N-400: 1 yr since interview...still waiting

Sorry to hear that you have to restart your processing from scratch, following 5 yrs PR path. I would suggest you to file it from St. Antonio, TX. So far that's the fastest processing place for N-400 ( takes about 3 months ). I am assuming you are divorced with your previous wife, and young enough to marry aging sooner or later. Have you clarified the following situation with your lawer: 1) what if you get married again between submitting the application and before the interview ? ( I know after going through all these probably no one would take that chance ) Will that have any negetavie consequences with your interview? or would that delay bringing your wife ( if you marry abroad ). Would INS go after you aging inorder to give you more trouble to find out if the 1st marrige was bonafide and ask you to provide proof for that blah, blah? 2) Is there any waiting period after getting divorced to marry second time? Besides Shaky, if any one else have any experience with the above sitution, please share experience, thought or suggestion. ----Thanks
Sorry to hear about your situtation. You have been one of the most frequent posters on this group so we are all well aware of your case and sympathize with your predicament.

In spite of what your lawyer may advise you, I still think that you should fight this and send in the requested documents. My understanding is that citizenship eligibility is based on the date you apply, not what happens after (so long as you are a legal GC holder) That you divorced/seperated last year shows that you were married for a four to five years and that marriage was in good faith. You probably need a a very competant lawyer to write a letter explaining your situation (with specific references to the law) when you send your documents. This way you will make it clear to them that if they deny you will appeal and take them to court and where you will a good chance of winning. I would think that CIS will want to avoid such a scenario.

Good luck and keep us posted.

I, by the way, am still waiting for my oath, almost 7 months after my interview!


I still believe that you should TRY and submit the documents you have. You really need to have a good attorney to help you with this last segment of Naturlization.
Plus what is the guarantee that next time they will not ask you about your first application? I think you will have to mention about this application plus your marriage nexttime you apply from anywhere.
Talk to couple of immigration attorneys and then decide.

Don't let them deny your application this time. Othewise you will have problems when you will apply next time. Send them all documents, and mention if you do not meet all requirements this time then you are willing to withdraw your application, and apply again later.

Just a word of caution. I live in Vermont and St Albans is my
local office. The processing time here is atleast 8 months,
regardless of what the online status says. I have visited
the INS office atleast 4-5 times and the Svc Center too.. Just
a bit of info for your attention

Thax buddy. someone told me San Ant Texas is faster... but texas will be too far from new york... and vermont is closer , this way i can keep ties with new york as well... since u live in vermont.. can u plz tell me lil bit about there... which town or county u live in and how are the rents up there and how easy it is to find apartments and stuff?

thanx alot.
Re: Rahul

and if i am not mistaking didnt u file in philly??? and u use to live in philly... if u moved from philly to vermont than u can tell me how hard was it to move there like finding apartments and stuff?
It should not be too hard to find a place in Burlington or Montpelier - 2 biggest cities. Cost of living is high.. Tax is approx 25% of Federal Liability.

Are u a techie? There are 1-2 big companies IBM,IDX etc. Try to
look for a decent job too before you pack up and move.

You maybe able to get an apartment here (shared living ) for under 500 bucks, if thats ok with u at South Burlington and downtown.

Overall, BTV is a fine place. Winters SUCK! -40 deg, Fall is FABULOUS. People are very nice, smallish community.

Local Office @ ST Albans is not usually crowded though i dont think they are very "efficient". Svc Ctr too is 2 miles from the DO.

I moved from PHL to VT in Nov-Dec. I guess my move is also slowing down my Natz process as Im yet to hear from them and the FBI does not even have a record of my name check! I hope they dont give me a run around...

Did I cover everything?

hello guys

i checked a week ago that vermont st albans was processing cases nov 3rd 2003 and san antonio was processing august 2003 cases.... today i checked and its other way around vermont is august 2003 and san antonio texas is nov 2003...whats going on with those times.... sometimes one office is faster and in no time its the slowest one...

Guys can u suggest me which office is the fasted N 400 processing office right now.? because after seeing theses times i am really confused ... and i need to move to fast processing state ..i think if i rely on uscis website and made my move i will be screwed....

please friends what are u suggestion?.... which one is fastest... or anyone who can post his timeline in san antonio// texas. or vermont st albans..

Thanx for input...

I also carefully studied processing times of various local districts before filing N 400. At that time Cincinnati, Ohio was the fastest with 3-6 months time .
After I filed N 400 in May 2003, I am still waiting for my interview, and the website shows they are processing cases of october 2002. My status ( from the day it is appearing) shows 370 days.
So , I have a reason to believe that eventhough it is worth moving to San Antonio, Tx, just it may so happen that
your processing time may be longer than what it is showing now! But I do wish you good luck !
Please keep all of us posted on your progress as this will be most interesting.
Checklist for Shaky


3) Find an apartment that falls under San Ant jurisdiction, may sound simplistic but sometimes jurisdictions change
4) Try to sign mon-mon lease instead of yearly
5) Visit local office and spk to officer tell them u are moving and applying and ask how long it takes etc?

AFTER YOU MOVE(Sign lease that is)
1) File AR11
2) Remember to file Resident Taxes in TX (TX has no income taxes!!!)
3) Get a TX Drv Lic
4) Move your mail from NY to TX. usps.com (there is a temporary option)

All the Best

From your recent postings it appears that you have pretty much given up on your previous application and intend to reapply. I think this is a mistake. Why don’t you just submit the evidence that INS is asking for and see what happens? I still don’t see why your divorce/separation after the interview should make you ineligible for citizenship as on the date of your application you were indeed married and hence the 3-year rule applied. Can you or your lawyer point to specific language in the law that would suggest otherwise? INA 319 (which deals with citizenship based on marriage) does not say anywhere that a person has to remain married until the time of the oath, so I am very curious to know the basis for your lawyer’s recommendation.

Move if you have to, but make sure you have exhausted all options before you move!

Oath Delay

Hi all,
After reading all the posts regarding Oath delay , I am really confused.....

Question: Till now I am not sure when this security check really starts...?

Moreover, If I assume it started with the FP and takes almost a year to cmplete , it means it should be done by interview time....

Really confused and frustrated


Really confused and frustrated

"Really confused and frustrated"

I understand your confusion and frustrations. Can somebody clear what kind of security check is done after the interview? There is no solid info. available on this issue. What happens to your file after the interview, no body know? No online tracking etc. Even some people on this forum pointed out that there files were in the storage and they got them out with the help of a Congressman or a Senator.
I wish you good luck Philadelphian and all others who are waiting for their Oath Ceremony.

Plz every one share your experience, specially those who are done with their Oath and went through agonizing wait for oath letter.
name check oath delay

hello all..

when i put inquiry with fbi about my name check status they sent me e mail saying my name check was done on dec 8th 2002.... and i thaught it was typo... i assumed it was 8th dec 2003. and the letter i recieved from fbi said 8th dec 2002... so now i am sure name check was done on dec 8 2002.

i filed my application may 2002. and got fingerprint notice feb 2003. so this means my name check was done before fingerprints??????? and when i had interview in july 2003 , i was told it was fbi name check delay. i mean what the...........

Nothing makes sense.