N-400 Loss and Gain

Only one thing is that you cannot run for US president UNLESS amendement is modified to allow based on proposal (eventually).

That's right, Ahhhhhnold 2012!

An interesting thought occurred to me a while back. If both the President and Vice President die, the Speaker of the House becomes President. Let's suppose that such a scenario occurred, but the Speaker of the House was a naturalized citizen. Would s/he still be allowed to become President?
That's right, Ahhhhhnold 2012!

An interesting thought occurred to me a while back. If both the President and Vice President die, the Speaker of the House becomes President. Let's suppose that such a scenario occurred, but the Speaker of the House was a naturalized citizen. Would s/he still be allowed to become President?

Under the law (I think), they (representatives/congress) will have to elect the speaker of the house who is only a natural/born US citizen, not naturalized citizen. as you mentioned, it can be possible.
Why stop at the speaker of the house?..as the line of succession goes further, the chances of a naturalized replacement increases:


Actually, if you scroll down to the notes, it clearly states that non-natural born Cabinet members are ineligible to become the Acting President. I guess that answers our question!

This is my 2c.

LOSS (small or none)

- your country citizenship? (In many cases you can preserve dual citizenship – US does not force you to give up your old citizenship, but some other countries like India, Germany etc.)
- your right to vote at your country? (Generally, for majority of countries this is preserved)
- your right to become a politician in your country? (This is limited by the State Department policy, but generally I do not think that many ppl very forbidden to take role in politics. I think that State Department is worried only if you want to do politics in terrorist, unfriendly to US countries etc.)
- you have to pay U.S. taxes on your world-wide income (to be honest – I do not see this as a huge downside…..if you have GC, you are in the same situation)
- have to serve military if required (not a big deal since U.S. has almost exclusively voluntary army)

GAIN (only plys)
- right to vote in the US (and run for the office)
- can leave US for more than 6 months
- can apply citizenship for your kids/parents from another country
- Green Card can be taken away very easy. It takes lot of sweat for a citizenship to be revoked.
- As a citizen, you do not have to deal with USCIS all the time: report change of the address, answer inquiries, extend your GC etc.
- In case of emergency in foreign country, as a US citizen, you will be evacuated by the Embassy.
- you will not need visas for many countries
- you do not have to carry GC all the time with you
- morally – feeling as an American is great thing…there is no more open, welcoming and opportunity offering country than this one.

I like the evacuation right...