New Jersey SESA Tracker

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NJ EB2/RIR Any updates filed in 3rd week of Nov 2001

If any one got any information regarding the processing dates of LC in NJ filed in 3rd week of Nov 2001.Pl update...How do we check it out ????Pl help me...

EB2 RIR PD:6/25/01

If the company move to NY from NJ, What happen for my LC application.

Thanks for any info.
Two more working days left in April LOOP

Hi Guys,
The APRIL loop has really made the NJ labor cert. go at snails pace.

But there are only two working days left in April 2001 to be processed.... Fri 27th and Mon 30th April 2001.
You bet .. 10% of the 245 apps. must have been submitted on these days.

So with the current pace, hang on another 3-4 months.

Hee! ... Heee!... Desperate and helpless.... aren\'t we.
INFO from Federal DOL

Last time I spoke with USDOL in NY, they told me that lots of the LCs filed in April were "skeleton applications" that contained very little beyond names and the type of filing. That\'s one reason they are moving so incredibly slow. The other problem is denials take much longer for DOL to process than approvals. Since it is possible that any denied case could be appealed to BALCA, DOL must doument the reason for each denial carefully and prepare the case for appeal. That takes several hours (in some cases about a full day) for each case that is denied.


James D. Mills
(formerly Jim M)
How long does it take for processing


Its good answer u gave.But how long does it take to Sesa processing april applications and how long does it take at DOL and what will be time taken for I-140.
I guess it should take atleast another 2 months to process Sesa for April and another month or so for DOL and another 6-9 months at 1-140


Thanks for helping us...CAN SESA Stop RIR procesing and work on NON_RIR applications coz of lot of NON_RIR are penindg...what are the chances of Temporarily stopping the process of RIR cases
Asked to convert to regular from RIR

I applied for my labor in Dec \'2000 under RIR. I got a query in July ,01 asking for adv. tear sheets. We replied back. Got another query in October asking for my case to be converted to regular, because there is availability of U.S Citizens. But we replied to SESA saying that we want to continue with RIR and it is upto Regional (NY) DOL to reject. Just got a reply from SESA - they sent us instructions about giving an adv. Basically what it means is they rejeted our previous request and asked us to start with regular labor process. Though I can still keep my old priority date. Now not sure how the response will be to the adv and how many applications the company may get for this position. Anyway I don\'t have lot of hopes as I only have another 2 yrs left on my H1 and prepared to go back.

Good luck u guys and hopefully ur RIR\'s will go thru.
Illegal becoming Legal and Legals have no option


Yes and i guess things are moving at snailpiece.Nobody is sure what is going to happen but one thing the people who are in NJ on the street of OAK Tree Rd and who are illegal have got their I-140 Filed.
Does it mean all the people who are Legal shouild maintain Illegal status to make their file move faster.
Now Choose Ur Path.
Even the Attorney R not sure what actually is goin on.If an attorney doesnt know then how will the applicant know.
Take it eazy!!!

Just to give U all refresher, look around in your company for any
unused approved labor, so that you could use and file for I-140.
I applied for Labor last year, it still is hanging.
However i used unused Approved labor from one of old employees
who left company and took up some other job(he was with same qualifications, skillset, experience as mine).

So try your luck on that, coz 140@VSC is taking not more than
2 months now...
btw, i just filed 485 this month.


could any one tell me when will this april loop this is taking hell of time."please april can u move forward fast"

please update anyone

Be prepared!!!

April loop cud still take another 3 months with the processing speed
as per the last 2 months.
so take a shower and check back in summer.
Will DOL send a receipt to my lawyer after they recieve my applicaiton?

Hi everyone,

I am new here. My lawyer told me that he had sent the application of LC to NJDOL last month, but he told me that he didn\'t get any reciept from NJDOL. Is it normal? Usually, how long should it take to get the reciept?

Thanks a lot!
No Title

I guess at the rate of 1day/month april loop will end in another 2-3 months. By that time labor market will improve and SESA/DOL will approve RIR applications quickly.
Significance of April loop

Can anyone tell what is the significance of April applications.
Why NJDOL is taking so long time to process Labour apps filed in April? When will it speed up?

How to use unused LC


Thanks for your advise.Can you please tell me what exactly needs to
be match in order to use unused LC.I mean,a friend of mine who also
works for the same company applied his LC in April last year and still waiting from NJSESA/DOL.Recently he got another job and left the company.So,what my question is, can i use his labour(after approval) and file my I-140?

Our both job descriptions are same,he passed B.E(ECE) in \'95 and
mine was \'96.So what are the other things that needs to be same
in order to use his LC?

Still Processing April 26

I just called up the Trenton office and they are still processing appilcations recieved before April 26. This will never end.
NJ SESA Update

Sorry to inform you guys that SESA has not progressed even a sigle day on RIR aplicants, we are still at 26th April, mind you it is "Applications recieved before April 26th" this could mean thay they still might be working on cases recived on 25th or even 24th.
So be prepared even if the wait is 3 to 4 months long, or even longer.
NJ EB2/RIR by anushya


I think you should go to yet another hybernation, since my case(EB2/RIR) has just been forwarded to NY DOL from NJ SWA.
My case was submitted to state in Apr 2001.


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