• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Need Help with photo for DV2010

Thanks a lot!

Make a picture with a higher resolution e.g. 1600 x 1200 pixel, cut out the area you need and bring it to 600*600 pixel

Thanks a lot lucky one.. I combined your idea of a high resolution with the idea of cropping from livingwater and I got a good result!
Thanks a lot!
Wow, complicated stuff. However, if the system accepts the photos, doesn't it mean they're valid and that you can't be rejected based on them?
Thank you very much Tazmania :)

You'r welcome drcamilaw, just make sure that you have a good quality photo.

Can i ask what should i include in the "Address" line for the street ?

Should it be just "Baking Soda" or it should also contain the number of the streat, the letter of my building, and my appartment number like in "Baking Soda N10 A ap. 10" :)

To try to finilize the deal, in the instructions we have

The head of the person should cover about 50% of the area of the photograph.

And in the guide we have
The head height or facial region size (measured from the top of the head, including the hair, to the bottom of the chin) must be between 50% and 69% of the image's total height

Which means that if i follow the Instructions i must do a Big head photo, because 50% of the entire area of the photo means big head, but if i follow the guide i must do a small head photo haha which is not 50% of the photo area.
O well :)
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Does anyone know of any instances where a DV lottery winner was denied visa based the photo submitted for the online entry?
I know a case when it was denied in DV-2008 for greenish background (consulate in Tashkent) of two members of the family (husband and child). it is definitely not an off-white background, even though it was very light one
Ok...I am getting a little worried now..

The photos we submitted was taken from a digital camera and resized/cropped (I don't know, my spouse did it). I think as result of that, I think the photos look shrunk (meaning opposite of stretched).

I don't feel comfortable with all this talk about photos....I think we thought that as long as the photo was accepted on the online entry form it would be ok.
raevsky, i think this photo will fail under the requirements of no additional digital enhansments (retouching) aside from the greeen color.

buwalagos, the Photo Validator only checks for the technical aspects of the photograph.I came across people that have experimented and submitted photos of Darth Vader with the correct resolution, and the photo validator returned them as Good :)
raevsky, i think this photo will fail under the requirements of no additional digital enhansments (retouching) aside from the greeen color.
Could be. It was scanned with low resolution scanner, and it contained the scanner info. But the reason for denial was greenish background. I had to remove the facial features, and the scanner info disappeared.
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Do you think I should be worried about my photos....I keep looking at them....and feeling upset...

Would they soley deny the visa based on the photos. Wouldn't they look in to other factors, such as higher education etc.
Well, I won't make the mistake of such a crazy background. Can we provide new photos in case they reject the previous ones at the interview? Or will they just reject them and not notify you?

And, say I were to go to a professional photographer who knows what US pictures should look like (there's a photo studio right by the US consulate in Amsterdam that specialises in US immigration photos), then those photos should be good, right? The only way they'd go wrong is if they were scanned badly?
raevsky, are you saying that that photo passed the Lottery random drawing ?
Was it rejected on the Visa interview ?
If so then Wohohohowww :) If such a background (you are right it is blue haha) can pass and be selected for visa ... I doub that thou ...Maby it's a photo of a Child and the Photo of the Winner was ok.
raevsky, are you saying that that photo passed the Lottery random drawing ?
Was it rejected on the Visa interview ?
If so then Wohohohowww If such a background (you are right it is blue haha) can pass and be selected for visa ... I doub that thou ...Maby it's a photo of a Child and the Photo of the Winner was ok.
It was denied during the interview. The wife was the winner. Her photo was not denied. It is her older son's photo that caused disqualification of the entry
For the love of God, they posted the same guide on the photo validator :( oh my ... what to do what to do :(

The image must contain the full face, neck, and shoulders of the entrant in frontal view with a neutral, non-smiling expression and with eyes open and directed at the camera.

Making the face take 50% of the photo and having the shoulders and neck show is simply impossible :(

Is the photo validator working for you guys ? All i get after pressing submit is page can not be found ?
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Does anybody know if flash (and lamp) reflections in the eyes are acceptable? I set up a few lamps around me when taking the picture to have the right level of brightness and to avoid shadows, but the resulting picture now has some light reflections in the eyes.

(It seems even some of the examples of well-composed pictures on the photo validator page have some reflections in the eyes.)