New Jersey SESA Tracker

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I am working for a very bif firm in NJ and according to our Lawyers, its quite some time before the 24(i) cases would be cleared (Maybe next year). Apparently the bulk of applications have fallen into the NJ/NY and California states with close to 300,000 applications by April 30th'01.

The State and INS recognizes that its a monumental task to get this backlog cleared. Therefore the New Resolution thats been passed to have H1's extended beyond 6 years limit w/o any condition (Soon to become a LAW )

With Lack or resources and proper funding, we can assume that we will remain in H1 category for years to come.

By the way their is no restriction or Urgency on any states to clear Labor ASAP. I believe that the Economy will drive which way the INS sways.

In the meantime Enjoy our H1 status & Live on HOPE. Like We say In India "HUM HOONGE KAAMAYAB! EK DIN ....." (Only we dont know which day thats going to be and which Year!)

April 01 cases

My lawyer said that mostly April '01 cases would go on till january :mad: :mad: :mad:

Again he said "mostly" so still not sure, any approved cases for apr 01 ?????
Nov stuff

Congratulations folks :rolleyes:
As of Nov 1st 245 (i) apps have progressed by 3 days to 23rd Apr while we the people who are desparately trying to keep our H-1 on status, trying to be legal,pay taxes, give Social Security so that Americans can care for their elderly...blah blah blah ....
.. are still before Apr 30th (from past 6months).

Hats off to those illegal immigrants they sure know how the US system works..

Don't get frustrated, yet!. We are Sc****d any way !!

I don't want to disappoint you guys. On the same token, don't get too frustated yet. Thats because its probably going to take much longer for Apr 26,27 and 30th to process as they are the last three days for 245(i) filing and April 30th is huge. Thats what happened/happening in many other states like Virginia, Philedelphia, Georgia, Connecticut - Couple of months processing on Apr 30th.

Don't lose hope. Don't get frustrated, yet. Probably long way to go.

Hope some miracle will happen and dates move at an unanticipated pace.

Originally posted by lc_holic
Congratulations folks :rolleyes:
As of Nov 1st 245 (i) apps have progressed by 3 days to 23rd Apr while we the people who are desparately trying to keep our H-1 on status, trying to be legal,pay taxes, give Social Security so that Americans can care for their elderly...blah blah blah ....
.. are still before Apr 30th (from past 6months).

Hats off to those illegal immigrants they sure know how the US system works..

Re: Still no news

Its long way to go for May 01 processing to be started. There are still lots to be processed from Apr 27th & 30th 2001, even after 26th. Please don't hold your breathe !!.

Originally posted by romeco
anybody give us some comments please
Any News about NJ May 2001 cases.


Any idea May 2001 NJ cases! I am not sure the April 2001 cases are done. Please someone post about May 2002 NJ cases.
here's some info. from my attorney's site, guess its goin to be feb or march before they touch May 2001 cases.

November 1, 2002

Department of Labor Answers Backlog Questions

New York and New Jersey SWA

a. Please advise how many cases are currently in the State backlog.

"As of September 30, NY has 52,250 in backlog and NJ has 22,987 in backlog."

b. Please advise the projected time frame to complete the April 2001 cases filed under RIR processing

"NY is processing RIR applications for Professional workers that were filed on 4/30/2001, and the best guess estimate is that NY will complete processing of these cases within the next 3 to 4 months. NY is processing RIR applications filed for Skilled workers in the middle of April. Because the volume of filings increased towards the end of the month, NY cannot predict how long it will take to complete processing Skilled worker April RIRs."

"NJ anticipates that it will complete the processing of its April 2001 RIRs in January 2003."
Anyone can explain the difference between professional works and skilled workers?

Thank Testing_Times

Anyaway we got some infomation from you,thanks for sharing your info with us.
hope hear more from you again
Thanks, for the first time, I have read some solid statistics on this forum :). It actually is not bad, even if we can have Jan/Feb as possible processing for May RIRs, since it will be fast from May 1 and onwards.

Any idea of how many LCs per month is DOL NJ processing.


Originally posted by Testing_Times
here's some info. from my attorney's site, guess its goin to be feb or march before they touch May 2001 cases.

November 1, 2002

Department of Labor Answers Backlog Questions

New York and New Jersey SWA

a. Please advise how many cases are currently in the State backlog.

"As of September 30, NY has 52,250 in backlog and NJ has 22,987 in backlog."

b. Please advise the projected time frame to complete the April 2001 cases filed under RIR processing

"NY is processing RIR applications for Professional workers that were filed on 4/30/2001, and the best guess estimate is that NY will complete processing of these cases within the next 3 to 4 months. NY is processing RIR applications filed for Skilled workers in the middle of April. Because the volume of filings increased towards the end of the month, NY cannot predict how long it will take to complete processing Skilled worker April RIRs."

"NJ anticipates that it will complete the processing of its April 2001 RIRs in January 2003."
It's again the same date.....
AVM says RIR cases recived on or before April 30th.....
They got struck in April from past 9 months.
I think Rajiv bhai is comming up with some thing for these kind of late processing states.
Guys from NJ labor, please support come up with some thing......
Thanks guys.....
Hope some thing will work out....and get labor clear soon.
How can we support Mr. Rajeev in this?

You mentioned he is working on possibly speeding labor. How can we show our support so the government starting paying attention to our plight?


Somebody mentioned the website of Immigrants Support Network.. Maybe we can try something from there, too.
ISN Network

I don't think ISN will do anything for US. I am pretty sure that all the memebers who formed ISN have got their GC's by this time and they might have forgotten about ISN too.............

We should actually write to Mr. Rajivji and hopefully he should do something for us.....

Proof of Labor


How do I verify that my GC is filed, my employer is saying that
she filed my labor on Sept. 1st 2001. I am just waiting for my labor to get cleared....leaving all good permanent offers i am getting. Though I believe her, I would like to have some kind of
assurance that they filed my GC. Is it possible to contact directly
the INS, by using my details...will they be able to give me some kind of Number....?

I got a beautiful opening for me, but not able to take it up because of this. My assumption is my labor can get cleared atleast in an year from now....i can wait(too hard though) but I need to know confirmed that they filed my case in the firstplace...

Please help....

Cheng _

Join new company and file through them or if new company has got office in PA or DE - file from there....
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