N-400 San Francisco timeline

Hi All,
My mother had an interview at SF DO on Sep 28th 2009. She was told after the interview that she has passed and language, history and civics test but they needed to make a 2nd review of the application so they said she will receive a decision by a letter. when i asked them when should we receive the letter, the officeer said within a month. also when i asked why 2nd review, the officer said it's a normal process which ppl have to go through. But I've never heard this happening with other family members. There are some complications to my mother's applications though.
She went to India on Dec 17th 2008 and came back Jun 10th 2009. almost 5 months and 23 days.

Went to India 12/17/2009
Came back from India 06/10/200
Mailed N-400 06/19/2009
Finger Print 07/29/2009
Interview Date 09/28/2009
Also, she has applied for naturalization in Aug 2008 which was rejected on the basis that she didn't fullfill the continuous residence requirement as she stayed outeside of US for 10 months in last 5 years from 2002 Oct to 2008 Aug. but we just took the chance that time. Now this time she stayed in US continuosly for 5 years. Within last 5 years she went to india but came back within 6 months. She went to India 4 times in last 5 years. The only thing worries me is that she applied for N-400 in 10 days after she came form India. But lots of my relatives have done this and never got denied/dalayed. Please advise what to expect in this situation.
Hi All,
My mother had an interview at SF DO on Sep 28th 2009. She was told after the interview that she has passed and language, history and civics test but they needed to make a 2nd review of the application so they said she will receive a decision by a letter. when i asked them when should we receive the letter, the officeer said within a month. also when i asked why 2nd review, the officer said it's a normal process which ppl have to go through. But I've never heard this happening with other family members. There are some complications to my mother's applications though.
She went to India on Dec 17th 2008 and came back Jun 10th 2009. almost 5 months and 23 days.

Went to India 12/17/2009
Came back from India 06/10/200
Mailed N-400 06/19/2009
Finger Print 07/29/2009
Interview Date 09/28/2009
Also, she has applied for naturalization in Aug 2008 which was rejected on the basis that she didn't fullfill the continuous residence requirement as she stayed outeside of US for 10 months in last 5 years from 2002 Oct to 2008 Aug. but we just took the chance that time. Now this time she stayed in US continuosly for 5 years. Within last 5 years she went to india but came back within 6 months. She went to India 4 times in last 5 years. The only thing worries me is that she applied for N-400 in 10 days after she came form India. But lots of my relatives have done this and never got denied/dalayed. Please advise what to expect in this situation.

If you look at the document list (the white sheet of 2 pages) that accompanied your mom's interview letter there is one section which says-
"If you have taken a trip outside US for more than 6 months since you became permanent resident bring following:"
and that list 2 documents.
I do not know whether your mom has taken those two for interview,
and if not mostly they may ask for those.

Please note in the above sentence is looking for whole history since getting GC, not just 5 years.
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Updating my status

Mailed 05/28/2009
PD 06/01/2009
FP 07/10/2009 (Oakland)
YN 07/29/2009 (Yellow notice to bring Photo ID)
IL 08/05/2009
ID 09/10/2009
OL Waiting
Posting my status... I'll update as things progress....

Pretty straightforward application...

Been lurking for a while... reading all the good advice (thanks all)...
It'll probably come in handy at some point.
lost passport


one of my friend had lost the passport and just found out,she had interview at next week,its too late for her to do anything right now,whats going to happen if she doesnt has passport with her?

Was anybody has the same experience?

Folks, I just wrapped up my interview this morning. Here is my experience:

Appt. was scheduled for 9am and I got to the building at 8:45am. I carried my DL, GC, all Passports, IL, YL, 2 extra PP Photos and proof that I paid the Public Urination citation I recd. in 2002 (which I listed in my N400). I checked in on the 2nd floor and was directed to the 3rd floor for the interview. There were only 2 other people there and I was called in literally 2 mins after I got there. The IO was an older, soft spoken gentleman who was having a 'good day' and that got me even more relaxed. I swore to tell the truth etc. etc and we began the interview.

He went through my N400 in great detail and verified all the information that was in there. He asked to see my GC, DL and PP and verified all my trips and validated those against the PP. Everything on the application checked out...he told me my eyes were Brown and not Black (which is the color listed on my PP and my N400) and that he would be changing it and asked if that was okay with me. I didn't really care, although I do still believe my eyes are black, but whatever....We came to the part about my citation and he asked to see proof of payment - I had that with me so it wasn't a big deal. He verified that I recd. the citation >5 years ago when I wasn't even a Perm Resident and I said Yes. After going through the application he had me sign it in a couple of different places and we then moved on to the Test portion of the interview.

He asked me to read "What do we pay the government" and then to write "We pay taxes" - He asked me the following 10 questions, and although I got the first 6 correct, he did actually ask me all 10 (the order below is not correct)

1) How many Senators
2) What ocean is to the East
3) What was the major cause of the civil war
4) What stops the govt from becoming too powerful
5) When was the constitution written
6) What is freedom of religion
7) Who is one of your current US Senators
8) What is the capital of the US
9) When must all men register for SS
10) Name one state that borders Canada

The entire interview was over in 20 mins and he told me he was recommending me for approval. I asked him about being able to lock in a specific oath ceremony because I was leaving the country late Dec and wanted to ensure either I had enough time to get my US PP or just do the Oath early next year when I'm back. He didn't know what the Oath schedule was but said I can reschedule the Oath if it doesn't jive with my plans. Either way, I wasn't too concerned. so I shook his hand, thanked him for his time and was outta there...

