New Jersey SESA Tracker

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You are absolutely right in saying that DOL clears the labor certification . As I understand that is the first step at state level for Labor Clearance and then it would be cleared at the Federal level.

The current Backlog is at state level and the introduction of "PERM" plans to eliminate any human intervention unless a CASE does not pass thru the PERM regulation. Here is how PERM would work

The PERM procedures essentially are designed for expedited the processing of Labor Certification applications. Once implemented, all cases will proceed under PERM rather than the two-tiered process of "regular" and "RIR" (Reduction in Recruitment, pre-advertised) cases. The thrust of the PERM program is to streamline case processing. The employer does not have to provide supporting documentation with the filing, but does need to gather this documentation should they be selected for an audit by DOL. These audits will be performed in cases meeting certain selection criteria. Some cases will also be randomly audited for quality control purposes.

The DOL anticipates that cases not selected for audit will have a computer-generated decision within 21 calendar days of filing. This shortened timeframe will be a welcomed change over the current backlogs that, in many instances, exceed a year.


THE INS/DHS will influence when it comes to Federal level and therefore I say that until and unless PERM streamlines and processes the cases rapidly, it will continue to have a backlog.


Mkurpoint and Jrinny

T o add to your points above:

PERM law is scheduled to be operative in July ' 03. However a big question mark is that none of procedures for PERM has been formalised (as per my understanding ). I believe it is scheduled to be finalized by April ' 03 by INS . IF (and this a very big IF ) the procedure is finalized in April, only then we can expect some progress on the LC issue starting July'03.

Ths is my understanding based on the information that I have picked up from here and there. I will be thankful if you can provide your feedback on this.

What you have heared is right. the rules for how to apply LC in PERM will be officialy announced in APR'03 and the PAckage itself would be implemented in Jul'03.

We cannot control the "IF" factor. However this time I am very positive about it. Recently in OCT- DEC time frame, the DOL randomly analyzed LC cases using PERM and the results were found to be satisfactory.

Any New System always undergoes a lot of changes to make it more secure and more robust. But the feedback on that will only be possible when the PERM is introduced.

The DOL at this point has no option but to get it underway. I am optimistic about it and am sure we will here a lot in the coming months about this.

Cheers mate.

Thanks for your feedback. Even if we have nothing happening in the next 6-7 months (in terms of LC Processing by DOL NJ), your words still gives us something to look forward to (though in the long distance !). Hope this will be the case.

PERM and experience gained thru employer

Don't want to rain on your parade. But I heard PERM may not be suitable for those applicants whose experience mainly comes from the petitioning employer.. :(

Could anyone comment on that? Thanks.
PERM or regular Labor Application, as far as I know , you cannot count "Experience" gained at the Employer who is sponsoring your GC.

So in fact you ought to have gained all your experience prior to joining that Employer.The Employer then can file for your GC saying that he could not find your skill sets in the market with that kind of experience.

yann, makeurpoint:

In most of the cases (and in my case as well) the employer files the GC aplication immediately after joining. So it is a given that all the experience is all prior to joining the employer.

Should not be a problem.
Experience not counted?

Thanks people, for taking time to answer my question!

I understand here many users are in the IT consulting business and have had years of work experience from previous jobs.

Many fresh foreign graduates from American colleges acquired their permanent residency through the labor certification channel back in gold old 2000 (like a few friends of mine got their GC's early last year). Maybe the economic situation has since changed, but I wonder if any law overseeing the certification process has changed.

If the law has not changed a bit, then if workers without prior work experience can get their LC's certified in 2000/2001 through their first employers, they should still be able to do it today with their first companies. Of course, with current economic situation considered, the process is certainly more difficult. However, I don't understand why in 2002/2003, the YEARS of experience acquired through the first and current employer, we formerly 'fresh' graduates cannot apply for the LC simply because this is their first company?

More comments please. Appreciate it.

Frustrated yann.
Re: AVM Update on JAN 2003

Originally posted by AshvinKPatel
Same as before
Non RIR - 23rd APRIL 2001
RIR - 30th APRIL 2001

GOD knows when they will move .......


Did you get any answers for IOWA filing.. ??

I also wish to file from IOWA and wanted some info
Iowa Labor

in Iowa : state takes around 4 weeks and Labor - Federal Level takes around 9 to 12 Months. But I can not file in Iowa because My Company is not in Iowa State.

2003 State Budget

Governor McCreevey said the budget for 2003 is even worse than that for 2002... Last year they only had pay cuts but he was not sure if they would do something similar or just plain layoffs. Not a good news to foreigners waiting for certifications... :(

And that's a nation-wide trend.

Tax cut. Tax cut. The president said $1000 may not sound a big deal for big shots, but it's still a lot for an average family that makes 40k a year (makes me wonder if he was serious)... The projected savings for the rich is, let's say, more than 80k for those who make above a million a year.

I worked with government before, and I saw how imprudent government employees can be when it came to spending. It's all tax-payers' money.

reciept number

Hi Friends,
When you file GC, will you get any number to track it. I did not get any number or info from my company once they filed my GC. My company is telling me that they filed my GC on Sept 1st 2001. If at all they filed my GC should I get any sort of reciept or not, by now ?...of course I know NJ Labor is stuck in APR'01 but my question is what is the proof/tracking you have when you file GC ?

Appreciate your help,
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Is April Procesing LC Done !

Is it true that DOL has started processing May 2001 LCs. I have indirectly heard froma source, that his attorney has verified this. If this is true than we can expect faster processing for rest of 2001. Can someone confirm this news ??


I am not disappointing you, Last week, the automated message didn't work, So I called the direct number, they said they cannot tell the status then I said the AVM doesn't work, finally the supervisor took the line and told me there are processing APR 2001 for RIR.

So I may be doubt fi they are processing May2001.. anyhave they will update next week. Hope for the Best.
Direct number

Can u give me the direct number. I would like to know whether my GC is filed or not. Is it possible if I give my first and last names they will tell me some details like filing date, reciept number etc ?

April Processing DOL NJ

I am surprised that new York DOL that had twice the number of LC cases (245i and H1B Green cards) is now over the April hump (see New York forum), however, there is still no such news for NJ.
yes i had the same issue

how the hell is NY ahead of us when they had twice the applications!! NJ is really getting on my nerves, had I known, I would have never moved to this stupid state.
Even Connecticut is processing May 2001 RIR

Since last week NY DOL has (as reported in the NY forum) started to process MAY 2001 RIRs. Connecticut started processing May 2001 RIRs a few weeks back. These 2 states had high 245 i related processing load. What is the problem with NJ DOL ??
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hi, nj applicants,
dont fret over ny getting over the 245(i) hurdle, im from nyRIR & my priority dates 26th april, & my case hasnt even gone to regional office as yet, i think the applicants whoz h1B is nearing the expiry date, they r getting first pref, hence ny is getting some may approvals, waiting to see what n.y dates r for feb,
good luck to u all & to me.:confused:
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