Needs permanent residency


New Member
I have a friend that is on a temporary visa. He has decided to stay here permenately. How can he go about this. I want to help him as much as I can. He means alot to my family. He is from Russia and is a wonderful man. Please if anyone has any GOOD ideas please help us!! I really do not know anything about getting a longterm visa or a greencard or how much hassle this will be. What can we do? He is like a part of our family and I don't want to see him leave. He does not want to go back to live, either. HELP!!!!
brandy101 said:
I have a friend that is on a temporary visa. He has decided to stay here permenately. How can he go about this.

Unless he has a company willing to sponsor him or an American who wants to marry him, he cannot stay.
If he has already decided to stay here, are you asking for any blueprints so as to hide? :D

If he is desiring to immigrate, then find a company or a beautiful American wife willing to sponsor him.
brandy101 said:
He has said he is staying no matter what and he will not ever go back there to live.

Since he is from a former communist country, check for the possibility of applying political asylum.
Other than that i dont have anything to add to what others have said.
pv1976 said:
Since he is from a former communist country, check for the possibility of applying political asylum.
Other than that i dont have anything to add to what others have said.

That may not cut any ice as it is a "former" communist nation and I doubt if the US would jeopardize its relations with the Russians for one immigrant.

your username suggests that you might be of the female persuasion. if you haven't managed to snag a hubby for yourself as yet, here's your chance. do yourselves both a favor :)
Invest 1 million $ will do too.

Another way is to rob a bank of course and make sure kill somebody during the robbery. If he successed, he would have the money and freedom to spend and a nice GC. If failed, he would go to prison for life which garrantees not going back to his home country. They even have medicare for prisoners!!!

Good luck!

brandy101 said:
I have a friend that is on a temporary visa. He has decided to stay here permenately. How can he go about this. I want to help him as much as I can. He means alot to my family. He is from Russia and is a wonderful man. Please if anyone has any GOOD ideas please help us!! I really do not know anything about getting a longterm visa or a greencard or how much hassle this will be. What can we do? He is like a part of our family and I don't want to see him leave. He does not want to go back to live, either. HELP!!!!

If he has been persecuted by Putin govt, he can apply for political asylum just like all of us here did. But he needs a good Attorney in case he blunders like I did the first time. Anyway the majority of asylees did not hire an attorney.Besides he can get free legal advise from:

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Great suggestion Chinabee. Lol.

It is just so coooooooool.

Loved it ;) :D :D :D :D
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