New Jersey SESA Tracker

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LC clearance

So whats happeinig to the LC dates in Trenton .. does anyone have their May LC cleared for NJ ... jeez they are working april for 9 months now..
Anyone heard this ?

This may be a rumour ..
I heard that NJ is not processing any labour applications from past few months.. Sounds true bcos the voice message hasn't changed for few months. One of my friends gave up and filed from the IL branch of the company. I have already waited one and half year and now re-thinking my options.:( :confused:
You may be right.....

I heard the same from my lawyer too. He thinks they might have stopped the processing for sometime and he is not sure when they will start again.

I have filled my LC on 30th of April 2001 and after waiting for long, recently I have filled from the other place. So if you have anyother options then you should seriously consider it asap.

LC stuff

When was the last time and date that anyone (lucky folks) got an approved LC from this place...
I know people who have got their EAD within a year (getting their LC in 3 months) ...
And here we are not in the least knowing whether they will ever process our LC.. even after 18 months!!!!

LC stuff

When was the last time and date that anyone (lucky folks) got an approved LC from this place...
I know people who have got their EAD within a year (getting their LC in 3 months) ...
And here we are not in the least knowing whether they will ever process our LC.. even after 18 months!!!!
Even California is better than this place...

:mad: :confused:
Still no news about NJ RIR?!

Could some guys post his approved date of April here? or even March?
Let compare!
Thank Testing_Times

So I guss they did not process May case.
Does anybody know RIR case on April 2001?
approvals 30 Apr 01

Any one has approvals for or around 30 th apr 01 ??? If there are no approvals, it seems only 245i cases are been processed :rolleyes:
LC stuff

When I was checking out this post I remember seeing a post from some user saying that his april 30th has been approved form Trenton but he was facing some sort of problems in NY DOL..
So I guess trenton is or was working on april 30th cases..I dont know where it stands now..

It would be nice if they have started May...
Mine is on Aug'24 2001.
They are processing the april'30 applications from past 3 months.
Any idea when they are going to finish the 245(i) applications and start processing our applications?
It's really frustrating......
When can i expect my labor?
Friends share your experiences.
LC kishoreup

kishoreup, if your date is 24 apr 01, did you/lawyers call LC dept to find out whats happening to your case ? cause if they are processing 30 Apr 01 , ur case should've got some response
LC Voice system..

Today is Oct 24th folks.. One more week before DOL 'updates' its voicemail.
I just hope I don't hear the word 'April' for RIR in their voice mail anymore.
But since there are people with April 30th still waiting...I guess the update will still be the same thing...


Anyone with May1st got any updated info? I am May21st but I will be as happy if I know DOL has started May as I will be when I get my GC ...

One caveat!!

If on Nov. 1st the SESA msg changes to "we are now processing applications received BEFORE May 1st" then it still means April is being processed and we are not out of the woods yet. If I recall, the last time I checked, it said we are processing apps received BEFORE April 30, 2001 (for RIR). That would mean apps recd on or before April 29th. There was a deluge of apps on April 30th which could realistically take until Dec to clear.

I'm waiting too....there is no option but to wait it out....

Yes NJ certainly sucks and so does Bush for passing the 245i law and making all of us qualified applicants to suffer as a result of it. The 245 applications should have been processed indepependtly in a separate track. Thats it, I'm never gonna be a republican.
Yes, CalvinX....
It could be possible.
All we can do is .... hope for the best...
Mine is in Aug'2001.....a long way to go......
Attorney Query

I hope too that DOL start processing Labor for May 2001 starting this Nov.

I understand that our attornies are authorized to call the NJ DOL and ask them on the processing status. Can someone ask his attorney to call the NJ DOL and ideally ask the following:

1. What date are they processing now.
2. How much cases for April 2001 do they have at hand that remains to be processed.
3. Do they expect the cases after May to be expedited quickly due to no more 245i applications.

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