Since I work less than 5 blocks from 630 Sansome, I was back at work within the hour.....My timeline is below - Good luck to everyone else waiting to wrap up this process.

My complete timeline is below:

6/24/09: N400 mailed
6/26/09: N400 Received/Priority Date
6/29/09: NOA Date
6/30/09: Check Cashed
7/02/09: NOA Received
7/08/09: FP Notice Date
7/13/09: FP Notice Received
7/22/09: FP Date
8/13/09: CFR Notice Date
8/17/09: CFR Notice Received
8/28/09: IL Date
8/31/09: IL Received
10/6/09: Interview Date (Recommended for Approval)
I had same experience, IO asked me to look at the light above, and then told my eyes are dark black, whereas I wrote just black, but I do not see dark black in choice, he might have marked brown. So, probably we have same IO, my IO name was R.N.

how did he check departure dates, because they do not exist in PP.
As For me, he did not check each and every date in PP, though I prepared myself with all page numbers. I wanted to use entry date stamp in India to use as approximate departure date in US. but 2 entry dates were not even stamped :)

Folks, I just wrapped up my interview this morning. Here is my experience:

Everything on the application checked out...he told me my eyes were Brown and not Black (which is the color listed on my PP and my N400) and that he would be changing it and asked if that was okay with me. I didn't really care, although I do still believe my eyes are black, but whatever....
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My IO's initials were W.D. so it doesn't sound like we had the same person. In terms of verifying travel dates, the countries that I have visited in the last 5 years all provide entry and exit stamps in your PP and that's how he was able to do it. Either way, if your dates are off here and there, it's not an issue at all.
Update on my case.

Hi all,

Thanks for keeping me informed on your experiences in the SF office. I finally had my interview day this morning.

I had a great experience and did get a very nice Asian lady that was so helpful and open with me. She went through my entire application and did confuse me in the middle when she asked me if I knew 'what the constitution was?.' As I wasn't expecting the test to happen during the application review, I was caught of guard. However, she answered the questions before I could get my head straight. She also asked me why I traveled so much to my home country and if I had any kids that I hadn't recognized. They ask logical questions I guess.

She pulled a set of questions and asked me 6 questions that I got correct.

1) What is freedom of religion? you can practice or not practice religion
2) One state that borders Canada? New York
3) What year was the constitution written? 1987
4) What is the age for the selective services? 18, and between 18-26
5) What ocean borders the east coast of the US? Atlantic
6) How many senators in congress? 100

She then said that she is 'recommending me for US citizenship.' I also got the pocket with the US Passport application.

About the Oath ceremony, I asked her when they were happening and she said that they 'may have' (not sure yet), an oath ceremony on Oct 22nd. The reason I asked this is because as a Sales Trainer, I have to travel to Asia most of November. She took notes on my request, but made no promises. She said that if I don't get in on Oct. 22nd, to do it in December when I am back from my business trip.

All in all, it was a great experience. It was quick and I did feel a bit nervous.

My Time Line:
6/26/09 - Sent application
7/23/09 - Fingerprints appt that I couldn't make
8/15/09 - Did Fingerprints finally
10/7/09 - Interview
did u mean 1787 (when constitution was written)?

Hi all,

Thanks for keeping me informed on your experiences in the SF office. I finally had my interview day this morning.

I had a great experience and did get a very nice Asian lady that was so helpful and open with me. She went through my entire application and did confuse me in the middle when she asked me if I knew 'what the constitution was?.' As I wasn't expecting the test to happen during the application review, I was caught of guard. However, she answered the questions before I could get my head straight. She also asked me why I traveled so much to my home country and if I had any kids that I hadn't recognized. They ask logical questions I guess.

She pulled a set of questions and asked me 6 questions that I got correct.

1) What is freedom of religion? you can practice or not practice religion
2) One state that borders Canada? New York
3) What year was the constitution written? 1987
4) What is the age for the selective services? 18, and between 18-26
5) What ocean borders the east coast of the US? Atlantic
6) How many senators in congress? 100

She then said that she is 'recommending me for US citizenship.' I also got the pocket with the US Passport application.

About the Oath ceremony, I asked her when they were happening and she said that they 'may have' (not sure yet), an oath ceremony on Oct 22nd. The reason I asked this is because as a Sales Trainer, I have to travel to Asia most of November. She took notes on my request, but made no promises. She said that if I don't get in on Oct. 22nd, to do it in December when I am back from my business trip.

All in all, it was a great experience. It was quick and I did feel a bit nervous.

My Time Line:
6/26/09 - Sent application
7/23/09 - Fingerprints appt that I couldn't make
8/15/09 - Did Fingerprints finally
10/7/09 - Interview
Had my interview today

IO went through the entire application with a comb, mildly chastened me for not disclosing traffic tickets in the original application form, but in the end recommended me for naturaliztion.
She said that I can expect the oath letter within the next two months. I am assuming that that timeframe is required for some sort of formality/due diligence that they need to complete on their end. My question is that in places like VA and MD, they get an option to do the oath the same day. How come no due diligence is required there?

On October 3rd, I received an online message from the USCIS website saying that they sent me an REF ( Request of Evidence ) for my N-400 application but I only received the FP notice on the 5th. Is that Common? Is FP the same as Request of Evidence? If you have any knowledge please let me know?

Thanks in advance