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New Immigrants health insurance cover suggestions


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Dear All,

You've finally helped a lot in my dreams to come true.After one year of waiting and a long long hours flight, I am now in a land of many opportunities.USA.Its been already a week since I arrived here in Texas state.Pretty hot.Thank you for your all unprecedented contributions.

As a new immigrant in this land,I am seeking to be covered with health insurance.What do you advice me to do.Which is the best health insurance plan for new immigrants in the United states ?

Thank you for your time
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Dear All,

You've finally helped a lot in my dreams to come true.After one year of waiting and a long long hours flight, I am now in a land of many opportunities.USA.Its been already a year since I arrived here in Texas state.Pretty hot.Thank you for your all unprecedented contributions.

As a new immigrant in this land,I am seeking to be covered with health insurance.What do you advice me to do.Which is the best health insurance plan for new immigrants in the United states ?

Thank you for your time

There are lots of insurance premiums out there. depends on what u can afford.

I would estimate that about 95% of the full-time jobs out there offer health/dental/vision insurance. Even some part time jobs cover health/dental/vision insurance. However, be sure you ask if your spouses+children (if applicable) are covered under the insurance, too. Some companies only offer insurance benefits for the primary employee and do not cover benefits for the entire family.
get a job with benefits. Hard to believe that in an entire year, you haven't found one.

45 million Americans do not insurance so not having insurance in the last wk isn't a biggy in this country that we all live in.
45 million Americans do not insurance so not having insurance in the last wk isn't a biggy in this country that we all live in.

if you don't get sick or have accident, yes.
I heard some stories that somebody who didn't have insurance got involved in accident and hospitalized. They felt like they wanted to kill themselve when they saw the medical bills... a few days in hospital costed $600,000.

Its been already a year since I arrived here in Texas state.

his original post said: hence, my post.

His original post didn't say he's been in Texas for a Year.... it clearly says a week. Go back and read the post again.If you can't help,do not criticise.
Its been already a year since I arrived here in Texas state.

His original post didn't say he's been in Texas for a Year.... it clearly says a week. Go back and read the post again.If you can't help,do not criticise.
He edited the post after people here have been asking about it...
I agree with GotPR a 100%: if you get sick and even have something as "small" as an appendicitis, it will be really expensive here (for instance a lot more expensive than in Switzerland, which is an expensive country).... An example: a friend of mine paid 20'000$ for the removal of her appendix and 2days hospital...
I got insurance through our local Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance (individual plan), but soon I'll be covered through my new job. I first wanted to try several different companies, but they didn't accept new immigrants.
Did you know that medical bills are responsible for more than half of personal bankruptcies in the US? more info >>

Healthcare is a nightmare in the US. You are fine as long as you never need any medical attention. But, if you don't have insurance, god forbid you ever need medical treatment.

Some people get by using public health services, but that only depends on where you live. Some state have better public health services than others. And if your medical conditions are complicated, then not even public health services will help.

My advise:
1) If you are by yourself (no family), young and in good health - you can tough it out for a little while. Figure out how your public health system works and use it. But work towards getting insured through an employer or privately.
Healthcare cost is another issue that should influence your choice about where to live in the US.

2) If you have a family (wife/husband & especially kids) - insurance is a must. Put that at the top of your priority list. Don't screw around with this issue coz kids can be really expensive.

Funny story:
I once needed minor surgery that would have cost me $10500. I chose to fly home and have it done at a private 'expensive' hospital back home and it ended up costing $450. (add airline tickets $1000)
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You may as well sign up until you get a permanent job that gives you medical insurance as a benefit.
The doctors here are so expensive! Some of the good insurance companies are Humana and United.
Where about are you in Texas? I'm in Austin Tx--and yes it's bloody hot haha. I've been here 1.5yrs and I'm still not used to it.
if you don't get sick or have accident, yes.
I heard some stories that somebody who didn't have insurance got involved in accident and hospitalized. They felt like they wanted to kill themselve when they saw the medical bills... a few days in hospital costed $600,000.


do u think the 45 million americans without health insurance don't know about the cost of healthcare? Pleasee
They just can't afford it and thats why out ER's are crowded with folks that need to visit a general practitioner but can't because they can't afford it.
do u think the 45 million americans without health insurance don't know about the cost of healthcare? Pleasee
They just can't afford it and thats why out ER's are crowded with folks that need to visit a general practitioner but can't because they can't afford it.

WTH are you talkin' about !?
Nobody is talking about 45 mil american in this thread. We are talking about the OP and he is willing to pay.
WTH are you talkin' about !?
Nobody is talking about 45 mil american in this thread. We are talking about the OP and he is willing to pay.

I was making a reference to someone saying that " he/she can't believe that in one yr, nati332001 dosen't have insurance" and am jusy trying to let them know that there are folks out there who haven't had insurance in yrs.
If he can afford private insurance, that would be awesome.
I was making a reference to someone saying that " he/she can't believe that in one yr, nati332001 dosen't have insurance"
that's not what I said. I said - I can't believe that in a whole year you didn't find a job with health insurance. That was before he corrected his post to say that he'd only been here for a week.

Heck, when I was working for Hardee's for $5/hour, they offered insurance.