New Jersey SESA Tracker

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NJ Labor

Lets add a new discussion for NJ Labor Certificates. Lets keep it a free text. Share your comments.
Feb 2 RIR EB3

Any updates on NJ process? I\'m RIR EB3 and applied on Feb 2, 2001. Still waiting.....
RIR/EB2, April 12. No news yet.

RIR/EB2, April 12. Still at State labor office...
My lawyer is expecting a response in 3rd week of Sep.
RIR/EB2 NJ Dec/8/2000 Still in State No News ...

Mine was filed with RIR/EB2/NJ Dec/8/2000 . I still have not heard. No RFE/Questions from state so far. I do\'t know what is going on. My employer asked the layers but no concrete reply so far. From Aug 13 emails, the lawyers said "RIR LC Application has been assigned for review in NJ SESA". I am really helpless. What could be the cause of this huge delay ?
RIR/EB2 Processing

Two of my friends labor has been cleared recently, one was feb 14, 2001 processed end of July, Other march 17 processed mid august.
RIR/EB2 NJ Dec-8-2000

Anyone have any idea why it would take too long (without any RFEs or questions from SESA) and yet not cleared from SESA. As of Aug 13, it was assigned for review also . Still no status.
No Title

Unfortunately, some applications get lost, misplaced, etc. Try to push your lawyer if you can to inquire some more!! Good luck!

Hi all,
Mine was applied in 04/16/2001. Till now I got nothing. I checked the NY DOL. They said they got nothing. Any comments please.....
Long wait!!!I am really mad.....
Contact # of DOL


As I thought NJ DOL office is in Trenton and the regional DOL office is in NY.

Can you please give the phone # to get the status.
What input do they need ... Company Name / SSN ???
Is it an automated system ?

Also I was told that you cannot get status from State DOL until they start processing
the month of your application .... Is that true ???

Thanks for you help.

Is there any phone number to call NJ SESA. My labor was applied in 04-17-2001.
processing dates

Does anybody has an idea of the current dates(in april),that are being processed now at NjDOL.Mine was filed on april 8

filed in April

Anybody filed in April from NJ has any info on their labour such as cleared or transferred to DOL etc

pl keep posted

can you please keep posted if you hear anything on you labour
mine was filed on april9


Anybody got approved from NJ SESA for filling date April 2001. Please post......
NJ LC filed 09th May 01.... waiting

Filed LC from NJ on 09th May 01... still waiting.....
anyone got labor approved filed in April-May \'01.

Let us know.
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