N-400 Hartford, CT Tracking

If you apply thru mail it will take 2 weeks like any visa. But if you go in person, you can get it on the same day.
Pretty quiet over here. I know I have a long way to go, but I have a curious question to ask. Should I even bother call USCIS and find out the status (like if my namecheck is done) ?... or dont even bother ? Also can someone please give me the number to call. Thanks
Last time when I called USCIS they said after FP if it is 7 + months then you ask about interview letter. till then just wait.
ok .. thank you :) .. appreciate your input !.. I will keep quiet for another couple more months and see if I should call then.

Hi guys. thanks for all your support. here's my interview highlights...bottomline...everything went well and i have my oath date on Dec 21st...

I reached 450 Main St around 1:10, parked right around the metered parking spots behind the bldg put in coins for 2:30 hours, went through security check x-ray machine. It took a good 10 mins there, since i was with my wife and 2 kids ... i know... i know.. i was told its not a good idea to take kids... but i didn't have any choice..

reached room 421 at 1:20...both myself(1:30 interview) and my wife (2:00 interview) submitted our interview letters and waited in the seating area.

I was called about 1:40 i think...got a very courteous officer...after making me take the oath i sat on the guest chair in the cubicle of this officer...i mentioned my wife is outside with our kids and she has a 2:00 appt...i hope she can be called after i'm done so i can take care of the kids outside...he checked she was not on his list of candidates...but he said he'll look into it soon...he asked for my GC, DL and PP. He reviewed my application and verified the information that was in it for most part...I told him about a trip to India after the application in July-Aug for a month...he verified it in my PP...i also had a 1 day trip to India in June that i almost forgot about... he saw that in PP and pointed that I was out of the country in June as well...i was confused since i failed to remember that trip... my memory didn't serve me well... at last i remembered... but almost cursed myself for not remembering an important detail like that... could've almost gotten myself in trouble there....anyways he moved on...asked about my traffic ticket...i mentioned i had that in NY 4 years ago...he asked if it was speeding ticket...i mentioned yes and that it is the only one on my record so far in this country...he then checked my employer address who did my GC and subsequent employments since then. i am self employed for 1 1/2 years now... he asked me if i filed my taxes...i said i did and on offering him the copies of my 5 year returns he took and browsed it quickly...he asked how i paid my taxes now that i run my own business...i showed him the latest Estimated taxes receipt... he seemed satisfied...he also asked to see my birth certificate...commented on how old and torn out the original certificate was...next a sentence to read in English...and a sentence to write in English...and the interview:
What are the colors in the Flag? red, white and blue
Who is the current president? George W. Bush
Which year was the constitution signed? 1787
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.? Civil Rights Leader
Which president signed emancipation proclamation? Abraham Lincoln
What is the minimum voting age? 18 years
Who becomes the president if both the president and vice-president die? Speaker of the house

I guess he asked 10 questions..all of which i answered correctly...i can only remember what i've written above.

he made me sign on the edge of the 2 photographs that were submitted with N400 app, then he asked me if i'm ok with Dec 21st 10:30 for oath in New Haven... i said that's perfect...then he checked who the immig officer for my wife was and went to that lady-officer who was in the cubicle next to him and told her about my oath date.

He printed out my oath letter and lo! i'm done!!....i came outside and my wife was called in 5 mins later...had a quick check on her documents...no tax receipts, but was asked her birth certificate too...she got the oath date same as mine as expected..and we left the bldg around 3:00

So guys...thanks for all your help....i hope my experience will be beneficial to others in here...

My advise is to do make sure to get all the documents even if not asked..check the list in the "sticky" in this forum...and if you're coming with a baggage like i was :)....give urself sufficient time to park and go through security...btw, if you're more than 10 mins late, you have to reschedule....that's written in the seating area in room 421...

Congratulations aGCseeker !! Appreciate you taking time to post your experience.
For me I have only one concern .. I dont have a birth certificate (neither does my wife). We got a couple of notarized affidavits (on Indian Stamp papers) signed by our parents when we got our GCs. I hope those 2 affidavits (each) will suffice.
rembi, if you've used those for your 485 app, then they should... these guys are very polite and in fact for my wife, she was all done with her interview, and her officer asked what she has in her file besides GC and PP. she mentioned its her birth certificate...so the officer asked to take a look at it...

don't be overly concerned is what i would say....show what you have...a notarized affidavit seems like a good-enough documents since you either don't have or have lost the originals...the officers are are actually there to help you...USCIS does show a human face when you meet them at least...they're great people...they are just doing a final verification before they grant you citizenship...
Thank you... when we are waiting for the IL .. we keep thinking about things that can go wrong and be very concerned. Thats why I really like this forum where we can share some concerns and get answers too keep us at ease.

