RIR category but workout something with DOL such that my application date will that of my previous application - July 2001.

If I continue to let DOL process my RIR application and they reject it ... what can I do in that case.

On what grounds can DOL reject my application - can I make some changes and show them more documentation and sqeeze it thru ?

I am soon going finish my H1 of 6 yrs. It is valid for less than 1 year from now - what can I do in this case ... I will have to leave the country. What can I do in this case ?
Re: Is RIR a problem these Days

Is there a way I can ask my employer to continue my current application (RIR-category) and meanwhile also apply in the non-RIR category ? This is just a backup in case my current application gets rejected.

I do not think you can apply for LC in 2 categories (RIR + NRIR) through the same employer / job.

If you want to then , you will have to get another H1-B through a second employer and apply there in whatever category you want ;-)
Re: Is RIR a problem these Days

Is there anyway I can reapply in the non-RIR category but workout something with DOL such that my application date will that of my previous application - July 2001.

If I continue to let DOL process my RIR application and they reject it ... what can I do in that case.

On what grounds can DOL reject my application - can I make some changes and show them more documentation and sqeeze it thru ?

I am soon going finish my H1 of 6 yrs. It is valid for less than 1 year from now - what can I do in this case ... I will have to leave the country. What can I do in this case ?
Re: Is RIR a problem these Days

If by any chance your RIR case gets rejected then, i believe, it is automatically treated as a non - RIR case, with the priority date same as the original LC filing date.
i.e the case does not get rejected outright, but is sent to the non-rir channel.

This is from what i have read somwehere in,
but again i am not a lawyer.
RIR or non-rir


I found the relevant mail from regarding the RIR LC

Hope this will clarify the things about RIR.

FROm MurthyBulletin : VOL. VIII, no. 14 - April 05, 2002

5. DOL Issues RIR Guidance in Light of Layoffs

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued guidance to its Regional Certifying Officers (COs) on March 20, 2002 regarding evaluation of Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) requests made as part of the Labor Certification process. Dale M. Ziegler, Chief of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification, issued the guidelines setting forth the procedures and criteria for evaluating RIR requests when there have been layoffs in the occupation in the area of intended employment. In this economy, as many of us are painfully aware, layoffs in the technology sector are quite common. These layoffs could create problems; particularly for those companies that intend to pursue labor certifications after there have been mass layoffs within the company or the industry.

As many MURTHYBULLETIN and MurthyDotCom readers are aware, RIR is available for known shortage occupations. RIR is a method for processing applications for labor certification whereby the employer advertises the availability of the position prior to filing the labor certification. This method is faster than the "regular" process. It also enables the employer to test the labor market before filing the application. In contrast, "regular" cases involve advertising and recruitment under the close supervision of the state labor agency, in accordance with specific instructions. In either process, the state forwards the file to DOL, which determines whether RIR is appropriate in each particular case. If an RIR request is denied, the case will proceed under the "regular" process, and will be returned to the local department of labor, or what is now called the State Workforce Agency (SWA), for additional advertising as directed.

RIR or Regular

As the purpose of advertising is to determine whether there are available U.S. workers for the position, the issue of layoffs is an important one. In order to determine whether a case should proceed via RIR, the guidance allows for COs to consider the following information that indicates the availability of U.S. workers in a particular occupation.

The CO can consider recent cases that have undergone the "Regular" process for occupations similar to the description in the labor certification under consideration. S/He can ask if a market test for similar occupations produced qualified workers. The COs can contact state agencies (unemployment agencies, job banks, information units) to obtain general labor market information. S/He can also review articles within the last six months concerning the availability of workers in the particular field.

If the CO is confident that qualified U.S. workers may be available for the position, the RIR is to be denied and the case proceeds under the Regular process.

Pattern of Recruitment

On a favorable note, the Memorandum directs the COs that the shift in the economy should not change the existing policy regarding the required "pattern of recruitment" the employer must establish in order for the case to qualify as RIR. Specifically, if RIR is appropriate for a particular area, then the employer must have one print advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation or a relevant journal, plus enough additional recruitment methods to establish a pattern that adequately tests the labor market. These additional activities may include: job order with the state workforce agency, internal company recruitment, Internet ads, job fairs, use of employment agencies and/or additional print ads. The recruitment methods should be those that are normal to the particular industry.

Layoffs in the Particular Company

If the CO has reason to believe that the petitioning employer may have laid off workers after completion of the recruitment effort and within six months of the CO's review of the file, the CO will issue a letter to the employer asking for the names of any workers laid off in the same occupation as stated in the labor certification. If there are any such workers, the company will have to show that these workers were given consideration for the position at issue.

Failure to provide this information or to respond adequately will result in a Notice of Findings, which will indicate an intention to deny the case. If this issue is not adequately addressed, the case will be denied.

Layoffs in the Industry or Occupation

If the CO has reason to believe that, subsequent to the employer's advertisement/s, other employers have laid off workers in the same type of position, then the CO must give the employer the option of publishing one additional advertisement or requesting that the case be remanded to the state for "regular" processing.

If there are both layoffs by the particular employer and in the industry / occupation overall in the local area, then the CO must obtain information on the availability of U.S. workers, using both of the procedures discussed above.

These procedures are to be implemented immediately. Ultimately, as we can expect from the DOL Memo and the current economy, it will be more difficult to obtain approval of labor certifications in general and, in particular, by means of the RIR method.

On a positive note, there are many regional variations, and some industries and fields have been less affected by layoffs and downturns than others. The Law Office of Sheela Murthy continues to receive RIR approvals in many regions. Provided that the employer can demonstrate that the layoffs do not pertain to the particular job classification, are not the in the region where the job is being offered, are not for positions of a different level, nor can otherwise differentiate the case, it is possible to obtain approvals even if there have been layoffs in a particular company.

© The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C.

"70 % chance that my application will be rejected due to the changing Employment condition in the US."

Hi friends,
I read above this applicable to everyone?
I am really worrying about labor certification .My husband visa is getting over by march2004.we applied for labor in april 2002.
what will we do if labor is rejected?

Hi friends
Do Consulting Companies inform about "Lay Offs" to the DOL or INS?
Is there any statistics for Lay-Offs in NJ?
I believe public companies (IPOs/listed) inform about lay-offs for audit purpose.
Small consulting companies never lay-off or terminate, so in this industry RIR should not be denied based on lay-off indication.
Please correct me if I am wrong.....

Amit goel did a great job in developing the stuff.
It sounds like a MESS for track the needed stuff.

Friends, What do u say?.
Is Sept. 01 cases started processing?

Does anybody know if NJ SESA started processing Sept. cases? Pls. let us know.
It is really frustating..............waiting is a pain.

RIR denial

My RIR is denied. Now they are asking the employer to place 10-day job order and a Sunday ad in a newspaper of general circulation at current prevailing rate (does that mean current salary??).

1. Can somebidy please send me syntax of the ad needs to be given on internal site as well as in the newspaper.

2. What kind of proof is required to show that ad was posted for 10 days in the office.

3. For ad posted for 1 day in the news paper, what kind of proof my company need to show in order to convince Labor Certification dept that :
The ad was placed in the news paper
Responses posted were not up to the mark for position advertised.

4. Does Salary need to be mentioned in the ad.

I thank u in advance. It will really appriciate if some one can help me out with these issues.

Is your RIR denied because of insufficient advertisement. What is actual wording of your RIR denial.

Regarding ads in sunday. You have to put just your skill sets and Pay according to exp.

But the 10 day add in company (Local) you have to put skill set and actual salary like (60k) how much you are going to offer.

Hope this helps.
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