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Danc00: The short answer to your question is no. The Asylee Adjustment lawsuit has nothing to do with it. It has everything to with the intent of Congress when the Act was passed and then revised sometime in the 80\'s.(It\'s been a while since I looked at the legislative history)
The old cap was of 5,000 Adjustments a year,and they raised it to cope with the rising number of asylum grants. They haven\'t touched the cap since. Congress intended for every asylee to become a permanent resident one year after the asylum grant, but due to either the sheer number of new grants or the expanding legal definition of persecution, the cap is just inadequate. Other than that, I\'m somewhat surprised no one has ever brought an equal protection challenge of section 209(b)--be it "facial" or "as applied". Refugees have no such cap and once permanent residence is granted, their adjustment date is their date of entry in the U.S. and not just the one year backdate from the actual date of adjustment given to asylees. In other words, if a refugee has been waiting five years for INS to process permanent residence, once granted they\'d automatically be eligible for naturalization.(not so for asylees) Does this violate the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution? The answer is MAYBE. As for everything in law, there\'s never a straight answer. But in general, courts don\'t like declaring laws unconstitutional, trying this would be an uphill battle which is probably why no one has tried it yet. But we will never know until someone tries. The only thing asylees have going for them is the fact that there are no caps for asylum grants in a given year(except for the coercive population control basis)but even for that INS has a way around it. Refugee admission on the other hand is determined by the executive branch(i.e. the president) every year. I think for fiscal 2002, the cap is set at 70,000. Bottom line, the Asylee cap makes no sense and it has got to go either by legal challenge or by a simple amendment of the text. Well, this was probably longer an answer than you cared for. Sorry. Good luck and hang in there!!!