In CTN400's absence. I will update the spreadsheet and post it back now that you are done with the your IL and got the Oath date too (there are a couple more updates too with IL receipts)
I had my interview in Hartford office today (11/28) at 9 AM. I had some trouble with middle name, it was spelled incorrectly on the birth certificate, the officer said he would have to go with the spelling on my birth certificate, if I want that changed I would have to go through name change process. I went with spelling on birth certificate, didn't want to go through the horror of name check :) :)
Officer said he would ask max 10 questions out of which I need to get six correct. I got one wrong ... these were the questions
What do 13 stripes on the flag stand for
What do we celebrate on July 4th
Who helped Pilgrims in America
Name one right or freedom guaranteed by first amendment
Who was Martin Luther King Jr
Who elects the president
For how long is the president elected

The officer also asked me if I owe any taxes overdue and if I usually get refund back or I have to pay. He didn't ask for tax returns

The only documents I had to present were Appointment Letter, Passport, Green Card and Driver's License. But it is always better to have to all the documents with you at the time of interview.

Thank you for all the support and comments.


RD - 01/30/2007
PD - 01/30/2007
ND - 02/08/2007
Finger Printing - 02/22/07
Interview - 11/28/07
Oath Scheduled - 12/21/07 ( Bridgeport )
Hi guys,
I have also problem like aGCseekar has. i had one day trip of canada 5-6 years ago. i forgot to mention in N400 form. What should i do? Should i call customer service and tell them about this or should i tell this to interview officer at the time of interview?
meek1234, don't worry, USCIS just wants accurate info, i would suggest you wait it out till the interview.Yyou don't have much time left for the interview, and you definitely do not want any additional postponements. I would present the forgotten information at the time of the interview. Anyways... here's from the "sticky" thread in the US citizenship forum about what documents to bring to INS to make you feel better:

[16] New application or Separate piece of paper about Updated information: If there is any change occurred on any information after filing the naturalization application, including those which were forgotten to include on the application at the time of filing, then you must bring the relevant part of the application with updated information, or provide those updated information on a separate piece of papers. This way officers just attach that new updated information/application in applicant's file. Officers like when someone makes their job easy; otherwise they have to write everything on the application, which could be a hassle to some of them.
Thank you... when we are waiting for the IL .. we keep thinking about things that can go wrong and be very concerned. Thats why I really like this forum where we can share some concerns and get answers too keep us at ease.

In CTN400's absence. I will update the spreadsheet and post it back now that you are done with the your IL and got the Oath date too (there are a couple more updates too with IL receipts)

Nice to hear all the details here. Congrats to MEEK1234 and DNIVRAB for their ILs. Congrats to AGCSEEKER for his and his wife's successful interview. Good luck to SBA for upcoming interview. Nice job REMBI to take over to update the spreadsheet. It has been a great site to share everybody's concerns and anxieties !

Sorry not to login this site regularly as you understand my situation. I will be back on Dec 4th. Completed marriage and honeymoon successfully :) I didn't receive the oath letter right away after interview. I hope it should be in the mail when I come back.

Good luck to all !
Thanks, rembi. I just called them, and they gave me a confirmation # and let me wait for FP for next 45 days. If I still won't get it. let me call them again.

So my whole case gonna be longer than usual? I am really depressed. I should've go on this nice blog much eariler. I really need citiznship ASAP to get my wife to here.

Again, thanks everyone for sharing the information. Particularly, CTN400.

Hi all,

I just want to share my information with you all. I called 1800-375-5283 on Nov. 19, and received a letter from VSC dated on Nov. 20, saying they sent the FP notice to me before but I didn't show up. Anyway, they are sending me another notice. However, so far, after 2 weeks, I haven't received any notice yet.

Does anyone experience delayed FP but no overall delay for the whole process?
Hi all,

I just want to share my information with you all. I called 1800-375-5283 on Nov. 19, and received a letter from VSC dated on Nov. 20, saying they sent the FP notice to me before but I didn't show up. Anyway, they are sending me another notice. However, so far, after 2 weeks, I haven't received any notice yet.

Does anyone experience delayed FP but no overall delay for the whole process?

I also got same feedback about my FP. But make sure you have put your name on the mail box. I did my FP after 6 months of my PD, but ID was on as per the timeline of others. It didn't delay the things.