Need Advise Plzzzzzz, Green Card Take Forever!!


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I havent heard anything from INS, my case is kinda strange because i was already married to a US citizen, she file for me but we couldnt really leave together she did nt wanna work, i was paying all the bills life was terrible for me, she was using me, so we divorced while my AOS was pending, She withdrew the application.....during that hectic period i met my currently wife...she file for me in Sept, 2006 and i was interviewed in Dec 2006......, The interview was very okay the officer said everything look okay that he has to recall my other file from another INS office.................since then i havent heard from INS two weeks ago i had a letter to go for biometrics again for my I-485...........does this mean i will be approve soon, why is it taking this long?
Pls advise me..........anybody with similar experience?
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Your fingerprints expired (somehow!)
well, they do expire every 12 months while your AOS is pending, so you have to renew them. It may have nothing to do with your case.
I'd schedule an infopass appointment if I were you, just to see where your case stands.
Yes. I think so too.

I know they expire... I just think it's "funny" that something that never changes in you (unless you cut your fingertips off) expires...

I was once told by a DHS employee that the reason the fingerprints expire was because the computer system holding the digital version of the fingerprints lacks the memory to hold all of the fingerprints being taken and can only hold approximately 15 months worth of data. Is that not the biggest pile of garbage excuse that you have ever heard? It doesn't even make sense. I mean, even if this business about the computing system being antiquated is true, what about the hard copies of the fingerprints? Surely they do not expire, and I seriously doubt they are destroyed. If someone showed up with completely different fingerprints than those taken the last time someone was fingerprinted, I have no doubt that the hard copy would be immediately pulled for comparison.

Yeah, I just find it hard to believe that the FBI doesn't print out and store a hard copy of the digital fingerprints. Yeah, governments are stupid, and the US government is extra stupid, and yeah, the FBI and USCIS are near the top of the list of idiotic government agencies, but I just cannot believe that the government throws away fingerprints.
I was once told by a DHS employee that the reason the fingerprints expire was because the computer system holding the digital version of the fingerprints lacks the memory to hold all of the fingerprints being taken and can only hold approximately 15 months worth of data.

what about FPs of all the criminals? surely, they don't just perish from the system every 15 months?
and wouldn't it be cheaper to buy more memory, than to pay the whole army of FP-takers, processors, keepers, etc.?
I was once told by a DHS employee that the reason the fingerprints expire was because the computer system holding the digital version of the fingerprints lacks the memory to hold all of the fingerprints being taken and can only hold approximately 15 months worth of data. Is that not the biggest pile of garbage excuse that you have ever heard?

It's nonsense.

The results of the fingerprint check expire every 15 months because USCIS wants newer data. They don't have a means for requesting the check again on the same fingerprints, so they just do the FP again.
Yes. I think so too.

I know they expire... I just think it's "funny" that something that never changes in you (unless you cut your fingertips off) expires...

You dont need to cut the fingertips off , burning the fingertips is good enough to change the finger prints:cool: