Naturalization Question


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I am going for an Interview next monday. And will appreciate if anyone can help me answer the below question?

Who is the head of your local government? [i live in VA]

Should i name senators, governor or Chairman at large of the county i am living in.

Thanks in advance.

Well, the answer is Governor, Mayor is the head of the city and not State (or Commonwealth as is the case with Virginia)
That question is not in the old or new test.

These are the closest questions to it:

What is the head executive of a city government called?
▪ The Mayor

Who is the Governor of your state now?
▪ Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. does not have a Governor.]
However I would say the answer to that question should it come up is "The Mayor".

Local Government usually refers to the City.

If the question was about State Gov., then "The Governor" would be the answer.
There are 3 levels of government: Federal, State and Local. Local is comprised of city and county government, so current mayor would be acceptable answer.